Displaying 1001 - 1020 of 2243 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Ordinance to provide for the improvement of a certain part of the Road from the City of Montreal, to the Cote St. Michel, in the Parish of Sault au Recollet. 4 Victoria Chapter 22 (Session 6) 1841 This Ordinance provides that the road from Montreal to Côte Saint-Michel is to be macademaized and improved as described. “The St. Michel Road Company,” is established to carry out the terms of this Ordinance and to maintain the road. Tolls to be charged on the road are listed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act, intituled "An Act for the appointment of Firewards and the better extinguishing of Fires which may happen in the Parish of Portland, in the County of Saint John." Passed 19th March 1841. 4 Victoria Chapter 22 1841 This act amends prior legislation for the appointment of firewards and the better extinguishing of fires in Saint John County. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1841. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1841.
An Ordinance to declare and regulate the tolls to be taken on the Bridge over Cap Rouge River; and for other purposes relative to the said Bridge. 4 Victoria Chapter 21 (Session 6) 1841 This Ordinance allows tolls to be collected on the bridge crossing la rivière du Cap Rouge and lists the allowable sums to be collected, and who is to be excepted from paying the toll. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in addition to and in amendment of "An Act to provide for the erection of an Alms House and Work House, and to establish a Public Infirmary in and for the City and County of Saint John." Passed 19th March 1841. 4 Victoria Chapter 21 1841 This act adds to and amends prior legislation providing for the erection of an almshouse and workhouse and to establish a public infirmary in Saint John. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1841. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1841.
An Ordinance to amend An Act of the Provincial Parliament of this Province, intituled, “An Act for making a Rail-road from Lake Champlain to the River Saint Lawrence.” 4 Victoria Chapter 18 (Session 6) 1841 This Ordinance amends the fifth, sixth, thirty-fifth, thirty-sixth, and thirty-ninth sections of the 1832 Act, "An Act for making a Rail-road from Lake Champlain to the River Saint Lawrence." This Ordinance is made permanent. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to establish a Division Line between the Parishes of Northampton and Brighton in the County of Carleton. Passed 19th March 1841. 4 Victoria Chapter 18 1841 This act establishes a division line between Northampton and Brighton in Carleton County. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1841. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1841.
An Ordinance to provide for the improvement of certain Roads in the neighbourhood of, and leading to the City of Quebec, and to raise a fund for that purpose 4 Victoria Chapter 17 (Session 6) 1841 This Ordinance lists sums to be used to improve and maintain roads, listed, leading into the City of Québec, and establishes “The Trustees of the Quebec Turnpike Roads,” to fulfill the terms outlined. The tolls that may be charged on these roads, instructions for how they should be improved or maintained, and the processes by which Trustees can be appointed or removed are described. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance for establishing and maintaining belter means of communication between the City of Montreal and Chambly. 4 Victoria Chapter 16 (Session 6) 1841 This Ordinance makes provision the establishment of a Turnpike-Road between Chambly and Longueuil, including the establishment of a ferry between the road and Île de Montréal. The Ordinance establishes “The Trustees of the Longueuil and Chambly Turnpike-road,” and gives instructions for how they will operate, the construction of the road, and the tolls that may be charged. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to permit the establishment of a Fish Market in one of the Public Slips in the City of Saint John. Passed 19th March 1841. 4 Victoria Chapter 14 1841 This act permits the establishment of a fish market in a public slip in Saint John. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1841. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1841.
An Ordinance to authorize certain further improvements in the Harbour, of Montreal, to establish new rates of Wharfage therein, to authorize the Commissioners for the improvement of the same to borrow a further sum of money, and for other purposes relative to the said Harbour. 4 Victoria Chapter 12 (Session 6) 1841 This Ordinance outlines certain improvements to be made to the Harbour at Montreal and describes how Commissioners are to be appointed to oversee the same. A table outlining wharfage to be collected at the harbour is provided. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Gloucester to contract for the erection of a new Gaol in the said County, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 19th March 1841. 4 Victoria Chapter 12 1841 This act authorizes justices of the peace in Gloucester County to contract for the erection of a new gaol in the county. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1841. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1841.
An Ordinance to provide for the construction of a Turnpike-Road from the River Richelieu, opposite the Town of Dorchester, commonly called St. John’s, to the Village of Granby. 4 Victoria Chapter 11 (Session 6) 1841 This Ordinance makes provision for the construction of a turnpike-road from the Rivière Richelieu oppose Dorchester to to the Granby. The road's proprietors are listed and the “The St. John’s and Granby Turnpike-Road,” is established, and instructions for how they are to operate are given. Instructions for how the road is to be constructed and provisions for the collection of tolls are also given. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the Justices of the Peace for the County of Charlotte to assess the Parish of Saint Stephen, in the said County, for the erection of a Wharf on the Public Landing at Salt Water in said Parish. Passed 19th March 1841. 4 Victoria Chapter 11 1841 This act authorizes justices of the peace in Charlotte County to assess Saint Stephen parish for the erection of a wharf on a public landing. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1841. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1841.
An Ordinance for making a Rail-road from Sherbrooke, to a point upon either Bank of the River Richelieu. 4 Victoria Chapter 10 (Session 6) 1841 This Ordinance makes provisions for the construction of a railroad from Sherbrooke, by the way of the outlet of Lac Memphrémagog to the Rivière Richelieu . The railroad's proprietors are listed and made a body politic and corporate by the name“The Company of Proprietors of the Eastern Townships Rail-road.” Their rights, duties, and the terms under which they may operate are outlined. Stipulations for the construction and maintenance of the railroad are provided. This Ordinance is made permanent. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for more effectually repairing the Streets and Bridges in a part of the Parish of Saint Stephens. Passed 19th March 1841. 4 Victoria Chapter 10 1841 This act provides for more effectually repairing streets and bridges in a part of Saint Stephens. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1841. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1841.
An Ordinance to make provision for defraying the Civil Expenditure of the Provincial Government, for the year ending on the tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and forty-one; for the support of certain Charitable Institutions; for the promotion of Education; for certain public Works; for the improvement of the Internal Communications; for the encouragement of Agriculture, and for other purposes. 4 Victoria Chapter 9 (Session 6) 1841 This Ordinance lists sums in total not exceeding sixty eight thousand three hundred and eighty pounds, ten shillings and six pence, to be distributed to defray the Provincial Government's civil expenses, including to hospitals and charitable institutions and to cover costs of building and maintaining roads, rail-roads, and waterways as described. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend the provisions of an Act, intituled "An Act to enable the Commissioners of Highways in the Parishes of Maugerville, Sheffield and Waterborough, to lay out Highways, and to appropriate part of the Statute Labour for securing the Bank of the River in front of those Parishes," to the Parish of Gagetown, in Queen's County. Passed 19th March 1841. 4 Victoria Chapter 7 1841 This act extends the provisions of prior legislation concerning statute labour to Gagetown in Queen's County. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1841. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1841.
An Act to make provision for the establishment of a Light House on or near to Cape Bonavista. (Passed 28th April, 1841.) 4 Victoria Chapter 6 1841 This act sets aside 1,755 pounds for the construction of a lighthouse on Cape Bonavista. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to establish a Company by the name of “The Sydenham Mountain Road Company.” 18th September, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 80 1841 An Act to create "The Syndenham Mountain Road Company" to create a road for those in Dundas, East Falmboro, and West Flamboro to travel to Toronto. The Act outline the roles within the company and allows them to collect tolls on the road. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate certain persons under the title of the “Caledonia Bridge Company.” 18th September, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 79 1841 An Act incorporate the "Caledonia Bridge Company" to build a bridge over the Grande River at the village of Caledonia. The act outlines how the corporation will run and the amount of assets that they can hold. Early Canadiana Online