Displaying 1011 - 1020 of 1170 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act for better regulating the weight and rates at which certain Coins shall pass current in this Province; for preventing the falsifying, counterfeiting or impairing of the same; and for repealing the Act and Ordinance therein mentioned. (14th. April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 8 1808 This Act lists the weights of coins within the province and the corresponding weights of other currencies. Measures to be taken for coins that do not correspond to the standard weights are outlined. Penalties for falsifying currency are described. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to permit the Provincial Court of Appeals to be holden and kept in such place as the Governor shall appoint. (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 7 1808 An Act to permit the Court of Appeals to be holden and kept in such place or places outside of Court Houses within the City of Quebec when necessary. Early Canadiana Online
An Act which declares in whom is vested the power of granting des Lettres de Terrier in this Province. (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 6 1808 An Act to clarify the transfer of authority to appoint des Lettres de Terriers from the King of France's representative to the King of England's representative. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue, for a limited time, an Act passed in the forty fifth year of His Majesty’s reign, intituled: “An Act to ratify and confirm the Provisional articles of agreement entered into by the respective Commissioners of this Province and of Upper Canada, at Montreal; on the fifth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and four, relative to duties, and for carrying the same into effect, and also further to continue an Act passed in the thirty seventh year of his Majesty’s reign.” (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 5 1808 An Act to continue several acts pertaining to trade between Upper and Lower Canada, including articles negotiated between Upper and Lower Canada concerning trade and tariffs. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the Magistrates of the City of Montreal, to erect forty temporary Stalls on the New Market Place, and to borrow a certain sum of Money for that purpose. (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 4 1808 An Act to provide a loan to the Magistrates of the City of Montreal in order to provide temporary stalls at the new Market Place, after a former Act from 1807 for building a new Market House was not carried into execution. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time, an Act passed in the forty third year of his Majesty’s reign, entituled: “An Act for the better regulation of the Militia of this Province, and for repealing certain Acts or Ordinances therein mentioned.” (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 3 1808 An Act to continue, for a limited time, a former Act from 1803. The original Act declares that all men between the ages of eighteen and sixty are to be militia men, bound to serve in their division's militia. The Act also outlines who is to be excepted from this law, how order is to be maintained, and how these men are to be enrolled and trained. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue, for a limited time, an Act passed in the forty third year of his Majesty’s reign, intituled, “An Act for the better preservation of his Majesty's Government, as by Law, happily established in this Province.” (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 2 1808 An Act to continue an Act passed in 1803, without amendments, for a limited time. The Act allows individuals suspected of treason or treasonable activities to be detained without bail or a trial while this act is in effect. This Act is to expire in 1809 or the at the close of the present war. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue for a limited time, and amend an Act passed in the forty third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for establishing Regulations respecting Aliens and certain Subjects of His Majesty, who have, resided in France, coming into this Province, or residing therein.” (14th April, 1808.) 48 George III Chapter 1 1808 An Act to continue an act passed in 1803, for a limited time, to monitor the entrance of "foreigners" into the province by ship with some amendments to extend to those who enter from contiguous regions. The Act requires that ship commanders report the number of "foreigners" on board their vessel to Customs officials when they arrive at ports within the province. The Act grants authority to Justices of the Peace to jail and remove "Aliens" who remain within the province longer than the period allowed by the court. Penalties including fines are outlined as well as who is to be considered an "Alien." The Act requires anyone entering into the province to receive a passport from appointed individuals stationed at Frontier Posts. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the encouragement and relief of certain persons therein named and others, and authorising them to associate themselves by the name of the “Quebec Benevolent Society,” under certain Restrictions, Rules and Regulations therein mentioned. 47 George III Chapter 17 1807 An Act allowing the "Quebec Benevolent Society" to form and to create a fund for the purpose of supporting members of the said society in illness, infirmity, old age, or their widows. A committee composed of society members was to form to establish the rules, orders, and regulations. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide Returning Officers for the Election of Knights, Citizens and Burgesses to serve in the House of Assembly, and to regulate Elections to be held for that purpose. (16th April, 1807.) 47 George III Chapter 16 1807 An Act to replace two former Acts that were set to expire, outlining directions for the appointment of Returning Officers within the province. The Act sets restrictions for who may serve as a Returning Officer, how they are to be appointed, and terms for their service. Several forms and oaths are included at the end of the Act. Early Canadiana Online