Displaying 2551 - 2560 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Ordinance to amend and render permanent an Ordinance passed in the second year of Her Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Ordinance to prevent the fraudulent manufacture, importation, or circulation of spurious Copper and Brass Coin.” 3 Victoria Chapter 8 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance makes the 1839 Ordinance, “An Ordinance to prevent the fraudulent manufacture, importation, or circulation of Spurious Copper and Brass Coin,” permanent. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make further provision towards defraying the expenses of the Civil Government of this Colony by raising certain Duties. (Passed 29th April, 1840.) 3 Victoria - Chapter 8 1840 This act grants specific sums of money as a salary to those who have served the provincial government in various offices. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make perpetual certain parts of an Act passed in the fifth year of the reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, entitled, “An Act to prevent the unnecessary multiplication of Law Suits, and increase of Costs in Actions on Notes, Bonds, Bills of Exchange and other Instruments” and for other purposes therein-mentioned. Passed 10th February, 1840. 3 Victoria – Chapter 8 1840 This act continues and makes perpetual an act passed in 1835, which regulates lawsuits that can be brought against banks and the makers and endorsers of banknotes concerning their value, in an attempt to control the increase of the physical costs of making said banknotes. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to render permanent, with the amendment made therein by a certain Ordinance, certain Acts of the Legislature of this Province relating to the establishment of Registry Offices. 3 Victoria Chapter 7 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance makes the 1830 Act, "An Act to establish Registry Offices in the Counties of Drummond, Sherbrooke, Stanstead, Shefford, and Missisquoi,” as amended by several other acts, permanent. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to defray certain expenses and outstanding claims on the Board of Road Commissioners in St. John’s, and for other purposes. (Passed 29th April, 1840.) 3 Victoria - Chapter 7 1840 This act deals primarily with certain outstanding invoices from road construction and renovation projects in the St. John's area. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to revive, continue and make perpetual a certain Act passed in the fifth year of the reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, entitled, “An Act to continue and amend the Late for attaching the Property of Absconding Debtors, and for other purposes therein-mentioned." Passed 10th February, 1840. 3 Victoria – Chapter 7 1840 This act continues and makes perpetual an act passed in 1835, which described how the property of absconding debtors could be seized. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to render permanent certain Acts therein mentioned. 3 Victoria Chapter 6 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance makes several Acts, set to expire, permanent. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act passed in the Fifth Session of the General Assembly of this Island, entitled “An Act to combine the Office of Clerk of the Central Circuit Court with the Office of Clerk of the Supreme Court, and to make provision for the Officer discharging the duties of the said Offices.” (Passed 20th April, 1840.) 3 Victoria - Chapter 6 1840 This is the continuation of an act first passed in 1835, which combines two court offices into one role, and specifies the duties of the new court officer. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue and make perpetual an Act passed in the fifth year of the reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, entitled, “An Act to mitigate the Law in respect to Imprisonment for Debt.” Passed 10th February, 1840. 3 Victoria – Chapter 6 1840 This act continues and makes permanent an act first passed in 1835, which raises the amount required to jail debtors from five pounds to ten pounds. It also further defines the actions which can be taken against debtors in order to recover costs. Early Canadiana Online
An Ordinance to provide permanently for the want of Notaries in the Inferior District of Gaspe, and to remove doubts therein mentioned. 3 Victoria Chapter 5 (Session 5) 1840 This Ordinance clarifies the term and tenth section of the 1836 Act, “An Act further to provide, during a limited time, for the want of Notaries in the Inferior District of Gaspe." Early Canadiana Online