Displaying 641 - 650 of 1259 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to Incorporate certain persons for the purpose of making a Turnpike Road in the County of Hatton, under the name of the “Dundas and Waterloo Turnpike Company.” Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 15 1829 This act makes provisions for the improvement of roads in the district of Gore by incorporating the Dundas and Waterloo Turnpike Company, and empowering it to undertake road work in the area. It allows the company to toll the roads once they are complete in order to recover costs. It specifies penalties for land owners who should allow travelers to pass through their lands with the aim of avoiding the road tolls, and exempts tolls for those travelling to and from church services. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the Survey of a part of the Township of Oxford, in the Johnstown District. Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 14 1829 This act calls for a survey of the town of Oxford after the inhabitants of the said town petitioned the legislature for a survey of the town line between the concession Oxford and the ninth concession. The act states that the survey will be paid for by the residents of the town, and conducted by a disinterested third party. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the guiding line in the Township of Lancaster, in the Eastern District. Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 13 1829 This act amends an ordinance first passed in 1814 in order to amend the town limits of Lancaster. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate certain Persons therein named, under the style and title of the “Port Hope Harbour and Wharf Company.” Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 12 1829 This act incorporates the Port Hope Harbour and Wharf Company, and empowers them to build a harbour and any related infrastructure such as wharves, buildings, or anything else that serves to help in navigation or protection of the harbour. The company is also empowered to toll vessels coming into the harbour, and the legislation specifies how much certain items coming into harbour are to be tolled. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Improve the Navigation of Lake Ontario, by authorising the construction of a Harbour at Cobourg, by a Joint Stock Company. Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 11 1829 This act incorporates the Cobourg Habour Company and empowers them to build a harbour at Cobourg to facilitate navigation. It also permits the company to collect tolls from incoming vessels once the harbour is constructed, specifying what tolls shall be collected on what goods. Management of stocks by shareholders is also specified in this legislation. Early Canadiana Online
An Act relative to Confiscated Estates. Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 10 1829 This act makes legal and financial provisions for owners of properties which have been erroneously seized or sold. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to render effectual certain Securities to be given by the Welland Canal Company, for a Loan advanced by His Majesty’s Government, and for other purposes relating to the said Canal: and also, for authorizing the making a lateral Cut from the Welland Canal, through the Town of Niagara to the mouth of the River Niagara, by a Company incorporated for that purpose. Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 9 1829 This act provides further loans for the Welland Canal Company for the purpose of completing their canal project, along with specifying terms by which they can hire workers, and the size of the structures which they can build on waterways. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make valid under certain restrictions the Registry of Deeds and Conveyances, made by the Registrar of the County of Northumberland, under an appointment adjudged to be invalid. Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 8 1829 This act forces a certain Thomas Ward to surrender all registries and memorials associated to his former position as registrar of the county of Northumberland. After having been appointed registrar, his appointment was invalidated, but he refused to surrender the deeds and conveyances in his possession. This act gives him two months to surrender said deeds and conveyances, stating that all land transfers made before the appointment of Thomas Ward was voided shall be treated as valid. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make more effectual provision for settling the affairs of the late pretended Bank of Upper Canada. Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 7 1829 This act legislates certain provisions and securities to be made in order to settle the business of the Bank of Upper Canada, which has failed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter the time of holding the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in the Ottawa District. Passed 20th March, 1829. 10 George IV – Chapter 6 1829 This act changes the times at which the court of general quarter sessions of the peace will be held for the district of Ottawa to the third Tuesday of the months of January, April, June, and September. Early Canadiana Online