Displaying 881 - 900 of 1121 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to ratify, approve and confirm the Provincial Agreement made and entered into by Commissioners on the part of this Province, and Commissioners on the part of the Province of Lower Canada. 39 George III Chapter 5 (Session 3) 1799 This act ratifies a trade agreement with Lower Canada. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1799. York: Titus G. Simons, 1799 (3rd session)
An Act to ratify, approve and confirm, certain additional Provisional Articles of Agreement entered into by the Respective Commissioners of this Province and the Province of Upper Canada, on the eleventh day of February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine. [3d. June, 1799.] 39 George III Chapter 4 1799 This act ratifies articles negotiated by commissioners appointed by the respective legislative assemblies of Upper and Lower Canada concerning trade between the provinces. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue An Act passed in the Thirty sixth Year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled “An Act for making a temporary Provision for the Regulation of Trade, between this Province and the United States of America, by Land or Inland Navigation.” [3d June, 1799.] 39 George III Chapter 2 1799 This act renews an act first passed in 1796, regulating all forms of trade between the province and the United States. The act is passed without any modifications. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for raising a Revenue in this Province. Passed the 4th day of February 1799. 39 George III Chapter 1 1799 This act creates various duties to raise provincial revenues and penalties for those who violate them. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1799. Saint John: John Ryan, 1799.
An Act for repairing, or rebuilding, the Market-House, erecting a Country Market-House, and regulating the several Markets in the Town of Halifax, and also to revive, alter, and amend, and bring into one Act, the Act for preventing frauds by Butchers, and Fishmongers, and the Act made in the Thirty-fourth year of His late Majesty’s Reign, for regulating, and establishing, a Public Market in the Town of Halifax. 39 George III – Chapter 1 1799 This act allows for the appointment of commissioners to oversee the rebuilding of the public market in Halifax. The act details the responsibilities and powers of the commissioners, including the management of stall rental by public auction. The act also includes clauses prohibiting vendors from conspiring to set prices, and details the penalties for those who should contravene the act. Early Canadiana Online
Acte pour abroger certains Actes qui accordent des taux et droits à Sa Majesté; et pour accorder des droits nouveaux et additionels au lieu d’iceux, et pour les approprier à défrayer les dépenses de l’administration de la Justice, et au soutien du Gouvernement civil dans cette Province; et pour d’autres fins y mentionnées." [3me. juin, 1799.] 39 George III Chapitre 9 1799 Cet acte spécifie les douanes qui doivent être payées sur certains items importés. Les pénalités pour ceux qui ne paient pas les douanes sont aussi spécifiées. Early Canadiana Online
Acte pour mieux régler les Poids et Mesures de cette Province. [3me. juin, 1799.] 39 George III Chapitre 7 1799 Cet acte met en place une standarisation des mesures liquides et poids pour déterminer les prix de vente et douane. La standarisation provinciale est nécessaire pour établir une consistence à travers de la province avec tous les commerçants internationaux, qui ont souvent plusieurs méthodes sans aucune standarisation. Early Canadiana Online
Acte pour ratifier, approuver et confirmer certains Articles Additionels de l’Acte provisionel, conclu entre les Commissaires respectifs de cette Province et de la Province du Haut-Canada, le onzieme jour de Février, mil sept cent quatre-vingt dix neuf. [3me. Juin, 1799.] 39 George III Chapitre 4 1799 Cet acte est la ratification des articles négotiés par les commissionaires appointés par les assemblées legislatives du Bas Canada et Haut Canada pour négotier des termes de traite et commerce entre les deux provinces. Early Canadiana Online
Acte qui continue encore un Acte passé dans la trente-sixieme Année du Règne de Sa Majesté, intitulé “Acte qui fait une Provision temporaire pour le réglement du Commerce entre cette Province et les Etats Unis de l’Amérique, par terre ou par la Navigation intérieure.” [3me juin, 1799.] 39 George III Chapitre 2 1799 Le renouvèlement d'un acte passé en 1796 qui réglemente toutes les formes de commerce entre la province et les États-Unis. Il est renouvelé sans modification. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal an Act passed in the thirty-sixth year of the Reign of His present Majesty and for appointing other Commissioners on behalf of this Province, to treat with Commissioners on behalf of the Province of Upper-Canada for the purposes therein mentioned. (11th May, 1798.) 38 George III Chapter 4 1798 This act repeals an act first passed in 1795, which appointed commissioners to negotiate duty fees and taxes on certain items imported between Lower and Upper Canada.
Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend, and render more effectual, an Act, passed in the Eighteenth year of His present Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act to prevent the forestalling, regrating and monopolizing, of Cord Wood, in the Town of Halifax.” 38 George III – Chapter 4 1798 An amendment of an act first passed in 1778, which prevented the sale of cord wood for any price over fifteen shillings per cord. The amendment loosens the restrictions around the sale of cordwood in the town of Halifax. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to allow to the Province of Upper-Canada a proportion of the duties imposed by the Legislature of this Province on such Articles as have been transported from this Province into the Province of Upper-Canada, betwixt the first day of March and the thirty-first day of December, One thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven. (11th May, 1798.) 38 George III Chapter 3 1798 This act gives Upper Canada the right to a portion of the duties claimed by Lower Canada on certain items between the dates of 1st of March and 31st day of December, 1797. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to enable the Officers of His Majesty’s Navy, to obtain a Drawback of the Duties on Wines by them taken out of this Province, and consumed without the limits thereof. 38 George III – Chapter 3 1798 This act allows for the reimbursement of duties paid on wine bought by the officers of the British Navy which was then consumed at sea. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for regulating the exportation of Red, or Smoaked, Herrings, and in amendment of an Act, passed in the second year of His present Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act for regulating the exportation of Fish, and the assize of Barrels, Hoops, Boards, and all other kinds of Lumber, and for appointing officers to survey the same.” 38 George III – Chapter 2 1798 An amendment to an act first passed in 1762, which set several regulations on how fish can be exported, including the regulations on the barrels it is to be shipped in, and sets the standard sizes of lumber to be traded. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue an Act passed in the Thirty-sixth year of His Majesty’s Reign intituled “An Act for making a temporary Provision for the Regulation of Trade between this Province and the United States of America by Land or by Inland Navigation.” (11th May, 1798.) 38 George III Chapter 1 1798 This act continues an act which was first passed in 1796, and which allows the suspension of any act or ordinance relating to trade, in whole or in part, by the Governor or Lieutenant Governor. It further allows the Governor or Lieutenant Governor to make regulations with respect to imports, exports, duties, or anything else between Lower Canada and the United States. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue sundry Acts of the General Assembly that are near expiring. Passed the 9th Day of February, 1798. 38 George III Chapter 1 1798 This act renews several acts until 1803. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1798. Fredericton: J. Ryan, 1798.
Acte qui révoque un Acte passé dans la trente-sixieme année du Règne de sa présente Majesté, et qui appointe de nouveaux Commissaires de la part de cette Province, pour traiter avec les Commissaires de la part de la Province du Haut-Canada, aux effets y mentionnés.” (11me. mai, 1798.) 38 George III Chapitre 4 1798 Cet acte annul un acte passé en 1795 qui 'appointe des commissaires pour negocier des douanes sur certains articles échangés entre le Bas-Canada et le Haut-Canada pour deux ans. Early Canadiana Online
Acte pour allouer à la Province du Haut-Canada, une proportion des droits imposés par la Législature de cette Province, sur tels articles qui ont été transportés de cette Province dans la Province du Haut-Canada, entre le premier jour de Mars et le trente-uniéme jour de Décembre, Mil sept cent quatre-vingt-dix-sept. (11me. mai, 1798.) 38 George III Chapitre 3 1798 Cet acte donne le droit à une portion des douanes reclâmer par le Bas-Canada sur certains articles entre le 1e mars et le 31 décembre 1797. Early Canadiana Online
Acte pour continuer encore un Acte passé dans la trente-sixiéme année du Règne de fa Majesté, intitulé, "Acte qui fait une provision temporaire pour le réglement du Commerce entre cette Province et les Etats Unis de l’Amérique, par terre ou par la Navigation intérieure." (11me. Mai, 1798.) 38 George III Chapitre 1 1798 Cet acte continue un acte de l'année 1796, qui permet la suspension de tout règlement concernant la navigation faite par terre ou navigation intérieure pour la raison du commerce, par le gouverneur ou Lieutenant Gouverneur, et donne au gouverneur ou lieutenant gouverneur le pouvoir de reguler et diriger les imports, exports, les douanes, ou tout autre concerne commercial entre le Bas-Canada et les États-Unis. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for making temporary provision for the Regulation of Trade between this province and the United States of America by land or by inland navigation. 37 George III Chapter 16(a) 1797 This act allows the chief administrator of Upper Canada to suspend any legislation that may impede free trade with the United States as outlined in the Jay Treaty (1794). Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1797. West Niagara: Titus G. Simons, 1797.