Displaying 1321 - 1340 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act for laying a Duty of Excise of Three Pence per Gallon on all Rum, and other Spirituous Liquors distilled within this Province, and for granting a Bounty on the Exportation thereof. 1759 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act in Addition to, and Amendment of, and for further prolonging, an Act made and passed in the 32d Year of His Majesty’s Reign, intitled, "An Act for granting to His Majesty an Excise upon Wine, Rum, and other distilled Spirituous Liquors sold by Retail." As also of an Act, intitled, "An Act for the better discovering and more effectually suppressing unlicensed Houses." 1759 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act in Addition to an Act, intitled, "An Act for the Establishment of religious Publick Worship in this Province, and for Suppressing of Popery." 1759 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for laying an additional Duty of Three Pence per Gallon upon all Rum and other distilled Spirituous Liquors imported into this Province, and for allowing a Drawback on the Exportation thereof. 1759 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act to prevent the distilling Grain in this Province. 1759 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act in Addition to, and Amendment of an Act intitled, “An Act for confirming the Proceedings on the several Resolutions of the Governors and Council of this Province, relating to the Duties of Impost on Rum and other distilled Liquors, and enabling the late Collector or Receiver to recover the Monies unpaid, for any Bonds or Notes remaining in his Hands, and for establishing and regulating several Duties of Impost on Wines, Beer, Rum, and other distilled Spirituous Liquors for the future;” and for the further Continuance of the same. 1759 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for permitting Persons of the Profession of the People called Quakers, to make an Affirmation, instead of taking an Oath. 1759 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act to prevent Gaming. 1759 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    Resolution of His Excellency the Governor, in General Assembly, in Explanation of the Impost-Act. 1759 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for regulating Petit Juries, and declaring the Qualification of Jurors. 1759 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for allowing a Drawback of Part of the Impost Duties on Wines, Beer, Rum and other distilled Spirituous Liquors, on their being exported out of this Province. 1759 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for the Relief of the Poor in the Town of Halifax. 1759 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for the Quieting of Possessions to the Protestant Grantees of the Lands formerly occuppied by the French Inhabitants, and for preventing vexatious Actions relating to the same. 1759 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for regulating and maintaining a Light-House on Sambro Island. 1759 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for regulating and maintaining an House of Correction or Work-House within the Town of Halifax, and for binding out Poor Children. 1759 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Ordinance to amend the Laws relative to Winter Roads. 1841 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to amend the Ordinance to Incorporate the City and Town of Montreal. 1841 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to amend the Ordinance to Incorporate the City and Town of Quebec. 1841 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to prescribe and regulate the Registering of Titles to Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, Real or Immoveable Estates, and of Charges and Incumbrances on the same: and for the alteration and improvement of the law, in certain particulars, in relation to the Alienation and Hypothecation of Real Estates, and the Rights and Interest acquired therein. 1841 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to make further provision for the effectual improvement of the internal communications between this Province and New Brunswick. 1841 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago