Displaying 391 - 400 of 1170 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to extend the period limited by an Act passed in the first year of His Majesty’s Reign, chapter the third, for enregistering certain Acts or Deeds, in Law, or Instruments in Writing, therein-mentioned. (25th February, 1832.) 2 William IV Chapter 7 1832 This Act extends the period granted to enregister certain Acts or Deeds, as outlined by the second article of the 1831 Act, “An Act to amend an Act passed in the eleventh year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled, ‘An Act to establish Registry Offices in the Counties of Drummond, Sherbrooke, Stanstead, Shefford, and Missiskoui, and to extend the provisions of the said Act.” Under this Act, any Acts or Deeds not enregistered by first of May, 1833 will be considered void. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue, for a limited time, a certain Act therein-mentioned respecting Enquêtes in Civil matters. (25th February, 1832.) 2 William IV Chapter 6 1832 This Act continues, for a limited time, an Act passed in 1831, “An Act to facilitate the administration of justice respecting in Civil matters before the Court of King’s Bench for the Districts of Québec, Montreal, and Three-Rivers, and Inferior District of Saint Francis," which is to remain in force until 1834. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue, for a limited time, certain Acts therein-mentioned. (25th February, 1832.) 2 William IV Chapter 5 1832 This Act continues several Acts pertaining to houses of correction, fraudulent land sales, Clerks of the Peace, marriage contracts, and police in Sorel-Tracy which are to remain in force until 1835. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to revise and continue, for a limited time, two certain Acts therein-mentioned relating to the Inspection of Fish and Oil, intended for exportation. (25th February, 1832.) 2 William IV Chapter 4 1832 This Act revives and continues two former Acts, including the 1823 Act, “An Act to provide for the Inspection of Fish and Oil intended for exportation from the Ports of Québec and Montreal,” and the 1824 Act, “An Act to extend the provisions of a certain Act therein-mentioned relating to the Inspection of Fish and Oil intended for exportation.” Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend the provisions of a certain Act therein-mentioned, and to authorize the collection of certain Duties at Montreal. (25th February, 1832.) 2 William IV Chapter 3 1832 This Act extends the provisions of the 1829 Act, “An Act to authorize the collection of certain duties at Montreal” to Duties imposed by any Act of the Imperial Parliament. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend a certain Act therein-mentioned, relating to the encouragement of the Trade and Intercourse between this Province and the Province of Nova-Scotia. (25th February, 1832.) 2 William IV Chapter 2 1832 This Act repeals a section of a former Act, “An Act to repeal a certain Act therein-mentioned, and for the encouragement of the Trade and Intercourse between the Ports of this Province and Halifax,” pertaining to sums advanced at the end of the season. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to declare persons professing the Jewish Religion intitled to all the rights and privileges of the other subjects of His Majesty in this Province. 1 William IV Chapter 57 1831 This Act clarifies that Jewish persons are entitled to the same rights and privileges as other British subjects in the province and are allowed to hold any office or place of trust in the province allowed to other subjects. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to afford relief to a certain Religious Congregation at Montreal, denominated, Presbyterians. 1 William IV Chapter 56 1831 Under this Act, Presbyterian ministers in Montreal are to be permitted to solemnize Marriages, administer Baptism, and inter the dead, and to keep Registers, among other things. The Presbyterian congregation is also allowed to establish a church or meeting house, and a burial ground. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate the Minister and Trustees of Saint John’s Church in the City of Quebec. 1 William IV Chapter 55 1831 This Act establishes the Minister and Trustees of Saint John’s Church as a corporation and body politic. The processes by which the ministers and trustees are to be appointed, their duties and authority are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate the City of Montreal. 1 William IV Chapter 54 1831 This Act establishes "The Corporation of the City of Montreal,” as a body politic and corporate. Directions for the rights granted to the said corporation, and how it is to function, are outlined, including the authority that members of the Common Council and the Mayor have. Instructions for how these positions are to be elected are also outlined. The city is divided into eight wards as described. This Act is to remain in force until 1836. Early Canadiana Online