Displaying 1261 - 1280 of 2243 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to appoint a Commissioner on the part of this Province to arbitrate with Commissioners on the part of the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edwards Island, respecting the maintenance of Light Houses on the Islands of Scatterie and Saint Paul. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 38 1836 Under this Act, the 1830 Act, "An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money towards the erection of a Light House on the Island of Saint Paul, and to provide for the maintenance thereof," is repealed. The Act outlines how sites on the Island of Saint Paul are to be proposed as possible sites for the construction of a lighthouse sand how they should be surveyed, and how expenses will be paid. Early Canadiana Online
An Act granting to His Majesty a sum of Money, for the improvement of Roads and Bridges in the several Districts of this Province. Royal Assent given by Message to the Legislature, 28th November, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 37 (Session 2) 1836 This act lists the specific sums of money allocated to various areas of the province to be used for the improvement of roads and bridges. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate The Saint Andrews and Quebec Rail Road Company. Passed 8th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 31 1836 This act allows for the incoporation of the Saint Andrews and Quebec Rail Road Company and stipulates how it will be administered and financed. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.
An Act to continue the Improvement of certain Roads in the Home District. Passed 20th April, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 30 (Session 1) 1836 This act allots specific sums to districts in order to improve or construct roads within those districts. 6 William IV – Chapter 30 (Session 1)
An Act to authorise certain persons to build a bridge across the Kennebeccasis river in the parishes of Hampton and Kingston, in King’s County. Passed 8th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 30 1836 This act allows for the erection of a bridge across the Kennebeccasis River in the Parishes of Hampton and Kingston, King's County. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.
An Act to provide for the making and keeping in repair the West Gwillimbury Road and Bridge, and to authorise the erection of a Toll Gate thereon. Passed 20th April, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 28 (Session 1) 1836 This act appoints commissioners to make, keep, and repair a road and bridge in West Gwillimbury. These commissioners are authorised to take out a loan to undertake these projects, which will be paid back by charging a toll once the road is completed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the appointment of Firewards in the Parish of Woodstock. Passed 8th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 27 1836 This act allows for the appointment of firewards in the Parish of Woodstock and stipulates what their duties and responsibilities are to be. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.
An Act to provide for the erection of fences with gates across highways leading through the sand beaches and marshes in the County of Kent. Passed 8th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 26 1836 This act allows for owners of marshland or beach property in Kent County that highways pass through to erect fences to protect the said marshes and beaches. It also creates punishments for the damage or destruction of these fences. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.
An Act to prevent disorderly riding on streets and highways in this Province. Passed 8th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 25 1836 This act creates punishments for dangerous horse riding on streets and highways, and regulations for their prosecution. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.
An Act to authorise the erection of a Mill-Dam upon the River Thames, in the London District. Passed 7th March, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 24 (Session 1) 1836 This act allows for the construction of a mill-dam on the north-westerly side of the river Thames in the town of Mosa on lot number 28. Regulations placed on this construction include height, width, and length restrictions, proper maintenance of the dam and mill fixtures, and permission for safe passage of rafts and the ascent of fish. Early Canadiana Online
An Act continuing the Road Acts of one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three and one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, and rendering the Commissioners accountable for the expenditure of the Road Monies granted by the same. Passed, 20th April, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 21 (Session 1) 1836 This act continues acts concerning the building and maintenance of roads throughout the province, first passed in 1833 and 1834, with little amendment. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal and amend certain parts of an Act passed in the third year of His Majesty's Reign entitled, “An Act to Incorporate a Company under the style and title of the British America Fire and Life Assurance Company.” Passed 20th April, 1886. 6 William IV – Chapter 20 (Session 1) 1836 This act amends and repeals certain parts of an act first passed in 1833, which incorporated the British America Fire and Life Assurance Company. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend the time of commencing the Cobourg Rail Road. Passed 20th April, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 19 (Session 1) 1836 This act amends an act first passed in 1834, extending the time in which the Cobourg Rail Road company has to begin their construction project by a further three years. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the establishment of Mutual Insurance Companies in the several Districts of this Province. Passed 20th April, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 18 (Session 1) 1836 This act authorises the establishment of the Mutual Insurance company, and sets out the various rules and regulations by which it is permitted to operate within the several districts within the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for granting to His Majesty a Sum of Money for the making and repairing of Roads and Bridges in this Colony. (6th May, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 15 1836 This act appoints funds for the construction and maintenance of various roads throughout the province. It also appoints commissioners to supervise the construction and dispersement of funds in various districts in the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the Justices of the Peace for Queen's County to assess the inhabitants for erecting and building a Court House in said County. Passed 8th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 15 1836 This act allows for Queen's County officials to finance and oversee the construction of a new county court house. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.
An Act to authorize the erection of a Colonial House in the Town of Saint John’s, and the raising by loan of a sum of Money for that purpose. (6th May, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 14 1836 This act permits the government to raise funds in order to build a Colonial House in Saint John's, which will be used by the legislative assembly to hold their meetings. The act appoints commissioners who will take charge of the project, from the raising of funds to the supervision of construction. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for erecting a Suspension Bridge over the Niagara River at or near Queenston, in Upper Canada. Passed 20th April, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 12 (Session 1) 1836 This act incorporates the Niagara River Suspension Bridge company, authorising it to construct a bridge over the Niagara River at or near Queenstown. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the raising by loan of a further sum of Money for the completion of the Light House on Harbor Grace Island. (6th May, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 12 1836 As the initial sum granted by the government was not sufficient to complete the construction of the Harbour Grace lighthouse, this act allows the treasurer of the province to raise further funds from either corporations or private individuals to complete the project. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate certain persons under the style and title of the Hamilton Water Works Company. Passed 20th April, 1856. 6 William IV – Chapter 11 (Session 1) 1836 This act incorporates the Hamilton Water Works company. It specifies their relationship and responsibilities to property owners, and allows them to survey and acquire land best suited for their project. It subjects those who would damage or disrupt the construction of the company to penalties, and specifies how stocks are to be divided and sold. Early Canadiana Online