Displaying 921 - 930 of 1259 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to continue an Act passed in the Fifty-fifth Year of His Majesty's Reign, entitled "An Act to repeal an Act passed in the Fifty-fourth Year of His Majesty's Reign, entitled ‘An Act to supply in certain Cases the want of County Courts in this Province, and to make further provision for proceeding to Outlawry in certain Cases therein mentioned. Passed, 1st April, 1818. 58 George III – Chapter 11 (Session 2) 1818 This is the continuance for two years of an act first passed in 1815, which will soon expire, and which applies to the building of county courts. Early Canadiana Online
An act to authorize the inquiry and trial of crimes and offences committed within this province, without the limits of any described township or county, to be had in any district thereof. (Passed 27th November, 1818.) 58 George III – Chapter 10 (Session 3) 1818 This act clarifies the jurisdiction of the court when crimes are committed in areas which have not been allocated to a specific town or county. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make good certain Monies issued and advanced by His Honor, the Administrator, pursuant to an Address of the Commons House of Assembly. Passed 1st April, 1818. 58 George III – Chapter 10 (Session 2) 1818 An act specifying sums which shall be sent to the crown by the House of Assembly. Early Canadiana Online
An act to make good certain monies issued by his honor Mr. Administrator Smith, in pursuance of an address of the commons house of assembly. 58 George III – Chapter 9 (Session 3) 1818 Act not published in this version of the published acts Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal an Act passed in the Thirty-fifth Year of His Majesty's Reign, entitled, “An Act to ascertain the Eligibility of Persons to be returned to the House of Assembly, and also to repeal an Act passed in the Fifty-fourth Year of His Majesty's Reign, Entitled an Act in repeal and amend part of an Act passed in the Thirty-fifth Year of His Majesty's Reign, entitled An Act to ascertain the Eligibility of Persons to be returned to the House of Assembly" and to make further and more effectual provision for securing the Freedom and Constitution of the Parliament of this Province. Passed 1st April, 1818. 58 George III – Chapter 9 (Session 2) 1818 This act repeals an act first passed in 1795, and makes it illegal for anybody who has sworn allegiance to another country to vote in members of the House of Assembly, stipulating a residency in Upper Canada of a minimum of seven years and the swearing of an oath before being granted this right. Early Canadiana Online
An act further to extend the provisions of an act passed in the forty-fifth, year of his Majesty's reign, entitled, “An act to make provision for the further appointment of parish and town officers throughout this province.’’ (Passed 27th November, 1818.) 58 George III – Chapter 8 (Session 3) 1818 A continuation of an act regarding the appointment of overseers for highways and roads. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the Registering of Deeds, Conveyances, Wills and other Incumbrances, which may affect any Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, the same being Executed in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or in any of His Majesty's Colonies, and to amend an Act passed in the Thirty-fifth Year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled “An Act for the Public Registering of Deeds, Conveyances, Wills, and other Incumbrances, which shall be made, or may affect any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments within this Province." Passed 1st April, 1818. 58 George III – Chapter 8 (Session 2) 1818 This act facilitates the probate of wills and deeds between Upper Canada and other countries in the Empire, particularly Great Britain and Ireland. It is also an amendment of an act first passed in 1793. Early Canadiana Online
An act granting to his Majesty a sum of money for certain purposes therein mentioned. 58 George III – Chapter 7 (Session 3) 1818 Act repealed by later legislation; not published in this version of the published acts. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal an Act passed in the Fifty-sixth Year of His Majesty's Reign, entitled “An Act granting to His Majesty a Sum of Money, to be applied for the encouragement of the Cultivation of Hemp, within this Province.” Passed 1st April, 1818. 58 George III – Chapter 7 (Session 2) 1818 The repeal of an act first passed in 1856 which allowed for a sum of money to encourage farmers to cultivate hemp. It is being repealed because nobody has so far claimed the money. Early Canadiana Online
An act to continue the laws now in force for granting an additional duty on shop licenses. (Passed 27th November, 1818.) 58 George III – Chapter 6 (Session 3) 1818 A continuation of an act regulating the granting of liquor licenses for a further five years. Early Canadiana Online