Displaying 1101 - 1120 of 2243 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to amend several Acts now in force respecting Light Houses, and to make further provision for the said Light Houses, and to consolidate the Laws respecting the same. (Passed 12th October, 1839.) 3 Victoria - Chapter 5 1839 This act consolidates several past acts concerning the building and maintenance of lighthouses in the province, with some amendments. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to afford further facilities to negotiate Debentures for the completion of certain Works. Royal Assent promulgated by Proclamation, 30th January, 1840. 2 Victoria – Chapter 72 1839 This act makes funds available to the Welland Canal company in order to complete the construction of the canal project. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to establish a Board of Works in this Province. 2 Victoria Chapter 64 (Session 4) 1839 This Ordinance provides for the establishment of the Board of Works to control and manage the construction of public works and buildings and the public money provided for them. The Board's composition, salaries, and duties are described. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to authorize the Commissioners for making the Canal from St. John’s to Chambly, to borrow a certain sum of money to complete the said Canal. 2 Victoria Chapter 61 (Session 4) 1839 This Ordinance provides a further sum not exceeding thirty thousand pounds towards completing the Chambly Canal in fulfillment of the 1833 Act, "An Act to grant an Aid to His Majesty, for the purpose of making a Navigable Canal, from or near the Town of Saint John to the Basin of Chambly, upon the River Sorel or Richelieu." The processes by which these funds are to be accounted for are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the Completion of the Gull Island Light-House. Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 58 1839 This act grants a sum of money for the completion of Gull Island lighthouse. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to revive and continue, with certain limitations, an Act passed in the seventh year of the reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, entitled “An Act granting to His Majesty a sum of money for the erection of certain Light-Houses within the Province, and for other purposes therein-mentioned.” Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 57 1839 This act revives a recently expired act first passed in 1837 relating to the building of lighthouses in the province, with some amendments. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend the provisions of an Act passed in the seventh year of the reign of His late Majesty, entitled, “An Act to alter and amend an Act passed during the last Session of the Legislature, entitled, “An Act granting to His Majesty a sum of money for the improvement of the Roads and Bridges, in the several Districts of this Province.” Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 56 1839 This act extends an act first passed in 1837 relating to the repair and building of roads and bridges in the province, as there were not enough funds to carry out the original act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act granting a sum of money to improve and keep in repair the Kettle Creek Harbour, at Port Stanley. Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 54 1839 This act grants two thousand pounds for the maintenance of Kettle Creek Harbour, and makes it possible to name commissioners and civil engineers to manage the project. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to provide for the completion of certain Public Works, for the improvement of the Internal Communications, and for the encouragement of Agriculture, and for other purposes. 2 Victoria Chapter 53 (Session 4) 1839 This Ordinance provides several sums, listed, to support or provide for various projects and organisations, such as for completing public roads, the Chambly Canal, and bridges, and for the encouragement of agriculture. The processes by which these sums are to be accounted for are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act granting One Thousand Pounds for opening and improving a Road from London, in the London District, to the River Saint Clair, in the Western District. Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 53 1839 This act grants one thousand pounds for the improvement of a road between London and the Saint Clair river. The act appoints commissioners and states their responsibilities, leaving the selection of civil engineers and surveyors to the lieutenant governor. Early Canadiana Online
An Act granting to Her Majesty a sum of money for the Improvement of the Post Road between Cornwall and L’Orignal. Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 52 1839 This act permits the granting of a sum of money for the improvement and construction of a road for commercial and defence purposes between Cornwall and l'Orignal. Early Canadiana Online
An Act granting a further sum of money for the purpose of completing the Macadamized Road, between the Town of Kingston and the Village of Napanee, in the Midland District. Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 51 1839 This act grants a sum of money to complete the gravel paving of the road between Kingston and Napanee. Early Canadiana Online
An Act granting a further sum, by way of loan, to complete the Hamilton and Brantford Road, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 50 1839 This is an amendment to an act first passed in 1837 concerning repairs to the Hamilton and Brantford road, and concerns funding, labour, and use of the completed road. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter and amend an Act, intituled “An Act to provide for the greater safety of Passengers on board Steamboats.” Passed 23d March 1839. 2 Victoria Chapter 49 1839 This act creates new safety regulations for the steamboats entering or working in New Brunswick. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1839. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1839.
An Act granting a sum of money to, complete the construction of a Macadamized Road, from the Village of Dundas to the Township of Waterloo, in the Gore District. Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 49 1839 This act grants a further sum of money to the already-begun project to macadamize (that is, gravel-pave) the road from Dundas to Waterloo in order to complete the project. Early Canadiana Online
An Act granting to Her Majesty a sum of money to improve the Cayuga Road, from Drummondville to Simcoe. Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 48 1839 This act authorises the improvement of the road from Drummondville to Simcoe, naming the commissioners in charge of the project and making them responsible for the timely reporting of all expenditures. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for making, repairing and improving, the Road from Amherstburgh to Sandwich, and from thence to Chatham, in the Western District, and for constructing and repairing Bridges thereon. Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 47 1839 This act authorises the repair and building of roads and bridges in the Western District in a response to the petition presented to the assembly by residents of the district. The work is deemed necessary for both commercial and military interests, and the act specifies who is in charge of supervising work and who is responsible for labour. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the Trustees of the Market Reserve in the Town of Niagara, to raise a sum of money for certain purposes therein-mentioned. Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 46 1839 This act authorises the trustees of the Market reserve of Niagara to borrow one thousand five hundred pounds in order to expand the market house, which has been deemed too small for their purposes. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal An Act, intituled “An Act for the more effectual prevention of Fires, within the City of Saint John.” Passed 23d March 1839. 2 Victoria Chapter 45 1839 This act repeals an earlier act regulating fire fighting in Saint John, but maintains the punishments for offenders convicted under it. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1839. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1839.
An Act to authorise the Magistrates of the Home District to borrow a sum of Money, for the purpose of completing the new Gaol and Court House. Passed 11th May, 1839. 2 Victoria – Chapter 44 1839 This act authorises the magistrates of the Home district to build a new jail and, once the new one is completed, to dispose of the old building and grounds in Toronto. Early Canadiana Online