Displaying 321 - 330 of 1259 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to provide more effectually for the Punishment of certain Offences, and to enable the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Person administering the Government of this Province, to commute the sentence of Death, in certain cases, for other Punishment in this Act mentioned. Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 6 1837 This act permits the Governor or Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada to commute the sentence of anybody who has been sentenced to death for any crime except murder or high treason. It lists the crimes which are included under this act, and further specifies that the court of Quarter Sessions, and other court of similar jurisdiction, cannot imprison someone for more than two years. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend the Law respecting Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 5 1837 This act regulates against the requirement to produce evidence of presentment when attempting to cash in promissory notes or bills of exchange. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to abolish the distinction between Grand and Petit Larceny, and to enable the Courts of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to try all cases of Simple Larceny, under certain restrictions, and to amend the Law respecting the punishment of Larceny. Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 4 1837 This act abolishes the distinction between grand larceny and petit larceny, making all acts of larceny equal under the law. It also empowers the courts of Quarter Sessions to try both those who are accused of larceny and accessories to larceny, and specifies sentences for those found guilty. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the further Amendment of the Law, and the better Advancement of Justice. Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 3 1837 This act attempts to bring the cost of trials under control by better defining how Common Law suits will be tried. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Establish a Court of Chancery in this Province. Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 2 1837 This act establishes a court of chancery in Upper Canada, with similar powers to that of England. It details who will sit on the court, its jurisdiction and powers, who has the right to practice within the court, and many other details regarding the court of Chancery. The court primarily deals with matters of property and equity. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to increase the present number of the Judges of His Majesty's Court of King’s Bench in this Province; to alter the Terms for the sitting of the said Court; and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 4th March, 1837. 7 William IV – Chapter 1 1837 This act appoints more provincial judges, specifying salary for said judges, and various other matters regarding procedures and court schedules. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide additional aid in support of Common Schools in the several Districts of this Province. Royal Assent given by Message to the Legislature, 28th November, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 52 (Session 2) 1836 This act allots specific amounts to the various school districts of the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the payment to the Treasurer of the District of Ottawa, of the Appropriation towards the Support of Common Schools in said District, for the years One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-five and One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-six. Royal Assent given by Message to the Legislature, 28th November, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 51 (Session 2) 1836 This act authorises the payment of a sum to support the schools of the Ottawa district despite a previous act which states that no sums can be paid out to school districts if the treasurer of that district neglects to render an account of expenditures to the legislature. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relief of John Pearse, William Dumble, and William Hoar. The Royal Assent given by Message to the Legislature, 28th November, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 50 (Session 2) 1836 This act authorises the payment of seven hundred and sixty six pounds to John Pearse, William Dumble, and William Hoar, contractors who completed work on the inland navigation in Newcastle but were not paid in full by the commissioner in charge. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relief of John McMillan. Royal Assent given by Message to the Legislature, 28th November, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 49 (Session 2) 1836 This act provides an annual sum of twenty pounds to John McMillan, a former private of the Flank Company who has lately gone blind and who therefore cannot provide for himself Early Canadiana Online