Displaying 971 - 980 of 1170 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act for the Relief of the Poor in the loan of Seed Wheat, Corn and other necessary Grain. (21st. March, 1811.) 51 George III Chapter 6 1811 Following a short harvest year, this Act makes any contract or agreement for supplies of wheat, peas, oats, or other seeds made within a limited time and in the presence of a credible witness a privileged debt to offer security for the payment of such supplies. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue the Acts therein mentioned for making a temporary provision for the Regulation of Trade between this Province and the United States of America, by land or inland-navigation. (21st March, 1811.) 51 George III Chapter 5 1811 An Act to further continue an Act from 1796 for a limited time. The Act grants the Governor or Lieutenant Governor the authority to suspend, revive, annul, or make void this Act, or every and any of its clauses. Th Act allows the suspension of any act or ordinance relating to trade, in whole or in part, by the Governor or Lieutenant Governor. It further allows the Governor or Lieutenant Governor to make regulations with respect to imports, exports, duties, or anything else between Lower Canada and the United States. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for declaring Judges to be disabled and disqualifying them, from being elected, or from Sitting and Voting in the House of Assembly. (21st March, 1811.) 51 George III Chapter 4 1811 An Act to exclude judges from either His Majesty's Courts of King's Bench from being elected to, sitting in, or voting as a member of the House of Assembly. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for establishing Regulations respecting Aliens and certain subjects of his Majesty, who have resided in France, coming into this Province, or residing therein. (21st, March, 1811.) 51 George III Chapter 3 1811 This Act is a revised version of an Act originally passed in 1793 "An Act for establishing regulations respecting Aliens and certain subjects of his Majesty, who have resided in France, coming into this Province, or residing therein; and for empowering his Majesty to secure and detain persons charged with or suspected of High Treason; and for the arrest and commitment of all persons, who may individually, by seditious practices, attempt to disturb the Government of this Province." The Act requires that ship commanders report the number of "foreigners" on board their vessel to Customs officials when they arrive at ports within the province. The Act grants authority to Justices of the Peace to jail and remove "Aliens" who remain within the province longer than the period allowed by the court. Penalties including fines are outlined as well as who is to be considered an "Alien." The Act requires anyone entering into the province to receive a passport from appointed individuals stationed at Frontier Posts. Early Canadiana Online
An Act declaratory of the time at which the levying of certain Duties under and by virtue of an Act passed in the present Session of the Provincial Parliament, intituled, “An Act to continue for a limited time, the levying of the Duties imposed by the Provincial Act of the forty fifth year of His Majesty, George the third, chapter thirteenth, and for applying a certain sum of money for the purposes therein mentioned,” shall take place, and for other purposes. (21st, March, 1811.) 51 George III Chapter 2 1811 An Act to clarify the former “An Act to continue, for a limited time, the levying of the Duties imposed by the Provincial Act of the forty fifth year of His Majesty George the Third, Chapter thirteenth, and for applying a certain sum of money for the purposes therein mentioned,” 1811, in which certain words of the Act being continued were omitted as it was copied. The Act quotes the omitted words as written in the original Act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue, for a limited time, the levying of the Duties imposed by the Provincial Act of the Forty fifth Year of His Majesty, George the Third, Chapter thirteenth, and for applying, a certain sum of money for the purposes therein mentioned. (12th March, 1811.) 51 George III Chapter 1 1811 An Act to continue levying duties imposed by "An Act to provide for the erecting of a Common Gaol, in each of the Districts of Quebec and Montreal respectively, and the means for defraying the expences thereof," in 1805 for the purpose of erecting a new building to house the sittings of the Legislature and public offices, as well as their important documents. The rates for duties imposed on teas, liquors, wines, spirits, molasses, and syrups, and directions how goods should be auctioned are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue, for a limited time, an Act passed in the forty third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for the better preservation of His Majesty’s Government as by Law happily established in this Province.” (26th February, 1810.) 50 George III Chapter 2 1810 An Act to continue the act passed in 1803 for a limited time. The Act allows individuals suspected of treason or treasonable activities to be detained without bail or a trial while this Act is in effect. This Act and the Act it extends may be altered, amended or repealed at any time during the present Session of the Provincial Parliament, and is set to expire in 1811. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue the Acts therein mentioned for making a temporary provision for the Regulation of Trade between this Province and the United States of America, by land, or inland navigation. (26th February, 1810.) 50 George III Chapter 1 1810 An Act to continue an Act originally passed in 1796 "An Act for making a temporary provision for the Regulation of Trade between this Province and the United States of America, by land or inland navigation,” and an Act from 1808 that continued and amended the former. The Act grants the Governor or Lieutenant Governor the authority to suspend, revive, annul, or make void the Act, or every and any of its clauses by Proclamation. It allows the suspension of any act or ordinance relating to trade, in whole or in part, by the Governor or Lieutenant Governor. It further allows the Governor or Lieutenant Governor to make regulations with respect to imports, exports, duties, or anything else between Lower Canada and the United States. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to declare the forty Stalls erected by order of the Magistrates of the City of Montreal, on the new Market place, to be in lieu of, and considered as the Market House, with Stalls, intended by an Act of the forty seventh year of His Majesty’s Reign, Chapter seventh; and to put in force the other Provisions of the said Act. (15th May, 1809.) 49 George III Chapter 5 1809 An Act to build additional stalls at the City of Montreal's Market place and to make the temporary stalls constructed under “An Act to authorise the Magistrates of the City of Montreal to erect forty temporary Stalls in the new Market place, and to borrow a certain sum of Money for that purpose,” passed in 1808 permanent in lieu of constructing a new Market house. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue the Acts therein mentioned, respecting Aliens and certain Subjects of His Majesty who have resided in France, coming into this Province or residing therein. (15th May, 1809.) 49 George III Chapter 4 1809 An Act to continue a former Act passed in 1803 and amendments to this Act passed in 1808, for a limited time, with certain additional clauses, to monitor the entrance of "foreigners" into the province by ship or land. The Act requires that ship commanders report the number of "foreigners" on board their vessel to Customs officials when they arrive at ports within the province. The Act grants authority to Justices of the Peace to jail and remove "Aliens" who remain within the province longer than the period allowed by the court. Penalties including fines are outlined as well as who is to be considered an "Alien." The Act requires anyone entering into the province to receive a passport from appointed individuals stationed at Frontier Posts. Early Canadiana Online