Displaying 2351 - 2360 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to establish a Company by the name of “The Sydenham Mountain Road Company.” 18th September, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 80 1841 An Act to create "The Syndenham Mountain Road Company" to create a road for those in Dundas, East Falmboro, and West Flamboro to travel to Toronto. The Act outline the roles within the company and allows them to collect tolls on the road. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate certain persons under the title of the “Caledonia Bridge Company.” 18th September, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 79 1841 An Act incorporate the "Caledonia Bridge Company" to build a bridge over the Grande River at the village of Caledonia. The act outlines how the corporation will run and the amount of assets that they can hold. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to increase the sum which may be raised, under a certain Act therein mentioned, for defraying the cost of certain Public Buildings in the County of Simcoe. 18th September, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 78 1841 An Act that allows Simcoe County get a loan of an additional three thousand pounds to pay for the construction of the court house and gaol. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend the time limited by Law for the construction and completion of the Port Dover Harbour. 18th September, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 77 1841 An Act which extends the timeline of completion of Port Dover Harbour by seven years. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize a further Loan to complete the Building of the Court House and Gaol for the intended District of Dalhousie. 18th September, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 76 1841 An Act to allow the district of Dalhousie to raise property taxes by one penny on the pound for fifteen years and to get a loan of six thousand pounds to complete construction of the gaol and court house. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to confirm a certain arrangement entered into by the Magistrates of the Districts of Gore and Wellington. 18th September, 1841.
4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 75 1841 An Act that confirms the deal between the districts of Wellington and Gore. It states that the magistrates of Wellington will pay the magistrates of Gore three hundred pounds for the construction of the gaol and court house. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make provision for the management of the temporalities of the United Church of England and Ireland in this Province, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Royal Assent promulgated 3rd December. 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 74 1841 This Act specifies details for the self-management of the United Church in Canada -- especially as regards various Church officials and their respective roles. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend the Law regulating the Election of Directors of the Grand River Navigation Company. 18th September, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 74 1841 An Act to amend the law incorporating the Grand River Navigation Company so that the Governor of Canada can appoint two directors as long as three quarters of the capital stock is held for the benefit of Six Nation Indians. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act passed in the ninth year of the Reign of King George the Fourth, chapter two, entitled An Act for the relief of the Religious Societies therein mentioned. Royal Assent promulgated 3rd December, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 73 1841 This Act repeals previous legislation limiting the amount of land to which religious bodies are entitled. It also extends the purposes to which religious bodies may put their lands, and offers the same rights and privileges regarding land use to the Catholic Church, as apply to the other Christian denominations. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act of that part of the Province, formerly called Upper Canada, intituled, “An Act to provide for the making and keeping in repair the West Gwillimbury Road and Bridge, and to authorize the erection of a Toll Gate thereon.” 17th August, 1841. 4 & 5 Victoria – Chapter 73 1841 An Act to amend the Act of former Upper Canada related to the building and maintenance of the West Gwillimbury Road and Bridge. The new act allows for the appointment of Commissioners as needed. Early Canadiana Online