Displaying 1381 - 1400 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Ordinance to exempt certain Officers of Her Majesty’s Army from the payment of the rate or assessment therein mentioned, in the Cities of Quebec and Montreal. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to amend and render permanent the Ordinance establishing a Board of Works in this Province. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to Incorporate certain persons therein-mentioned, under the name of “The Montreal Fire Assurance Company.” 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to Incorporate the City and Town of Montreal. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to Incorporate the City and Town of Quebec. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to Incorporate the Montreal Public Bakery and Fuel Company. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to provide more effectually for the safe storing and keeping of Gunpowder within and near the City and Town of Montreal. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to appropriate a further sum of money to defray the expenses of the Rural Police in the Districts of Montreal and Three Rivers, for the year ending in October one thousand eight hundred and forty. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to provide for the improvement of the Roads in the neighbourhood of, and leading to the City of Montreal, and to raise a fund for that purpose. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to incorporate the Ecclesiastics of the Seminary of Saint Sulpice of Montreal, to confirm their Title to the Fief and Seigniory of the Island of Montreal, the Fief and Seigniory of the Lake of the Two Mountains, and the Fief and Seigniory of Saint Sulpice, in this Province; to provide for the gradual extinction of Seigniorial Rights and Dues, within the Seigniorial limits of the said Fiefs and Seigniories, and for other purposes. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to render permanent a certain Ordinance therein mentioned, relative to the improvement and enlargement of the Harbour of Montreal. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to authorize the Commissioners for the improvement and enlargement of the Harbour of Montreal, to borrow a further sum of money, and for other purposes. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to revive and render permanent a certain Act made to restrain all persons from undermining the Cliffs on which the Fortifications at Quebec are constructed. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to amend a certain Ordinance therein mentioned relative to the Militia of this Province. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to provide for the improvement, during the Winter season, of the Queen’s Highways in this Province, and for other purposes. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance made and passed in the second year of Her Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Ordinance to authorize the Governor, or person administering the Government of this Province, to appoint one or more Assistant Judges for the Courts of King’s Bench for the Districts of Quebec and Montreal, in this Province, and an Assistant Judge for the District of Three Rivers, in the case of sickness, necessary absence, or suspension from office, of any of the Justices of the said several Courts of King’s Bench, or the Resident Judge for the District of Three Rivers, in the said Province.” 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to make good a certain sum of money therein mentioned, advanced in payment of certain indispensable Expenses of the Civil Government of this Province, between the first day of November, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, and the thirty-first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to make provision for defraying the Civil Expenditure of the Provincial Government, for the year ending on the tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and forty; for the support of certain Charitable Institutions; for the promotion of Education; for certain Public Works; for the improvement of Internal Communications; for the encouragement of Agriculture, and for other purposes. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to amend and render permanent an Ordinance passed in the second year of Her Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Ordinance to authorise the Commissioners for making the Canal from Saint John’s to Chambly, to borrow a certain sum of money to complete the said Canal.” 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago
    An Ordinance to render permanent a certain Ordinance for more effectually preventing the administering or taking of Unlawful Oaths, and for preventing Treasonable and Seditious practices. 1840 Lower Canada (1792-1841) 4 years 1 month ago