Displaying 271 - 280 of 1259 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to Incorporate certain persons therein-named as a Board of Trustees, for the erection, superintending and management, of a Roman Catholic College at Kingston, to be known by the name of “The College of Regiopolis,” and for other purposes therein-mentioned. Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 56 1837 This act incorporates the board of trustees of the College of Regiopolis, a catholic seminary school located in Kingston and is today known as Regiopolis-Notre-Dame Catholic Secondary School. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate a Joint Stock Company for the improvement of the Mineral Springs in the Township of Caledonia, in the Ottawa District. Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 55 1837 This act incorporates the Caledonia Springs company, with the aim of making their health benefits more accessible to the public. Purchase and management of joint stocks, as well as election of directors, is also specified by the act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate sundry persons under the style and title of “The Lyndhurst Mining and Manufacturing Company.” Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 54 1837 This act incorporates the Lyndhurst Mining an Manufacturing Company, under the individuals named who already own the land on which iron and copper deposits have been found, and on which they operate a saw mill. Purchase and management of stocks is detailed, along with election of company directors. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act passed during the last Session, entitled, “An Act to improve the Navigation of the Inland Waters of the District of Newcastle.” Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 53 1837 This act amends an act first passed in 1836, which appointed commissioners and an engineer to improve navigation upon the inland waters of the Newcastle district in order to better extract the natural resources available in that area. The second and fifteenth clauses are repealed, and two acts are added. The first allows the Legislative Assembly to appoint commissioners to alter the construction of any of the improvements, and the second requires an account of all expenditures. Early Canadiana Online
An Act granting a Charter to an Incorporated Company, under the style and title of the President and Directors of the London and Devonport Rail Road and Harbour Company. Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 52 1837 This act incorporates the London Railroad and Harbour company. The act permits the company to survey and acquire the land best suited to the building of a harbour at Cat Fish creek on Lake Erie, and a railoard which travels between the harbour and London, Ontario. The direction of the company, as well as the purchase and sharing of joint stocks, is also specified. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate sundry persons under the style and title of the Beverly Navigation Company. Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 51 1837 This act incorporates the Beverly Navigation Company, empowering it to appropriate lands and build canals and any associated structures in order to facilitate navigation between the Rideau canal and the village of Beverly. It allows the company to charge tolls on vessels using the canal, to be determined by their weight, but not the roads which shall be constructed for use of the canal. The act also specifies how the purchase of shares will be managed, as well as the election of directors by shareholders. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to enable the Canada Company to erect a Harbour at Goderich, on Lake Huron. Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 50 1837 This act authorises the Canada Company to erect a harbour at the town of Goderich. It specifies the tolls which can be collected on incoming items once the harbour is complete, stating that an account of these tolls must be made to the legislature every January. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate sundry, Persons under the style and title of the President, Directors and Company, of the Port Darlington Harbour. Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 49 1837 This act incorporates the Port Darlington Harbour Company, and empowers it to construct, at its own cost, a harbour and all associated infrastructure at the mouth of Black Creek, near the township of Darlington. This includes negotiating and acquiring land for the building of said harbour, and paying damages to those whose property is being appropriated. The company is authorized to charge tolls on incoming vessels once the harbour is complete, and rates on specific goods are specified. Management by directors, as well as election of directors by shareholders, is also specified. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate sundry Persons, under the style and title of the President, Directors and Company, of the Colborne Harbour. Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 48 1837 This act incorporates the Company of the Colborne Harbour, and empowers it to construct, at its own cost, a harbour and all associated infrastructure near the village of Colborne. This includes negotiating and acquiring land for the building of said harbour, and paying damages to those whose property is being appropriated. The company is authorized to charge tolls on incoming vessels once the harbour is complete, and rates on specific goods are specified. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate a Joint Stock Company, under the style and title of the President, Directors, and Company of the Grafton Harbor. Passed 9th December, 1836. 7 William IV – Chapter 47 1837 This at incorporates the Company of the Grafton Harbour. The company is empowered to obtain and hold any lands required to construct a harbour at their own cost near the village of Grafton, negotiating for payment of any damages to property owners. The company is authorized to charge tolls upon completion of the harbour, and the rates per specific items are specified. Management by directors, and the manner in which directors will be elected, is also specified. Early Canadiana Online