Displaying 2501 - 2510 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Ordinance to appropriate a further sum of money to defray the expenses of the Rural Police in the Districts of Montreal and Three Rivers, for the year ending in October one thousand eight hundred and forty. 3 Victoria Chapter 32 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance provides a sum not exceeding in the whole five thousand five hundred pounds towards defraying the salaries and expenses of the rural police force for the Districts of Montreal and Trois-Rivières. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate certain persons under the style and title of the Oakville Hydraulic Company. Passed 10th February, 1840. 3 Victoria – Chapter 32 1840 This act incorporates the Oakville Hydraulic Company and authorises the same to build a dam across the creek in Oakville across the opening of the Harbour which boats can ascend safely. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to provide for the improvement of the Roads in the neighbourhood of, and leading to the City of Montreal, and to raise a fund for that purpose. 3 Victoria Chapter 31 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance lists several roads in and leading into Montréal that are to be improved and maintained and describes the methods by which the associated costs will be provided for, such as by establishing tolls. The Ordinance makes provision for the appointment of trustees to keep, repair, and open roads and outlines their duties. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to define the Limits of the Town of London, in the District of London, and to establish a Board of Police therein. Passed 10th February, 1840. 3 Victoria – Chapter 31 1840 This act incorporates the town of London. It defines its borders as well as its subdivisions, how town magistrates will be elected and who is eligible to be elected, as well as who is eligible to vote. It also creates the town board of police and defines their purview and powers, specifying how the board will be elected and what kind of laws they are empowered to enact. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to incorporate the Ecclesiastics of the Seminary of Saint Sulpice of Montreal, to confirm their Title to the Fief and Seigniory of the Island of Montreal, the Fief and Seigniory of the Lake of the Two Mountains, and the Fief and Seigniory of Saint Sulpice, in this Province; to provide for the gradual extinction of Seigniorial Rights and Dues, within the Seigniorial limits of the said Fiefs and Seigniories, and for other purposes. 3 Victoria Chapter 30 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance establishes the Seminary of Saint Sulpice as an Ecclesiastical Corporation, under the name “The Ecclesiastics of the Seminary of Saint Sulpice of Montreal" and under the provisions outlined. The Ordinance describes the obligations of, and rules, regulations, and exceptions for the said corporation. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the Management of the Estate of William Handley, Esquire. Passed 10th February, 1840. 3 Victoria – Chapter 30 1840 This act appoints trustees to manage the estates of William Handley, who is being confined to the lunatic asylum. Since there is no such asylum in the province, his wife is taking him out of province for treatment in the hopes he will return to manage his own affairs. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to render permanent a certain Ordinance therein mentioned, relative to the improvement and enlargement of the Harbour of Montreal. 3 Victoria Chapter 29 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance makes the 1838 "An Ordinance to authorize the Commissioners appointed under a certain Act of the Legislature of this Province therein mentioned, to borrow a further sum of money to be applied to the improvement and enlargement of the Harbour of Montreal, and for other purposes," permanent. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the Court of Queen’s Bench to admit John Ford Maddock to practise as an Attorney in that Court. Passed 10th February, 1840. 3 Victoria – Chapter 29 1840 This act permits John Ford Maddock, an Englishman who was educated as a lawyer in England and practiced law in both England and Jamaica, to practice law in Upper Canada. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to authorize the Commissioners for the improvement and enlargement of the Harbour of Montreal, to borrow a further sum of money, and for other purposes. 3 Victoria Chapter 28 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance provides a sum not exceeding twenty-three thousand pounds towards improving the Harbour of Montréal, as outlined. This Ordinance is made permanent. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make permanent an Act passed in the fifth year of the reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, entitled, “An Act to amend and continue the Act granting Militia Pensions.” Passed 10th February, 1840. 3 Victoria – Chapter 28 1840 This act continues and makes perpetual an act passed in 1835. It concerns pensions for militia members and was passed after being petitioned by veterans of the war of 1812. Early Canadiana Online