Displaying 2341 - 2350 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to Incorporate the Montreal Board of Trade. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 90 1841 This act incorporates the Montreal Board of Trade under the named individuals. The act specifies the procedures for the election of new council members, regular members, how meetings are to be called, and the memberships of the inspectors of various goods. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to regulate the Inspection of Flour and Meal. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 89 1841 This act repeals all previous trade laws of Lower Canada regarding the trade and packaging of flour and pearl ash, and creates a new one to be applied to the entire province of United Canada. The new provincial law establishes rules for trade boards in Montreal, Quebec, and Toronto, as well as measures for appointing members of these boards, as well as procedures for appointing inspectors of flour and meal. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to regulate the Inspection of Beef and Pork. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 88 1841 An Act which consolidates the Act of former Upper and Lower Canada concerning the curing, packing, and inspection of beef and pork. This includes how the inspectors are appointed, the rules and regulations that they abide by, and how the beef and pork must be to pass inspection. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to empower certain Trustees therein mentioned, to convey a portion of a certain lot of land in the Township of Lochiel, in the Eastern District, to the Reverend John Mclsaac. 18th September, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 87 1841 An Act to empower trustees of the Presbyterian congregation in Lochiel Township to give a portion of their land to the Reverend John McIsaac of the same township. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to secure to, and confer upon Jacques Alexandre Tailhades, an inhabitant of this Province, the civil and political rights of a natural born British Subject. 27th August, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 86 1841 An Act to give Jacques Alexandre Tailhades, who lives in Montreal, the rights of a natural born British Subject. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to naturalize the Reverend William Sharts. 18th September, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 85 1841 An Act to confer on the Lutheran pastor of Williamsburg and Osnabruck, Reverend William Sharts the rights of a natural born British Subject. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to secure to, and confer upon Lewis Lyman, an inhabitant of this Province, the civil and political rights of a natural born British Subject. 18th September, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 84 1841 An Act to confer upon Lewis Lyman, of the Seigniory of Beauharnois, the rights of a natural born British Subject. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relief of Philippe Aubert De Gaspé. 18th September, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 83 1841 An Act to free Philippe Aubert De Gaspe from Quebec's Common Gaol as he surrendered all his property to the crown and is confined to Quebec. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to permit Robert John Turner to practise as Solicitor in the Court of Chancery. 17th August, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 82 1841 An Act which makes Robert John Turner of Kingston, who has eighteen years experience in the courts, a solicitors in the Court of Chancery. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to empower George Durand, Esquire, to construct a Canal for Mill purposes in the Township of Sarnia. 18th September, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 81 1841 An Act to allow George Durand to cut a canal from the River Aux Perches to River Saint Clair for the purpose of a mill. Early Canadiana Online