Displaying 1241 - 1260 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act for altering and amending several Acts of this Province, relating to the Duties on Wines, Beer, Rum, or other distilled Spirituous Liquors, and for granting a Bounty, and allowing a Drawback on the same. 1761 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act in Amendment of, Addition to, and for further prolonging an Act, intitled “An Act for granting and establishing an Allowance to the Collector or Collectors of the Impost and Excise Duties.” 1761 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act to enable Creditors to receive their just Debts, out of the Effects of their absent or absconding Debtors. 1761 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for the Amendment of an Act intitled, “An Act concerning Marriages and Divorce, and for punishing Incest and Adultery, and declaring Polygamy to be Felony.” 1761 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act to prevent the spreading of contagious Distempers. 1761 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for preventing Damages by unseasonable burning, or firing of the Woods. 1761 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for the registring of Marriages, Births and Deaths. 1761 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act in further Amendment of an Act, intitled, “An Act for confirming Titles to Land and quieting Possessions.” 1761 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act in Amendment of an Act, intitled, “An Act, directing the Proceedings against forcible Entry and Detainer.” 1761 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for the better Observation and Keeping of the Lord’s Day. 1761 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for further prolonging the several Acts herein after mentioned, relating to the Duties of Impost and Excise, heretofore granted by the General-Assembly of this Province on Wines, Beer, Rum, and other distilled Spirituous Liquors. 1760 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for further extending of Bounties and Premiums. 1760 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for building a publick Slaughter House in the Town Halifax, and for regulating the same. 1760 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for regulating the Common belonging to the Township of Lunenburg. 1760 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for continuing an Act, intitled’ “An Act to prevent any private Trade or Commerce with the Indians.” 1760 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act in Addition to and Amendment of an Act, intitled, “An Act for the better and more effectual Establishment of the Church of England in this Province.” 1760 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act in Amendment of an Act, intitled, “An Act relating to Treasons and Felonies.” 1760 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for granting and establishing an Allowance to the Collector or Collectors of the Impost and Excise Duties. 1760 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for continuing an Act, intitled, “An Act for confirming the past Proceedings of the Courts of Judicature, and for regulating the further Proceedings of the same.” And also, “An Act in Addition to, and Explanation of an Act, intitled, ‘An Act for confirming the past Proceedings of the Courts of Judicature, and for regulating the further Proceedings of the same.’” 1760 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago
    An Act for encouraging the Improvement of Lands in the Peninsula of Halifax, and further quieting of Possessions. 1760 Nova Scotia (1758-1825**) 4 years ago