Displaying 141 - 153 of 153 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to prevent Acts of the Legislature from taking effect from a time prior to the passing thereof. 41 George III Chapter 11 1801 This act prevents legislation from taking effect prior to the passing thereof. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1801. York: Titus G. Simons, 1801.
An Act for the Safe Custody and Registering of all Letters Patent whereby any Grant of the waste or other Lands of the Crown lying within this Province shall hereafter be made. [30th January, 1796.] 36 George III Chapter 3 1796 This act requires copies of letters patents for all grants of land be deposited at the office of the secretary of the province, to be held in perpetuity, specifying penalties for secretaries who should neglect this duty, as well as for counterfeiting letters patent. Early Canadiana Online
Acte qui pourvoit à la Sauve-Garde et Enrégistrement de toutes Lettres Patentes par lesquelles il sera ci-après fait quelque Octroi de Terres incultes ou autres de la Couronne situées en cette Province. [30me janvier, 1796.] 36 George III Chapter 3 1796 Cet acte exige que des copies des lettres patentes soient soumises au sécrétaire de la province. Ce bureau gardera ces copies en perpétuité. Cet acte spécifie aussi les pénalités pour les sécrétaires qui négligent ce devoir, ainsi que la pénalité pour la fabrication de fausses lettres patentes. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to declare and ascertain the Period when the Acts of the Provincial Parliament of this Province shall take effect. [30th January, 1796] 36 George III Chapter 1 1796 This act requires all acts to be dated with the month, day, and year of their passing, as well as assented by the Governor or Lieutenant Governor in the name of the King before being enacted into law. Upon assent, the Governor or Lieutenant Governor shall signal their assent by proclaiming by speech or message to the legislative council and house of assembly. Early Canadiana Online
Acte qui déclare et constate le tems auquel les Actes du Parlement Provincial de cette Province auront effet. [30me janvier, 1796.] 36 George III Chapitre 1 1796 Cet acte exige que tous les actes soient publiés avec la date (jour, mois, année) de leur admission, qu'ils soient approuvés par le gouverneur ou lieutenant gouverneur de la province au nom du roi avant d'être promulgé. Une fois approuvé, le gouverneur ou lieutenant gouverneur signalera leur approbation par proclamation ou message écrit à l'assemblée législative. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the Publication of certain Laws, and for the printing and distributing to certain persons, for the purpose of public information, all Laws that have been, and shall be passed in the Legislature of this Province, under the present Constitution. 33 George III – Chapter 1 1793 This act clarifies that laws have full force and effect from the day of their passing and requires that they be publicly printed in both French and English. The Provincial Statutes of Lower Canada passed in the year 1793. Quebec: William Vondenvelden, 1793. (Session 1)
Acte qui pourvoit à la Publication de certaine Loix, et à l’impression et distribution, à certaines personnes, pour l’information publique, de toutes loix qui ont été et seront passées dans la Législation de cette Province, sous la présente Constitution. 33 George III – Chapitre 1 1793 Cet acte clarifie le statut légal de toutes les lois dès leur publication, et exige que toute loi soit publiée en anglais et français. The Provincial Statutes of Lower Canada passed in the year 1793. Quebec: William Vondenvelden, 1793. (Session 1)
An Act for continuing in Force the several Acts herein mentioned; and also for reviving and continuing an Act herein mentioned, which has expired. 32 George III Chapter 12 1792 This Act was not published. Early Canadiana Online
An Act, in amendment of and addition to an Act made in the First year of His present Majesty’s reign, entitled, “An Act for the Registering Marriages, Births and Deaths.” 22 George III – Chapter 3 1782 This is an amendment to an act first passed in 1761, requiring clerks of each township to record births, deaths, and marriage. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for taking, examining, and stating the public Accounts of this Province. 16 George III – Chapter 3 1776 This act defines a procedure for taking account of the money coming into the government through taxes, and the money going out due to claims and demands being made on the treasury. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in Amendment to an Act, made in the Thirty Second year of His late Majesty’s Reign, intitled An Act declaring what shall be deemed a Publication of the Province Laws. 11 George III – Chapter 2 1771 This Act amends the 1758 Act, "An Act declaring what shall be deemed a Publication of the Province Laws," so that printing the title of laws passed in General Assembly is made a proper publication of the law. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the registring of Marriages, Births and Deaths. 1 George III – Chapter 4 1761 Under this Act, the proprietors clerks are required to record all marriages, births, and deaths, and are permitted to demand a fee of six pence for each registry entered and one shilling for every certificate of marriage, birth, or death he gives. National Archive of the United Kingdom
An Act declaring what shall be deemed a Publication of the Province Laws. 32 George II – Chapter 22 1758 Under this Act, laws can be published by public readings of any law on the parade of Halifax, which are to be delivered by notice of drumbeat. National Archive of the United Kingdom