Displaying 2571 - 2580 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to defray certain charges that have arisen for the support of Aged and Infant Paupers up to the First of February, 1840. (Passed 28th February, 1840.) 3 Victoria Chapter 1 1840 This act grants specific sums of money to the individuals named who have fallen on hard times for various reasons, and therefore find themselves in need of state support. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the appointment of Commissioners to regulate the Practice of the Court of Chancery. Passed 10th February, 1840. 3 Victoria – Chapter 1 1840 This act allows the appointment of commissioners to further regulate the court of chancery. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for Granting to Her Majesty a Sum of Money for defraying the expenses of the Civil Government of this Colony, and for other purposes, for the Year ending the 30th June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty, and for regulating the appropriation of the same. (Passed 12th October, 1839.) 3 Victoria - Chapter 12 1839 This act grants various sums to individuals who serve the courts of the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the expenses of the re-construction of Waterford Bridge. (Passed 12th October, 1839.) 3 Victoria - Chapter 11 1839 This act grants two hundred and fifty pounds to reconstruct the Waterford Bridge. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for granting to Her Majesty a Sum of Money for defraying the Expenses of the late Delegation. (Passed 12th October, 1839.) 3 Victoria - Chapter 10 1839 This act disburses a sum of money to reimburse a recent delegation to London. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate the Benevolent Irish Society. (Passed 12th October, 1839.) 3 Victoria - Chapter 9 1839 This act incorporates the Benelvolent Irish Society, giving it all the advantages of the body corporate such as owning land and making investments. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal part of an Act passed in the second Session of the first General Assembly of this Island, intituled “An Act to regulate the Building of Houses in Water Street in the Town of St. John’s. (Passed 12th October, 1839.) 3 Victoria - Chapter 8 1839 This is an amendment to an act first passed in 1833, which regulates how houses are to be built, and where they are to be built, on Water Street in Saint John's Early Canadiana Online
An Act to revest in the Treasury the sum of Fifteen Hundred Pounds granted to Her Majesty under an Act passed in the first Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, and remaining unappropriated, and to re-appropriate the same for the purpose of facilitating a communication by Steam between the Port of St. John’s and the Port of Halifax in the Province of Nova Scotia. (Passed 12th October, 1839.) 3 Victoria - Chapter 7 1839 This act appropriates a revenue to create a transportation service between Newfoundland and Halifax, Nova Scotia. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to regulate the Granting of Licenses for the Sale by Retail of Wines, Ale, and Spirituous Liquors, in Newfoundland. (Passed 12th October, 1839.) 3 Victoria - Chapter 6 1839 This act places restrictions on who can be granted a license to sell liquor in the province, and the conditions which must be met in order to obtain said license. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend several Acts now in force respecting Light Houses, and to make further provision for the said Light Houses, and to consolidate the Laws respecting the same. (Passed 12th October, 1839.) 3 Victoria - Chapter 5 1839 This act consolidates several past acts concerning the building and maintenance of lighthouses in the province, with some amendments. Early Canadiana Online