Displaying 1081 - 1100 of 2243 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to amend and continue an Act, intituled “An Act for the appointment of Firewards and the better extinguishing of Fires which may happen in that part of the Parish of Saint Stephen, commonly called Mill Town and its immediate vicinity.” Passed 25th March 1840. 3 Victoria Chapter 33 1840 This act amends an 1835 act making any St. Stephen's firemen appointed under it exepmt from serving in other government offices. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1840. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1840.
An Act to Incorporate certain persons under the style and title of the Oakville Hydraulic Company. Passed 10th February, 1840. 3 Victoria – Chapter 32 1840 This act incorporates the Oakville Hydraulic Company and authorises the same to build a dam across the creek in Oakville across the opening of the Harbour which boats can ascend safely. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to provide for the improvement of the Roads in the neighbourhood of, and leading to the City of Montreal, and to raise a fund for that purpose. 3 Victoria Chapter 31 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance lists several roads in and leading into Montréal that are to be improved and maintained and describes the methods by which the associated costs will be provided for, such as by establishing tolls. The Ordinance makes provision for the appointment of trustees to keep, repair, and open roads and outlines their duties. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to define the Limits of the Town of London, in the District of London, and to establish a Board of Police therein. Passed 10th February, 1840. 3 Victoria – Chapter 31 1840 This act incorporates the town of London. It defines its borders as well as its subdivisions, how town magistrates will be elected and who is eligible to be elected, as well as who is eligible to vote. It also creates the town board of police and defines their purview and powers, specifying how the board will be elected and what kind of laws they are empowered to enact. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for erecting a part of the Parish or Township of Sussex, in King’s County, into a separate and distinct Parish or Township. Passed 25th March 1840. 3 Victoria Chapter 30 1840 This act creates a new parish, Studholm, in Kings County, and awards it powers similar to other parishes. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1840. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1840.
An Act to continue an Act, intituled “An Act to repeal the Laws now in force for appointing Firewards, and for the better extinguishing Fires in the Town of Saint Andrews, and to make regulations more suitable to the said Town, and for other purposes therein mentioned.” Passed 25th March 1840. 3 Victoria Chapter 29 1840 This act continues an 1828 act regulating fire fighting in Saint Andrews until 1845. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1840. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1840.
An Ordinance to authorize the Commissioners for the improvement and enlargement of the Harbour of Montreal, to borrow a further sum of money, and for other purposes. 3 Victoria Chapter 28 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance provides a sum not exceeding twenty-three thousand pounds towards improving the Harbour of Montréal, as outlined. This Ordinance is made permanent. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act relating to the Navigation of the Inner Bay of Passamaquoddy. Passed 25th March 1840. 3 Victoria Chapter 26 1840 This act extends the terms of an 1835 act regulating the Navigation of the Inner Bay of Passamaquoddy until 1845. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1840. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1840.
An Ordinance to provide for the improvement, during the Winter season, of the Queen’s Highways in this Province, and for other purposes. 3 Victoria Chapter 25 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance outlines limits on the types of vehicles that can use Highways or Public Roads with the intention of preserving the roads during the winter, and repeals and replaces the 1839 Ordinance, “An Ordinance to provide for the improvement, during the Winter Season, of the principal Post Roads from various parts of the Province to Montreal, and for other purposes." This Ordinance is made permanent. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to make provision for defraying the Civil Expenditure of the Provincial Government, for the year ending on the tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and forty; for the support of certain Charitable Institutions; for the promotion of Education; for certain Public Works; for the improvement of Internal Communications; for the encouragement of Agriculture, and for other purposes. 3 Victoria Chapter 22 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance lists several sums to be provided towards supporting charitable and healthcare institutions, as well as to support schools and educational institutions, and to cover the expense of several public works, roads, and bridges. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to amend and render permanent an Ordinance passed in the second year of Her Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Ordinance to authorise the Commissioners for making the Canal from Saint John’s to Chambly, to borrow a certain sum of money to complete the said Canal.” 3 Victoria Chapter 20 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance amends and makes permanent the 1839 Ordinance, "An Ordinance to authorize the Commissioners for making the Canal from St. John’s to Chambly, to borrow a certain sum of money to complete the said Canal," and provides for further sums to be borrowed towards putting it into effect. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act, intituled “An Act to repeal an Act, intituled ‘An Act for the better security of the Navigation of certain Harbours in the County of Northumberland,’ and to make more effectual provision for the better security of the Harbours in the Counties of Northumberland, Kent and Gloucester.” Passed 25th March 1840. 3 Victoria Chapter 18 1840 This act extends the terms of an 1829 and 1830 act regulating harbours in three eastern counties until 1845. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1840. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1840.
An Act to continue an Act, intituled “An Act to extend the provisions of an Act, intituled ‘An Act to repeal the Laws now in force for appointing Firewards and the better extinguishing of Fires so far as the same relate to the Town of Fredericton and to make regulations more suitable to the said Town,’ to the Towns of Newcastle and Chatham and their vicinities in the County of Northumberland.” Passed 25th March 1840. 3 Victoria Chapter 17 1840 This act continues the terms of an 1828 act regulating fire fighting in Newcastle and Chatham until 1845. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1840. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1840.
An Ordinance to render permanent certain Ordinances therein mentioned, and to amend one of the said Ordinances. 3 Victoria Chapter 16 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance makes various Ordinances, listed, permanent and amends certain sections of a number of them. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to continue for a limited time, two certain Acts therein mentioned, relative to the erection of Court Houses and Gaols in the several Counties of this Province, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 3 Victoria Chapter 14 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance continues the 1832 Act, “An Act to authorise the erection of Court Houses and Goals in the Counties of this Province, and for other purposes therein mentioned,” as amended by another Act in 1834., which Acts are to remain in force until 1845. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue the Act to regulate the ungranted Ferries in this Province. Passed 25th March 1840. 3 Victoria Chapter 12 1840 This act continues the terms of an 1835 act regulating ferries until 1840. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1840. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1840.
An Act to continue an Act to prevent Disorderly Riding on Streets and Highways in this Province. Passed 25th March 1840. 3 Victoria Chapter 8 1840 This act continues an 1836 act to prohibit reckless driving until 1845. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1840. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1840.
An Act to defray certain expenses and outstanding claims on the Board of Road Commissioners in St. John’s, and for other purposes. (Passed 29th April, 1840.) 3 Victoria - Chapter 7 1840 This act deals primarily with certain outstanding invoices from road construction and renovation projects in the St. John's area. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the expenses of the re-construction of Waterford Bridge. (Passed 12th October, 1839.) 3 Victoria - Chapter 11 1839 This act grants two hundred and fifty pounds to reconstruct the Waterford Bridge. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal part of an Act passed in the second Session of the first General Assembly of this Island, intituled “An Act to regulate the Building of Houses in Water Street in the Town of St. John’s. (Passed 12th October, 1839.) 3 Victoria - Chapter 8 1839 This is an amendment to an act first passed in 1833, which regulates how houses are to be built, and where they are to be built, on Water Street in Saint John's Early Canadiana Online