Displaying 701 - 710 of 1170 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to amend certain parts of an Act passed in the forty-first year of the Reign of his late Majesty George the Third, Chapter Seventeenth, which directs the Circuit Courts to be held in the School Houses erected under the said Act. (9th March, 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 18 1824 An Act to amend an Act originally passed in 1801, "An Act for the establishment of Free Schools and the advancement of Learning in this Province." This Act provides that the Circuit Court may be held in the Hall or Apartment of the Presbytery or Parsonage House or any other fit place within the limits of the said Parish, where the former Act stipulated that it was to be held at the School House, in some cases found to be insufficient. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide more effectual means than heretofore have been, to compel, in the proper Jurisdiction, the appearance of Defendants residing in different Districts, who ought to be joined in the same Cause. (9th March, 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 17 1824 An Act to allow persons who ought to be joined in the same Action as Defendants, who reside in different Districts, to be joined under the same Action to be held in the court where it was instituted. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the Commissioners appointed for the completion of the Canal between Lachine and Montreal, to effect a Loan for that purpose, and to establish rates of Tolls to pass thereon. (9th March, 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 16 1824 An Act to apply a sum not exceeding twenty thousand pounds towards the completion of the Lachine canal, as outlined in an Act passed in 1821, "An Act for making a Navigable Canal, from the neighbourhood of Montreal to the Parish of Lachine, and to appropriate a certain sum of money for that purpose, and to repeal a certain Act therein-mentioned," which project was continued by the 1823 Act "An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money therein-mentioned, towards continuing and completing the Lachine Canal." The tolls and duties to be collected to repay these funds and the rates of interest to be applied to the loan are described. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to render valid certain Acts, Agreements in writing, and Contracts of Marriage (Contrats de Mariage sous seing privé) heretofore executed in the Inferior District of Gaspé, and to provide for the want of Notaries in the said Inferior District. (9th March, 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 15 1824 An Act to confirm that all Wills, Acts or Agreements in writing, including Inventories, Portages, Donations, or Contracts of Marriage made before the passing of this Act are to be considered valid within District of Gaspé. The processes by which these written agreements or contracts are to be executed are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or person administering the Government of the Province, to restore Goods and Vessels seized to the Proprietor or Proprietors, on the terms and conditions therein-mentioned. (9th March, 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 14 1824 This Act clarifies the terms by which Goods seized under circumstances wherein it would be just and reasonable that relief should be afforded should be returned to the proprietor or proprietors from who they were seized. The Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or person administering the Government are authorized to order any Goods or Commodities whatever, or any Ships, Vessels, Boats, Horses, Cattle or Carriages, which shall have been seized by Customs Officers or other individuals allowed to do so under other Acts or Ordinances to be restored to the proprietor or proprietors. The Act specifies that is the proprietor or proprietors accept the terms and conditions prescribed by the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or person administering the Government that they shall not have, or be entitled to any recompence or damage on account of the seizure or detention of such Goods or Commodities, Ships, Vessels, Boats, Horses, Cattle or Carriages. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to facilitate the proceedings against the Estate and Effects of Debtors, in certain cases. (9th March, 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 13 1824 An Act to facilitate the judgement of debtors who conceal themselves or depart the province, outlining how court dates should be announced and the processes by which debtors should be tried in the event that they fail to appear. The Act clarifies that the Estate, Debts and Effects of all and every person or persons residing out of this Province, shall also be subject and liable to be taken, seized, proceeded against and sold for the payment and satisfaction of their debts. This Act is to expire in 1828. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to explain and amend a certain Act therein-mentioned, relating to Voluntary Sheriff’s Sales, (Décrêts Volontaires). (9th March, 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 12 1824 An Act to amend an Act passed in 1823, “An Act to render Voluntary Sheriffs’ Sales, (Décrêts Volontaires,) more easy and less expensive.” Under this Act, Sheriffs are not entitled to a fee, Commission, or Poundage in the case of voluntary sheriff's sales. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for making further provision with respect to persons to be hereafter appointed Inspectors of Pot and Pearl Ashes. (9th March, 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 11 1824 Under this Act, all Licences or Commissions heretofore issued to any Inspector or Inspectors of Pot and Pearl Ashes in this Province are nullified. The processes by which the Board of Examiners from the City of Montreal is to be appointed are outlined, including their oaths. This Act is to expire in 1828. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make more ample provision for the regulation of Trade between this Province and the United-States of America, by land or inland navigation, and to continue for a limited time and amend two certain Acts therein-mentioned. (9th March 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 10 1824 An to further continue and amend an Act passed in 1819, “An Act to impose certain duties on divers articles therein-mentioned, and to regulate, for a limited time, the trade with the United-States of America, by land or by inland navigation, and to suspend certain Acts or Ordinances therein-mentioned,” that was amended and continued in 1822. This Act is to expire in 1826. Certain penalties for those who attempt to defraud the government by evading customs fees are described. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act passed in the third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act further to regulate persons who keep Houses of Public Entertainment, and retail Spirituous Liquors, and for other purposes.” (9th March, 1824.) 4 George IV Chapter 9 1824 An Act to amend an Act from 1823, "An Act further to regulate Persons who keep Houses of Public Entertainment, and retail Spirituous Liquors, and for other purposes." Under this Act the meetings required by the second clause of the former Act may be held on any day between the twentieth day of February and the tenth day of April in each and every year. This Act also states how these meetings are to be fixed. This Act is to expire in 1826. Early Canadiana Online