Displaying 501 - 520 of 531 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
Acte pour la nomination d’Inspecteurs qui établiront la qualité de la Potasse et Perlasse pour l’exportation. 35 George III – Chapitre 2 1795 Cet acte permet l'appointement des inspecteurs de mines de potasse et perlasse sous la direction de l'assemblée générale. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of Lower Canada passed in the year 1795. Quebec: William Vondenvelden, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1795.
An Act for the preservation of Partridges, and blue winged Ducks. 34 George III – Chapter 4 1794 This act imposes a penalty for the killing, sale, or purchase of partridges and blue winged ducks during their mating season, from the first day of March to the first day of September, in order to help preserve the species. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Explain and Amend an Act intituled “An Act for regulating the Fisheries in the different Rivers, Coves, and Creeks of this Province.” 34 George III Chapter 3 1794 This act amends the 1788 act to change allowed distance between some nets near Saint John Harbour. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1794. Brookville, NB: Christopher Sower, 1794.
An Act in addition to, and amendment of an Act, passed in the Twelfth year of the reign of His present Majesty, entitled, “An Act declaring what shall be deemed Merchantable Timber, for Exportation to Great-Britain.” 33 George III – Chapter 11 1793 An amendment to an act first passed in 1772, which set requirements for the measure of lumber to be exported to Great Britain and the fees surveyors of lumber are to receive for enforcing this Act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to encourage the destroying of Wolves and Bears in different parts of this Province. 33 George III Chapter 11 1793 This act rewards those who destroy wolves and/or bears within five miles of any inhabited place. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, in North America; Comprising all the Acts of the Honourable the Lesgislature of the Province Aforesaid. Niagara: Gordon Tiffany, 1795.
An Act for regulating the Fisheries in the different Rivers, Coves and Creeks of this Province. 33 George III Chapter 9 1793 This act prohibits the erection of certain structures that could hinder the movement of fish through New Brunswick's rivers and streams, establishes fines for those that do, and establishes local authorities to ensure compliance. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1793. Fredericton: J. Ryan, 1793.
An Act for regulating the Size and Contents of Lime Hogsheads within this Province. 33 George III Chapter 7 1793 This act stipulates the dimensions of barrels being manufactured to hold limestone, and establishes fines for improperly transporting such barrells. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1793. Fredericton: J. Ryan, 1793.
An Act to encourage the destroying of Wolves. 32 George III Chapter 5 1792 This act sets a bounty for killing wolves and a system for claiming them. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1792. Fredericton: J. Ryan, 1792.
An Act for Regulating the Fishery in the different Rivers, Coves and Creeks of this Province. 31 George III Chapter 13 1791 This act provides further regulation regarding the provincial fishery and penalties to those who fail to abide by them. Acts of the General Assembly of his Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1791. Saint John, NB: J. Ryan, 1791.
An Act for the Security and Protection of Certain Islands in the River Saint John. 31 George III Chapter 11 1791 This act give York County Justices of the Peace the power to declare the waters surronding an island in the Saint John river to constitute a legal fence. Acts of the General Assembly of his Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1791. Saint John, NB: J. Ryan, 1791.
An Act for continuing in Force the several Acts herein after mentioned. 29 George III – Chapter 16 1789 This act continues three separate acts and the acts which relate to them. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue and amend an Act entitled “An Act for regulating the Fisheries in the different rivers coves and creeks, of this province.” 29 George III Chapter 5 1789 This act amends the 1788 act making further provisions against the erection of any encumbrances to the passage of fish. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1789. Saint John, NB: J. Ryan, 1789.
An Act to Amend an Act intitled “An act for regulating the Exportation of Fish and Lumber, and for ascertaining the Quality of the same.” 28 George III Chapter 9 1788 This act amends a 1786 act to allow for more strict regulation and inspection salmon being exported from New Brunswick, and establishes penalties for failing to abide by them. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1788. Saint John, NB: J. Ryan, 1788.
An Act for Regulating the Fisheries in the different Rivers, Coves, and Creeks of this Province. 28 George III Chapter 6 1788 This act outlaws setting up blockages on several of New Brunswick's rivers and streams that could block the passage of fish and establishes penalities for those who do. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1788. Saint John, NB: J. Ryan, 1788.
An Act to Continue Sundry Acts of the General Assembly which are near Expiring 28 George III Chapter 5 1788 This act continues several acts from 1786 that were about to expire until 1792. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1788. Saint John, NB: J. Ryan, 1788.
An Act in Addition to an act, intitled an act for regulating the exportation of Fish and Lumber, and for ascertaining the quality of the same. 27 George III Chapter 11 1787 This act ameneds the 1786 act of the same name, allowing for a greater variety of fish and timber to be exported. "Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1787. Saint John, NB: J. Ryan, 1787."
An Act for regulating the exportation of Fish and Lumber, and for ascertaining the quality of the same. 26 George III Chapter 50 1786 This act, passed in the first year of the assembly, sets standards regulating how shipments of fish and lumber will be inspected before being exported from New Brunswick. Said regulations are market specific. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1786. Saint John, NB: J. Ryan, 1786.
An Act for the Preservation of Moose. 26 George III Chapter 39 1786 This act, passed in the first year of the assembly, introduces fines to prevent the wanton killing of moose. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1786. Saint John, NB: J. Ryan, 1786.
An Act to prevent nuisances by Hedges, Wears, Seines, and other incumbrances obstructing the passage of Fish, in the Rivers, Coves and Creeks of this Province. 26 George III Chapter 31 1786 This act, passed in the first year of the assembly, aims to prevent the building of unauthorized structures that could encumber the movement of fish on New Brunswick's waterways. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1786. Saint John, NB: J. Ryan, 1786.
An Act to prevent the Burning Woods, by carelessly or wantonly Firing the same 26 George III Chapter 30 1786 This act, passed in the first year of the assembly, sets penatlies for causing forest fires. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1786. Saint John, NB: J. Ryan, 1786.