Displaying 981 - 990 of 1259 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to repeal part of and to continue and amend an Act passed in the fifty fourth year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled “An Act for Granting to His Majesty an additional Duty on Shop and Tavern Licences. Passed 22d March, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 10 1816 An amendment to an act regulating shop and tavern licenses, further requiring them to maintain a yard large enough to accommodate horses and carts or sleighs. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the Remuneration of the Honorable William Dummer Powell, Esquire, for certain services rendered to this Province. Passed 22d March, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 9 1816 This act permits the payment of one thousand pounds to a certain William Drummer, for having surveyed lands within the province in order to determine title. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to receive and continue an Act passed in the forty-second year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled “An Act to enable the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Person Administering the Government of this Province, to appoint one or more Additional Port or Ports, Place or Places of entry within this Province, and to appoint one or more Collectors of the same respectively.” Passed 22d March, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 8 1816 This act continues for four years an act first passed in 1802 which allows the chief administrator of the province to create additional ports of entry for merchandize coming from the United States. No clauses are repealed or modified. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for making further and more ample provision for the Adjutant-General of the Militia of this Province. Passed 22d March, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 7 1816 This act increases the amount of money which can be transferred to the adjutant-general of the province's militia, for a period of four years. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for a limited time for the appointment of a Provincial Aid-de-Camp within this Province. Passed 22d of March, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 6 1816 This act allows for the appointment of a provincial "Aid-de-Camp" for the remainder of Lieutenant-Governor Gore's term. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend the Jurisdiction of the Court of Requests. Passed 22d March, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 5 1816 This act allows residents of the province to claim debts smaller than five pounds through the Court of Requests, so long as those debts were not incurred at a venue which sells spirits or through gambling. Early Canadiana Online
An Act, further to continue an Act passed in the thirty-third year of His Majesty's Reign entitled, “An Act to provide for the appointment of Returning Officers of the several Counties within this Province. Passed 22d March, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 4 1816 This act continues every clause of an act first passed in 1793 which made it law for the chief administrator to appoint returning officers for every county, riding, division, or town in the province. No clauses are modified. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal part of, and to amend the Laws now in force for the better Collection of His Majesty's Revenue in this Province, and to make further and more effectual Provision for the same. Passed 22d March, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 3 1816 This is an amendment to an act first passed in 1803 concerning the inspection and taxation of liquor sales and licensing, requiring inspectors to submit detailed quarterly reports along with all the taxes they have collected up to that point. A fine of 100 pounds is specified for any inspector who should fail to submit such report at the quarterly sessions. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal part of an Act of the Parliament of this Province, passed in the Thirty-Eighth Year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled “An Act for the better division of this Province” and more effectually to provide for the administration of Justice, by constituting the Counties of Prescott and Russell under certain modifications a separate District. Passed 22d of March, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 2 1816 This act creates a new district, the district of Ottawa, to be created out of two priorly existing districts, Prescott and Russell. It allows for the appointing of Justices of the Peace, the building of a court house and jail, defines when the court of the Quarter Sessions will be held, and states provisions for the appointment of a district sheriff, who will be subordinate to the sheriff of the Eastern District. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter the time of holding the Courts of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in the London and Johnstown Districts of this Province. Passed 22d March, 1816. 56 George III – Chapter 1 1816 This act repeals and replaces an act from 1801, and states when the courts of the Quarter Sessions can be held in the districts of London and Johnstown. Early Canadiana Online