Displaying 3761 - 3780 of 4386 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act for the Public registering of Deeds, Conveyances, Wills and other Incumbrances which Shall be made, or may affect any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments within this Province. 35 George III Chapter 5 1795 This act further regulates the registration of deeds, conveyances, and wills that allow for the sale and transfer of land. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, in North America; Comprising all the Acts of the Honourable the Lesgislature of the Province Aforesaid. Niagara: Gordon Tiffany, 1795.
An Act to oblige ships and vessels coming from places infected with the plague or any pestilential fever or desease to perform Quarentine, and prevent the communication thereof in this Province. 35 George III – Chapter 5 1795 This act requires that any ship entering Lower Canada coming from a place where there has been an outbreak of plague, pestilence, or disease be quarantined for a period of time to be determined by the chief administrator of the province. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of Lower Canada passed in the year 1795. Quebec: William Vondenvelden, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1795.
An Act to prevent the harbouring Deserters from His Majesty’s Army, and the Sale of Arms, Accoutrements and Clothing, belonging to His Majesty. 35 George III – Chapter 5 1795 This act imposes a penalty of five pounds on anyone who should assist any member of the British forces in an attempt at desertion, and further penalties on anyone who tries to sell any of their gear. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to explain and amend an Act passed in the Thirty fourth Year of His Majesty's Reign, entitled, “An Act to establish a Superior Court of Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction, and to regulate the Court of Appeal.” 35 George III Chapter 4 1795 This act establishes the jurisdiction of Upper Canadian courts over cases of smuggling arising in the province. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, in North America; Comprising all the Acts of the Honourable the Lesgislature of the Province Aforesaid. Niagara: Gordon Tiffany, 1795.
An Act to establish the form of Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, to confirm and make valid in law the register of the protestant congregation of Christ-Church, Montreal and others, which may have been informally kept, and to afford the means of remedying omissions in former Register. 35 George III – Chapter 4 1795 This act makes it law for both Catholic and Protestant churches throughout the province to officially register all baptisms, marriages, and burials in their parish or congregation. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of Lower Canada passed in the year 1795. Quebec: William Vondenvelden, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1795.
An Act for quartering and billeting His Majesty’s Forces, when marching from one District to another, within the Province. 35 George III – Chapter 4 1795 This act allows for local justices of the peace to make arrangements for the billeting of British forces in public houses (taverns, ale houses, and inns) when marching through the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to ratify, approve and confirm the provisional agreement, entered into by the Commissioners on behalf of this Province, with the Commissioners on behalf of the province of Upper-Canada. 35 George III – Chapter 3 1795 This act ratifies a provisional trade agreement with Upper Canada. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of Lower Canada passed in the year 1795. Quebec: William Vondenvelden, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1795.
An Act to Regulate the Terms of the Sittings of the Inferior Courts of Common Pleas in this Province, and to Enlarge the Jurisdiction of the same, and for the Summary Trials of Certain Actions. 35 George III Chapter 2 1795 This act creates additional sitting times for various courts throughout the province. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1795. Fredericton: Christopher Sower, 1795.
An Act to ascertain the Eligibility of Persons to be returned to the House of Assembly. 35 George III Chapter 2 1795 This act makes any Upper Canadian that has not been a British subject for at least seven years ineligible to serve as a representative in the house of assembly. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, in North America; Comprising all the Acts of the Honourable the Lesgislature of the Province Aforesaid. Niagara: Gordon Tiffany, 1795.
An Act for the appointment of Inspectors to ascertain the quality of Pot and Pearl-ashes for exportation. 35 George III – Chapter 2 1795 This act allows the chief administrator of Lower Canada to appoint inspectors of potash and pearlash throughout the province. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of Lower Canada passed in the year 1795. Quebec: William Vondenvelden, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1795.
An Act to enable the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Commander in Chief for the time being, to appoint persons to solemnize Marriages, in places wherein no established Clergyman resides. 35 George III – Chapter 2 1795 This act allows for the appointment of non-clergy officials to solemnize marriage in areas where there are no clergy easily available. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the more Easy and Speedy Recovery of Small Debts. 35 George III Chapter 1 1795 This act establishes a system for the recovery of small debts, and punishment for those who refuse to abide by it. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1795. Fredericton: Christopher Sower, 1795.
An Act to regulate the Practice of Physic and Surgery. 35 George III Chapter 1 1795 This act creates a board of surgeons to grant licenses to physicians, surgeons, and midwives, and prohibts anyone not licensed from practising medicine. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, in North America; Comprising all the Acts of the Honourable the Lesgislature of the Province Aforesaid. Niagara: Gordon Tiffany, 1795.
An Act to explain and amend an Act made in the thirty-fourth year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled “An Act for the division of the Province of Lower-Canada, for amending the Judicature thereof and for repealing certain Laws therein mentioned.” 35 George III – Chapter 1 1795 This act allows the provincial judge at Gaspé to return cases to the court of King's Bench at Quebec. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of Lower Canada passed in the year 1795. Quebec: William Vondenvelden, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1795.
An Act to amend, and reduce into one Act, the several Acts made by the General Assembly, relating to the Office of Sheriffs; and also for altering the form of the Summons heretofore used. 35 George III – Chapter 1 1795 This act consolidates several past acts regarding the appointment of sheriffs in the province. Their responsibilities and duties are all specified in this one act, as well as the eligibility which must be met by persons who are being considered for the office of sheriff. Early Canadiana Online
Acte pour lever les doutes qui pourroient s’élever touchant la validité de certaines procédures dans les Termes supérieurs de la cour du Banc du Roi à Montréal. 35 George III – Chapitre 10 1795 Cet acte renforce la validité des procès de la cour suprème du Banc du Roi à Montréal. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of Lower Canada passed in the year 1795. Quebec: William Vondenvelden, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1795.
Acte qui accorde à sa Majesté des Droits nouveaux et additionels sur certaines Marchandises et Effets; qui les approprient à fournir des moyens plus amples de défrayer les dépenses de l’administration de la Justice et au soutien du Gouvernement civil de cette Province, et à d’autres effets y mentionnés. 35 George III – Chapitre 9 1795 Cet acte impose des douanes variées sur la marchandise importée du Haut-Canada. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of Lower Canada passed in the year 1795. Quebec: William Vondenvelden, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1795.
Acte pour accorder à sa Majesté des Droits sur les licences de colporteurs, porte-eassettes et petits marchands, et pour régler leur trafic ; et pour accorder une augmentation de Droits sur les licences de personnes qui tiennent des maisons publiques, ou qui détaillent du vin, de l'eau-de-vie, rum ou aucune autre liqueur forte dans cette Province et pour les régler ; et pour abroger un Acte ou Ordonnance y mentionné. 35 George III – Chapitre 8 1795 Cet acte exige des douanes variées sur les licenses prises par les colporteurs, porte-cassette, petit-marchands, et chaque personne ou personnes faisant traffic et allant d'une ville à l'autre, ou de maison en maison, portant pour vendre ou pour exposer en vente, aucuns effets ou marchandises Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of Lower Canada passed in the year 1795. Quebec: William Vondenvelden, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1795.
Acte qui amende et rend perpétuel un Acte ou Ordonnance passé dans la vingtiéme année du règne de sa Majesté, intitulé, “Ordonnance qui règle toutes telles personnes qui tiennent des chevaux et voitures de louage pour la facilité des voyageurs, communément appellées et connues sous le nom de Maîtres de Poste.” 35 George III – Chapitre 7 1795 Cet acte rend perpetuelle une ordonnance passée en 1780, "Ordonnance qui règle toutes telles personnes qui tiennet des chevaux et voitures de louage pour la facilité des voyageurs, communément appellées et connues sous le nom de Maîtres de Poste." Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of Lower Canada passed in the year 1795. Quebec: William Vondenvelden, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1795.
Acte qui permet l’entrée de la Potasse et Perlasse en cette Province par terre ou par la navigation intérieure; qui défend l'importation du Tabac des Etats Unis; qui règle les Honoraires de l’Officier de Douane à Saint Jean, et qui rappelle un Acte ou Ordonnance y mentionné. 35 George III – Chapitre 6 1795 Cet acte élimine les douanes sur la potasse et perlasse importé au Bas-Canada, interdit l'importation du tabac des États-Unis, et stipule qu'aucune douane sera récupéré par les officiers des douanes à Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of Lower Canada passed in the year 1795. Quebec: William Vondenvelden, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1795.