Displaying 411 - 420 of 1170 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to relieve the United Company of Merchants of England, trading to the East Indies, from the payment of the duties on certain Teas, exported from this Province to Halifax, in Nova-Scotia. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 43 1831 This Act cancels the taxes to be collected on an importation of tea levied by the Customs Collector at Quebec by virtue of the 1805 Act, “An Act to grant new duties to His Majesty, to supply the wants of the Province,” for the reasons outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to allow Members of the House of Assembly to vacate their Seats in certain cases and for other purposes. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 42 1831 This Act makes it lawful for elected Members of the House of Assembly to vacate their seats and outlines the processes by which they may do so. The Act also stipulates when it will not be lawful for Members to vacate their seats. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a further sum of money for the purchase of a Steam Dredging Vessel. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 41 1831 This act applies a further sum not exceeding one thousand five hundred pounds towards purchasing a Steam Dredging Vessel in addition to the sums provided under the 1830 Act, “An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money for the purchase of a Steam Dredging Vessel.” Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a further sum of money for the improvement of the Navigation of the River Richelieu. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 40 1831 This Act provides a sum not exceeding four thousand pounds to improve navigation of the River Richilieu in accordance with the 1817 Act, “An Act to make more effectual provision for the improvement of the Internal Communications of this Province,” and the 1826 Act, An Act to facilitate the execution of the Act of the fifty-seventh George Third, chapter thirteen, inasmuch as it relates to the appointment of Commissioners for the improvement of the Navigation of the River Richelieu, and to appropriate a sum of money therein mentioned for that purpose.” Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend to the Inhabitants of the Indian Reservation of Saint Regis and Dundee, the rights, privileges, and advantages enjoyed by the other inhabitants of this Province. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 39 1831 This Act establishes the lands formerly referred to as the Indian Reservation of Saint Regis and Dundee as the Township of Dundee. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for preserving, for the purposes of Husbandry, the Grass growing on Beaches, in the District of Quebec. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 38 1831 Under this Act, persons with land bordering the south side of the Saint Lawrence river below Quebec City are allowed to collect and cure the grass growing in front of their lots along the beaches. Livestock are not to be allowed to roam at large on these lands, and penalties for offending against the terms of this Act are outlined. This Act is not to prevent the free navigation of the river or access to fishing. This Act is to remain in force until 1835. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a certain sum of Money for Repairing the Castle of Saint Lewis, at Quebec, and the Government House at Montreal. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 37 1831 This Act applies a sum not exceeding three thousand five hundred pounds towards repairing the Castle of Saint Lewis in Quebec City, in the manner deemed most expedient. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal two certain Acts therein mentioned, and to provide for the better regulation of the Market-Place in the Saint Lawrence Suburb, Montreal. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 36 1831 This Act repeals the 1829 Act, “An Act for the establishment of a new Market-Place in the Saint Lawrence Suburb, Montreal,” and the 1830 Act, “An Act to amend an Act passed in the ninth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, ‘An Act for the establishment of a new Market-Place in the Saint Lawrence Suburb, Montreal.’” Certain conditions for the continued maintenance of the Market Place are put in place. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time the Acts for regulating the Salaries and Emoluments of the Officers employed in the collection of the Revenue at the Inland Ports of this Province, and for other purposes. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 35 1831 This Act continues two former Act, including the 1829 Act, “An Act to regulate and establish the Salaries and other emoluments of the officers employed in the collection of the Revenue at the several Inland Ports in this Province, and for other purposes;” and the 1830 Act, “An Act to continue for a limited time, an Act passed in the ninth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, ‘An Act to regulate and establish the Salaries and other emoluments of the officers employed in the collection of the Revenue at the several Inland Ports of this Province, and for other purposes, and to appropriate a certain sum of money for the purposes therein-mentioned.” These Acts are to remain in force until 1832. This Act also provides for the salaries of Tide-waiters at the port of Quebec for the present year. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time certain Acts therein mentioned. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 34 1831 This Act continues several former Acts, as listed, which are to remain in force until 1834. Early Canadiana Online