Displaying 1281 - 1300 of 2243 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to provide for the building of a Custom House in the City of Montreal. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 11 1836 This Act provides for the construction of a Customs House on the site of the Old Market in Montreal. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate certain persons under the style and title of the Cayuga Bridge Company. Passed, 20th April, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 10 (Session 1) 1836 This act incorporates the Cayuga Bridge company, specifying the price and division of company shares and the manner in which directors shall be nominated. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate a Company under the style and title of the City of Toronto Gas Light Company. Passed 20th April, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 9 (Session 1) 1836 This act incorporates the Toronto Gas Light Company, naming its directors, enabling it to acquire property and goods, and makes regulations concerning the creation and sale of company shares. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to establish the road leading from Houlton to Woodstock one of the great roads of communication in this Province. Passed 8th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 9 1836 This act establishes the road leading from Houlton to Woodstock, Carleton County, as one of the province's great roads of communication. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.
An Act to Incorporate sundry persons under the style and title of the Gananoque and Wiltsie Navigation Company. Passed, 20th April, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 8 (Session 1) 1836 This act incorporates the Gananoque and Wiltsie Navigation Companie. It enables them to acquire land in order to build dykes, locks and channels, and other structures to enable navigation, defines how shares are to be sold, as well as determining how share ownership will affect company directorship, and stipulates various regulations for the company to follow concerning maintenance and access for trade. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appoint Commissioners to treat with Commissioners appointed, or to be appointed, on the part of the Province of Upper Canada, for the purposes therein mentioned. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 8 1836 Under this Act, commissioners are to be appointed to consult with commissioners from Upper Canada on several matters including: collecting of duties on importations, the improvement of the navigation of the Rivers Saint Lawrence and Ottawa, and Roads of Communication between the two Provinces. The processes by which commissioners are to be appointed, their privileges, and duties are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate a Company to construct a Rail Road from Burlington Bay, to Lake Huron. Passed, 20th April, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 7 (Session 1) 1836 This act incorporates a company to build a railroad from Burlington Bay in the district of Gore to Lake Huron after petitions from residents. The company is empowered to survey land to determine where best to lay this railroad and acquire this land. Directors and their responsibilities are specified. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to establish a New Public Square at Montreal, and for other purposes therein mentioned. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 7 1836 This Act allows the City of Montreal to acquire the late Bazile Proulx's land for the purpose of extending the scale of their New Market. Some instructions are given as to how the new land should be developed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate certain persons therein-mentioned under the name and style of the Niagara and Detroit Rivers Rail Road Company. Passed 20th April, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 6 (Session 1) 1836 This act incorporates the Niagara and Detroit Rivers Railroad company, enabling it to explore, purchase and acquire land in order to build a railroad between the town of Bertie, in Niagara, and Sandwich, on the Detroit river. The directors are named and their responsibilities specified. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate the City of Toronto and Lake Huron Rail Road Company. Passed 20th April, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 5 (Session 1) 1836 This act incorporates the Toronto and Lake Huron Rail Road company, giving them the right to survey and purchase lands and determine where best to lay a railroad between the city of Toronto and Lake Huron. It names the directors of the company and outlines their responsibilities to stockholders, as well as specifying the powers which stockholders will hold within the company. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend and extend the provisions of an Act passed during the last Session of the Provincial Legislature, entitled “An Act to reduce to one Act of Parliament the several Laws relative to the appointment and duties of Township Officers in this Province, except an Act passed in the fourth year of the Reign of William the Fourth, Chapter Twelve, entitled, ‘An Act to regulate Line Fences and Water Courses, and to repeal so much of an Act passed in the thirty-third year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, entitled, ‘An Act to provide for the nomination and appointment of Parish and Town Officers within this Province as relates to the office of Fence Viewers being discharged by Overseers of Highways and Roads.” Passed 20th April, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 2 (Session 1) 1836 This act is a continuation and amendment of an act passed in 1835, which consolidated several past laws relating to the duties and responsibilities of township officers to a single act. Amendments include compensation to be rendered to town clerks for rendering services, and highway work due from male inhabitants. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in amendment of the Act relating to Highways. Passed 5th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 2 1836 This act introduces several amendments to the act governing the construction and maintenance of highways. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.
An Act to incorporate sundry Persons by the name of the Saint John Bridge Company. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 48 (session 1) 1835 This act allows for the incorporation of a company to build a bridge across the Saint John River in the city of Saint John, establishes how it will be governed, its financial structure, what its responsibilities will be, the manner of bridges they may erect, and penalties for those who damage them or violate their toll rules. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to form certain Townships in the London District into a County, and to attach certain Townships to the Counties of Middlesex and Kent, in the London and Western Districts. The Royal Assent to this Bill promulgated by Proclamation bearing date fifth day of May, 1835. 5 William IV – Chapter 45 1835 This act creates the townships of Adelaide in Middlesex county, and Moore, Sarnia, Plympton, Enniskillen, Warwick, Brooke, and Bosanquet, in Kent county. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise an Assessment on the Inhabitants of the County of Charlotte towards paying off the Debt due from the said County. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 44 (session 1) 1835 This act allows the officials of Charlotte County to raise 500 pounds to pay of the debts incurred in building the county gaol. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act granting a sum of Money for the further completion of the Kingston Penitentiary, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 16th April, 1635. 5 William IV – Chapter 42 1835 This act provides a sum of money for the upkeep of Kingston penitentiary, and includes provisions for both the prisoners and the guards of the said prison. Early Canadiana Online
An Act relating to the Navigation of the Inner Bay of Passamaquoddy. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 41 (session 1) 1835 This act allows for the appointment of officers to construct buoys and other such infrastructure to secure and ease passage of ships in Passamaquoddy Bay, establishes tolls to pay for their construction and upkeep, and penalties for their violation or destruction. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act granting a sum of Money for the erection of a Light-House on Gull Island, or such other place as the Commissioners may select. Passed 16th April, 1835. 5 William IV – Chapter 41 1835 This act enables the building of a lighthouse on Gull Island, setting aside a specific amount of money for the project and appointing commissioners to oversee the project. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the erection of a Light-House on Heartley’s Point, on Lake Erie. Passed 16th April, 1835. 5 William IV – Chapter 39 1835 This act authorises the building of a lighthouse on Heartley's Point, setting aside funds as well as appointing commissioners to manage the said funds and building project. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to regulate the ungranted Ferries in this Province. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 38 (session 1) 1835 This allows for local officials to establish ferries across bodies of water where there are none established by the province, under the rules and regulations of a 1788 act. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.