Displaying 1221 - 1240 of 2243 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to extend the Gaol Limits in the County of Carleton. Passed 1st March 1837. 7 William IV Chapter 31 (Session 1) 1837 An act amending the limits of the county jail of Carleton County to include the Episcopal, Methodist and Catholic churches. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the Erection of the County of Hastings into a Separate District. Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 31 1837 This act separates the county of Hastings into its own district with its own district courts, schools, and jail. Financial provisions are made to provide for the establishment and continuing maintenance of the district's infrastructure. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the erection of the County of Oxford into a Separate District, by the name of the District of Brock. Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 30 1837 This act separates the county Oxford into a separate district, with its own district courts and court houses, jail, and schools. It makes financial provisions for the building of the necessary infrastructure and specifies the towns which will be part of the new county. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the Justices of the Peace for the County of York to levy an assessment for the building a new Gaol in the said County. Passed 1st March 1837. 7 William IV Chapter 28 (Session 1) 1837 An act enabling the local officials of York to collect public funds to begin building a local jail. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the Justices of the Peace for the County of Carleton to assess the said County for the erection of a Lock up House at Tobique in the said County. Passed 1st March 1837. 7 William IV Chapter 27 (Session 1) 1837 An act enabling local officials of Tobique to begin the process of building a jail in the area. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time, “An Act to impose an additional Duty on Licenses to vend Wines, Brandy, and Spirituous Liquors.” Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 27 1837 This act continues, without any amendment, an act first passed in 1832 which increased the cost of a license for the sale of certain types of alcohol, placed penalties on anyone selling alcohol on a steamboat without a license, and directed the revenue raised under the terms of this Act toward road and bridge repair. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act to authorize certain persons to build a bridge across the Kennebeccasis [Kennebecasis] River in the Parishes of Hampton and Kingston in King’s County. Passed 1st March 1837. 7 William IV Chapter 26 (Session 1) 1837 An amendment to an act passed in 1836 authorizing the building of a bridge over the Kennebecasis. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for erecting a part of the Parishes of Saint Mary's and Douglas in the County of York, into a separate or distinct Town and Parish. Passed 1st March 1837. 7 William IV Chapter 25 (Session 1) 1837 An act which separates a part of the parish of Saint Mary's and Douglas, creating the Town or Parish of Stanley, delineating the exact town limitations of both the new parish and the old. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter and amend an Act, intituled “An Act to provide for opening and repairing Roads and erecting Bridges throughout the Province.” Passed 22d July 1837. 7 William IV Chapter 19 (Session 2) 1837 An amendment to an act passed earlier this same year, granting further sums to expand upon the building of a road. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in amendment of an Act, intituled “An Act to authorize the Justices of the Peace in and for the City and County of Saint John to erect a building in the said City for a common Gaol and House of Correction, and to raise a sum of money for erecting and completing the same. Passed 1st March 1837. 7 William IV Chapter 19 (Session 1) 1837 An amendment to an act, allowing the city of St John to borrow greater quantities of money than previously allowed in order to complete the construction of a jail. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the appointment of Firewards and the better extinguishing of Fires which may happen in the Parish of Portland, in the County of Saint John. Passed 22d July 1837. 7 William IV Chapter 15 (Session 2) 1837 An act legislating for the appointing of more firewards in the city of Saint John, as well as provisions for fire prevention. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to grant a loan of five thousand pounds to the Saint John Water Company. Passed 22d July 1837. 7 William IV Chapter 11 (Session 2) 1837 An act allowing for the loan of sums of money by the legislative assembly to the Saint John water works. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the more effectual prevention of Fires within the City of Saint John. Passed 1st March 1837. 7 William IV Chapter 11 (Session 1) 1837 An act legislating for fire prevention measures to be taken by all buildings built in St John, and the penalties taken against those who fail to take these measures. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of Saint John, to widen the Bridge between the said City and Parish of Portland. Passed 1st March 1837. 7 William IV Chapter 9 (Session 1) 1837 An act delegating the modification of a bridge, as well as the costs of any expropriation required for said modification, to the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of St. John. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the greater safety of passengers on board Steam Boats. Passed 22d July 1837. 7 William IV Chapter 7 (Session 2) 1837 An act legislating emergency measures to be taken on steamboats, and penalties to be enacted against any steamboat master who shall neglect to execute these measures. Early Canadiana Online
An Act relating to the Great Roads of Communication through this Province. Passed 1st March 1837. 7 William IV Chapter 6 (Session 1) 1837 An act which repeals prior acts relating to the building and repairing of roads, and which enacts new laws concerning maintenance, repair, and building of roads in various districts across the province, who is to supervise this work, and who is responsible for the maintenance. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for opening and repairing Roads and erecting Bridges throughout this Province. Passed 1st March 1837. 7 William IV Chapter 4 (Session 1) 1837 An act allowing the disbursement of public revenue for the repairing and expansion of roads. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter and amend an Act, intituled “An Act to repeal all the laws now in force for regulating, laying out and repairing Highways and Roads, and for appointing Commissioners and Surveyors of Highways in the several Towns and Parishes in this Province, and to make more effectual provisions for the same,” so far as the same relates to the Parish of Portland in the County of Saint John. Passed 22d July 1837. 7 Victoria Chapter 12 (Session 2) 1837 An act amending an act passed in 1835 concerning the laying out and repairing of roads and aboiteaux. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to erect part of the County of Gloucester into separate and distinct County. Passed 1st March 1837. 1 Victoria Chapter 57 (1837) 1837 This act creates Restigouche County, stipulates how it will be administered, and grants it the same powers and authorities of other counties. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1838. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1838.
An Act to authorize the raising by Loan a further Sum of Money for the completion of the Light House on Harbour Grace Island, and to make further Regulations respecting the same. (18th November, 1837.) 1 Victoria Chapter 8 1837 As the initial sum granted by the government was not sufficient to complete the construction of the Harbour Grace lighthouse, this act allows the treasurer of the province to raise further funds from either corporations or private individuals to complete the project. Early Canadiana Online