Displaying 1981 - 2000 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act to authorize the appointing of Courts of Inquiry for investigating the qualification of Militia Officers in certain cases. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to make provision for the appropriation of certain monies arising out of the Estates of the late Order of Jesuits, and for other purposes. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money for the payment of certain Militia Officers and contingent expenses of Militia for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money for continuing and completing the repairs of the Court House in the City of Québec. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act for the relief of the Commissioners for taking the Census of the Province. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to suspend for a limited time certain Ordinances therein mentioned as far as the same relate to the City of Québec, and to establish a Society therein for preventing Accidents by Fire. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to authorize the Commissioners appointed under a certain Act therein mentioned to borrow a further sum of money to be applied to the improvement and enlargement of the Harbour of Montreal, and for other purposes. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money therein mentioned for the encouragement of Agriculture. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to appropriate certain sums of money therein mentioned to the support of certain Charitable Institutions, and for other purposes. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to repeal a certain Act therein mentioned, and to provide for the more certain and expeditious distribution of the printed Acts of the Legislature of this Province. (25th February. 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to compel Wharfingers and others to advertize unclaimed Goods in their possession. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to make provision for the support of the Royal Institution for the advancement of learning. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to appropriate certain sums of money therein mentioned to the encouragement of Education in this Province. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to continue for a limited time two certain Acts therein mentioned, relating to the collection of the Revenue at the Inland Ports of Entry in this Province and to make further provision in that behalf. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to appropriate certain sums of money for establishing a Depot of Provisions near Cape Chat for the relief of shipwrecked persons and for other purposes. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to enable the Trustees for the building of the Parsonage House at Saint Michel de Vaudreuil, to recover the Parishioners as a contribution towards the expense thereof. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and for the further encouragement of Elementary Schools in the Country parts of this Province. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to continue and amend an Act therein mentioned, intituled, “An Act for the better regulation of the Lumber Trade.” (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to repeal in part certain Acts therein mentioned and to establish and incorporate a Trinity House in the City of Montreal. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago
    An Act to revive and amend and to continue for a limited time two certain Acts therein mentioned relating to the Lachine Canal. (25th February, 1832.) 1832 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 5 years 1 month ago