Displaying 1881 - 1900 of 2243 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act in amendment of an Act intituled, “an Act to authorize the Justices of the General Sessions of the Peace for the County of York, to levy an Assessment for building a County Court House.” Passed the 11th March, 1818. 58 George III Chapter 8 1818 This act gives York County justices of the Peace the authority to raise money to build a county court house. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1818. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1818.
An Act to grant to the Religious Ladies Hospitalières, of the Hôtel-Dieu of Quebec, a certain sum of Money for the purposes therein mentioned. (1st April, 1818.) 58 George III Chapter 7 1818 An act to grant of sum of six thousand pounds to the Religious Ladies Hospitalières of the Hôtel-Dieu of Quebec to build new wards for the reception and relief of the sick. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue an Act intituled “an Act to provide for the erection of Fences with Gates across Highways, leading through Intervale Lands, in Queen’s County and the County of Sunbury, where the same may be found necessary,” and to extend the Provisions of the same to King’s County. Passed the 11th March, 1818. 58 George III Chapter 5 1818 This act extends the life of an 1810 act regulating highway gates and fences in Queen's and Sunbury counties until 1822. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1818. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1818.
An act to empower the commissioners of the peace for the Eastern district, in their court of general quarter sessions assembled, to establish and regulate the time for holding a market in the town of Cornwall, in the said district. (Passed 27th November, 1818.) 58 George III – Chapter 4 (Session 3) 1818 This act empowers the local government of Cornwall to establish a town market, and specifies how the taxes and fees from the said market are to be distributed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the Justices of the Peace, in their General Sessions, to establish Ferries in their respective Counties. Passed 11th March, 1818. 58 George III Chapter 4 1818 This act allows for counties to establish ferries for the easy crossing of rivers and streams in their borders. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1818. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1818.
An act for the better division of the county of Glengarry into townships. (Passed 27th November, 1818.) 58 George III – Chapter 3 (Session 3) 1818 This act creates the townships of Lochiel and Lancaster by grouping specified parcels of land in the county of Glengarry. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue and amend an Act intituled, “an Act for regulating, laying out and repairing Highways and Roads, and for appointing Commissioners and Surveyors of Highways, within the several Towns and Parishes in this Province.” Passed 11th March, 1818. 58 George III Chapter 3 1818 This act continues an 1810 act regulating the construction and maintainence of highways, while also adding new stipulations regarding who is required to work on them and their duties while doing so. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1818. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1818.
An Act to continue the several Acts of the General Assembly for raising a Revenue to repair the Roads throughout the Province, by laying a Duty on Persons hereafter to be licensed to keep Public Houses and Shops for the retail of Spirituous Liquors. 58 George III – Chapter 2 1818 This Act continues several acts passed relating to duties placed on liquor licenses which funds were to be used to repair roads, and which acts are to remain in force until 18 March 1819. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise Joseph Roi, Esquire, to build a Bridge over the River Jesus, opposite the Village of Terrebonne, in the County of Effingham, to fix the Rates of Toll for passing thereon, and to provide regulations for the said Bridge. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 38 1817 An act authorising Joseph Roi, Esquire to build and collect a toll on a bridge crossing the River Jesus, opposite the Village of Terrebonne, in the County of Effingham. Roi is granted the authority to take and use of the land required to build the bridge. Standards and stipulations for the bridge's construction and maintenance are outlined. The allowable tolls that can be charged are described, as well as those to be excepted from tolls. Additionally, after a period of fifty years, it is made lawful for the Crown to assume possession of the bridge. Time restraints allowed for the construction and repairs are outlined, as well as penalties for those who neglect the tenets of the bill. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise Jean Marie Langlois, otherwise called Jean Marie Germain, to build a Bridge over the River Yamaska, at the foot of the cascade, opposite the village of Saint Hyacinthe, in the County of Richelieu, to fix the Rates of Toll for passing thereon, and to provide regulations for the said Bridge. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 37 1817 An act authorising Jean Marie Langlois to replace and collect a toll on a bridge crossing the River Yamaska, in the County of Richelieu, upon land in his possession. Langlois is granted the authority to take and use of surrounding land if required to build the bridge. Standards and stipulations for the bridge's construction and maintenance are outlined. The allowable tolls that can be charged are described, as well as those to be excepted from tolls. Additionally, after a period of fifty years, it is made lawful for the Crown to assume possession of the bridge. Time restraints allowed for the construction and repairs are outlined, as well as penalties for those who neglect the tenets of the bill. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise Louis Michel Viger, Esquire, to erect a Toll-Bridge over the River Des Prairies. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 36 1817 An act authorising Louis Michel Viger, Esquire to build and collect a toll on a bridge crossing the River Des Prairies. Viger is granted the authority to take and use of the land required to build the bridge. Standards and stipulations for the bridge's construction and maintenance are outlined. The allowable tolls that can be charged are described, as well as those to be excepted from tolls. Additionally, after a period of fifty years, it is made lawful for the Crown to assume possession of the bridge. Roads communicating with this bridge are to be constructed. Time restraints allowed for the construction and repairs are outlined, as well as penalties for those who neglect the tenets of the bill. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise Thimothé Dufour to build a Toll-Bridge over the River of Malbaie, in the County of Northumberland. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 35 1817 An act authorising Thimothé Dufour to build and collect a toll on a bridge crossing the River of Malbaie, in the County of Northumberland. Dufour is granted the authority to take and use of the land required to build the bridge. Standards and stipulations for the bridge's construction and maintenance are outlined. The allowable tolls that can be charged are described, as well as those to be excepted from tolls. Additionally, after a period of fifty years, it is made lawful for the Crown to assume possession of the bridge. Time restraints allowed for the construction and repairs are outlined, as well as penalties for those who neglect the tenets of the bill. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to grant to Pierre Casgrain, Esquire, a right of Toll over the Draw-Bridge erected on the River Ouelle, in the County of Cornwallis. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 34 1817 An act authorising Pierre Casgrain, Esquire to build and collect a toll on a draw bridge crossing the River Ouelle, in the County of Cornwallis. Casgrain is granted the authority to take and use of the land required to build the bridge. Standards and stipulations for the bridge's construction and maintenance are outlined. The allowable tolls that can be charged are described, as well as those to be excepted from tolls. Additionally, after a period of fifty years, it is made lawful for the Crown to assume possession of the bridge. Casgrain, his heirs, executors, curators, representatives, or assigns are made responsible to raise the bridge to allow vessels to pass under and will be held responsible for any damages incurred should they neglect to do so.Time restraints allowed for the construction and repairs are outlined, as well as penalties for those who neglect the tenets of the bill. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue, an Act passed in the fifty-fourth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to establish Post-houses in the different parts of this Province.” (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 25 1817 An Act to continue an Act passed in 1814 which outlined where and how several Post Houses were to be erected within the province. Regulations on how mail isbe transported are outlined, as well as fines and penalties for those who offend against the act, were also established under this former Act. This Act is to expire in 1819. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a further Sum of Money towards the payment of certain arrears due for the erection of a Common Gaol, in the District of Quebec. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 21 1817 This act, passed by virtue of an under the authority the 1805 act "An Act to provide for the erecting of a Common Gaol in each of the Districts of Quebec and Montreal, respectively, and the means of defraying the expences thereof" grants a further eleven hundred and six pounds. two shillings for the construction of the Common Gaol for the District of Quebec. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for erecting a Court-House with proper Offices in the District of Three-Rivers, and for defraying the expences thereof. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 17 1817 Under this Act, a new court house is to be erected at Trois-Rivières to replace the current building found to be insufficient. Three commissioners and a person to act as treasurer and clerk are to be appointed to oversee the funds allocated to this purpose and the construction. The duties of the commissioners are outlined as well as from where funds are to be taken and how they are to be handled. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the better supplying the Town of Halifax with Fresh Water. 57 George III – Chapter 15 1817 This act establishes the Halifax Water Company who are tasked with supplying fresh water to the city’s inhabitants. The processes by which the company may construct a reservoir or bason, as well as how it is to operate, are described. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter, amend and continue, an Act, passed in the fifty-second year of his present Majesty’s reign, entitled, “An Act to regulate the expenditure of Monies hereafter to be appropriated for the service of Roads and Bridges.” 57 George III – Chapter 13 1817 This act continues a former act relating to funding for constructing and repairing roads, and amends the former act as far as the sums allowable to be spent and the manner in which wages should be paid. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make more effectual provision for the improvement of the Internal Communications of this Province. (22 March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 13 1817 An Act to apply a sum of fifty-five thousand pounds towards improving communications within the province, specifically, to open new roads and bridges or complete unfinished roads and bridges between districts, and to build new Post roads, improve highways, improve the navigation of rivers, and construct dams or canals. Specific allowances for the districts of Quebec, Montrèal, Trois-Rivières, and the inferior District of Gaspé are outlined, as well as for several counties within the province. The processes by which Commissioners of the Internal Communications are to be appointed and their duties are described. Works remaining to be done under the 1815 Act, “An Act to improve the Internal Communications of this Province” are to be included under this Act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for applying certain Monies therein mentioned, for the service of the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen; and for appropriating such part of the Supplies, granted in this Session of the General Assembly, as are not already appropriated by the Laws or Acts of the Province. 57 George III – Chapter 12 1817 This Act outlines the sums of money to be paid our for salaries for public servants for the year in addition to several other expenses of the provincial government. The act also lists the sums needed to fund infrastructure projects, mainly roads. Other matters relating to the revenue are addressed, including the continuance of or in fulfillment of former acts. Early Canadiana Online