Displaying 3721 - 3740 of 4386 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act for regulating persons who hire or engage to perform voyages to the Indian Country or to Winter there. [7th May, 1796.] 36 George III Chapter 10 1796 This act allows for the regulation of any person who hired themselves out as a guide, conductor, canoeman, batteauman, or winterer, to perform a voyage to or from Upper Canada or "Indian Country," or to remain for any space of time, by entering into an agreement with an individual who shall act as their agent before a notary, to prevent the abandonment of services or the refusal of payment for said services. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in addition to, and in amendment of, an Act, passed in the thirty-fifth year of the Reign of His present Majesty, entitled, “An Act to amend, and reduce into one Act, the several Laws, now in being, relating to a Militia in this Province.” 36 George III – Chapter 10 1796 An amendment to an act first passed in 1795, which consolidated several past acts regarding militia service in the province. Early Canadiana Online
Acte pour faire, réparer et changer les chemins et ponts dans cette Province, et pour d’autres effets. [7me mai, 1796.] 36 George III Chapter 9 1796 Cet acte permet pour la construction de la grande-route du roi ainsi que d'autres routes importantes, leurs dimensions, où elles seront construites, qui est responsable pour leur maintient et construction, etc. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to enable the Inhabitants of the several Towns in this Province, to raise Monies for the Sinking of Wells, supplying the same with Pumps, and for keeping them in repair. 36 George III – Chapter 9 1796 This act allows the inhabitants of various townships to vote on the use of money required to construct wells and pumps, and to maintain wells and pumps for their respective townships. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for further continuing certain parts of an Act passed in the thirty-fourth year of His Majesty’s reign, intituled, “An Act for establishing regulations respecting Aliens and certain subjects of His Majesty, who have resided in France, coming into this Province or residing therein, and for empowering His Majesty to secure and detain persons charged with or suspected of High-Treason, and for the arrest and commitment of all persons who may individually by seditious practices attempt to disturb the Government of this Province.” [7th May, 1796.] 36 George III Chapter 8 1796 A continuation of an act passed in 1795 which relates to the establishment of any aliens who have resided in France for 6 months or more since 10 June 1789, or who have bought any real estate or public stock since that time. It also expands the legislation to include housekeepers who may reside with said aliens. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to regulate the Assize of Bread. 36 George III – Chapter 8 1796 This act regulates the weights, measures, and prices of different types of bread, based on the type of flour or meal used. Early Canadiana Online
Acte qui continue certaines parties d’un Acte passé dans la trente quatriéme année du règne de Sa Majesté, intitulé “Acte qui établit des reglements concernant les Etrangers et certains Sujets de Sa Majesté qui ayant résidé en France viennent dans cette Province ou y résident : et qui donne pouvoir à Sa Majesté de s’assurer et détenir des personnes accusées ou soupçonnées de Haute Trahison; et pour l’arrêt et emprisonnement de toutes personnes qui peuvent individuellement par des pratiques séditieuses tenter de troubler le Gouvernement de cette Province.” [7me mai, 1796.] 36 George III Chapter 8 1796 Une continuation d'un acte mis en place en 1795 concernant l'entrée des étrangers au Bas-Canada qui ont résidé en France pour 6 mois ou plus depuis le 10 juin 1789, ou qui ont acheté de la terre ou stocks publiques.
Early Canadiana Online
An Act for regulating, laying out and repairing Highways and Roads and for appointing Commissioners and Surveyors of Highways within the several Towns or Parishes in this Province, and for suspending for a limited Time, all the Laws now in force relating to the same. Passed, the 12th March, 1796. 36 George III Chapter 7 1796 This act replaces similar legislation 1786 and 1791 until 1801, and makes new provisions for highway construction, financing and repair, and penalties for those who violate these terms. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1796. Fredericton: Christopher Sower, 1796.
An Act for making a temporary provision for the Regulation of Trade between this Province and the United States of America, by Land or by Inland Navigation. [7th May, 1796.] 36 George III Chapter 7 1796 This act allows for the suspension of any ordinance, in whole or in part, of any ordinance or act of this province relative to trade by the Governor or Lieutenant Governor, and to give directions and make regulations with respect to imports, exports, duties, or anything else between Lower Canada and the United States. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an act, entitled, “An act to authorize and direct the laying and collecting of assessments and rates in every district within this province, and to provide for the payment of wages to the members of the house of assembly.” 36 George III Chapter 7 1796 This act allows magistrates to set the rates of taxation in their respective districts for the payment of wages to members of the house of assembly. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, passed in the year 1796. Niagara: Gideon Tiffany, 1796.
An Act to authorize the lieutenant governor to nominate and appoint certain commissioners for the purposes herein mentioned. 36 George III Chapter 6 1796 This act authorizes the lieutenant governor to appoint commissioners to negotiate a new arrangement for the regulation of trade between Upper and Lower Canada. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, passed in the year 1796. Niagara: Gideon Tiffany, 1796.
An Act for better regulating the Weight and Rates at which certain Coins shall pass Current in this Province, for preventing the falsifying, counterfeiting or impairing the same, and for repealing the Act or Ordinance therein mentioned. [7th May, 1796.] 36 George III Chapter 5 1796 This act seeks to regulate the currency circulating within the province, as well as defining exchange rates between Lower Canada and other countries and territories. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal certain parts of an act passed in the thirty-third year of his Majesty’s reign entitled, “An act to encourage the destroying the Wolves and Bears in different parts of this province.” 36 George III Chapter 5 1796 This act repeals prior legislation granting public bounties to those who destroy wolves and/or bears along highways. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, passed in the year 1796. Niagara: Gideon Tiffany, 1796.
An Act for Preventing unnecessary Expense and delay in the Process of barring Entails, and for establishing a plain and easy Form of conveying and alluring Estates-Tail. Passed the 12th March, 1796. 36 George III Chapter 4 1796 This act eases the process of selling inheritances. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1796. Fredericton: Christopher Sower, 1796.
An Act to amend certain parts of an act, entitled, “An act to fix the times and places of holding the courts of general quarter sessions of the peace, within the several districts of this province.” 36 George III Chapter 4 1796 This act alters the time and place in which various courts are to be held in the Western District. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, passed in the year 1796. Niagara: Gideon Tiffany, 1796.
An Act in addition to, and in amendment of, an Act, entitled, “An Act for the limitation of Actions, and for avoiding Suits of Law.” 36 George III – Chapter 4 1796 This is an amendment to an act first passed in 1758, which set limits on who may bring suits to claim property and the period that may pass between the transfer of property and a suit brought for lands, tenements, or other property. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the Safe Custody and Registering of all Letters Patent whereby any Grant of the waste or other Lands of the Crown lying within this Province shall hereafter be made. [30th January, 1796.] 36 George III Chapter 3 1796 This act requires copies of letters patents for all grants of land be deposited at the office of the secretary of the province, to be held in perpetuity, specifying penalties for secretaries who should neglect this duty, as well as for counterfeiting letters patent. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an act entitled, “An act for regulating the manner of Licensing Public Houses, and for more easy convicting of persons selling spirituous liquors without licence. 36 George III Chapter 3 1796 This act strengthens fines against those selling alcohol without the license to do so and allows those selling alcohol illegally to apply for a license. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, passed in the year 1796. Niagara: Gideon Tiffany, 1796.
Acte qui pourvoit à la Sauve-Garde et Enrégistrement de toutes Lettres Patentes par lesquelles il sera ci-après fait quelque Octroi de Terres incultes ou autres de la Couronne situées en cette Province. [30me janvier, 1796.] 36 George III Chapter 3 1796 Cet acte exige que des copies des lettres patentes soient soumises au sécrétaire de la province. Ce bureau gardera ces copies en perpétuité. Cet acte spécifie aussi les pénalités pour les sécrétaires qui négligent ce devoir, ainsi que la pénalité pour la fabrication de fausses lettres patentes. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for indemnifying all Persons who have been concerned in Advising and carrying into execution an Order or Proclamation of the Governor in Council of the Ninth day of September last, respecting an Embargo on all Vessels laden or to be laden in whole or in part with Wheat, Pease, Oats, Barley, Indian Corn, flour and Biscuit, for preventing suits in consequence of the same, and for making further provision relative thereto. [30th January, 1796.] 36 George III Chapter 2 1796 This act writes into law a proclamation by the Governor in Council made on the 9th day of September, 1795, declaring an embargo on all ships carrying a cargo of wheat, peas, oats, barley, indian corn, flour, and/or biscuit, to continue to the 10th of December following. It also voids all prosecutions and proceedings against any person or persons brought about by means of or in obedience to such order of the Governor in Council. Early Canadiana Online