Displaying 1961 - 1980 of 3407 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act for regulating the Common of the Isle du Pads, in the County of Berthier. (3d April, 1833) 3 William IV Chapter 33 1833 This Act outlines the process by which a Chair and Trustees are to be elected to govern the Common as a body politic and corporate by the name “The Chairman and Trustees of the Common of Isle du Pads.” The Act also outlines how the land is to be governed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act granting a sum of Money for the construction of Works to Improve and preserve the Harbour of York, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 13th February 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 32 1833 This act grants a loan for the maintenance of harbour infrastructure at York. It appoints commissioners who will be in charge of supervising construction, and specifies the terms for repayment, as well as tolls to be paid for wharfage. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to prevent Nuisances within the City of Saint John and Parish of Portland in the County of Saint John. Passed 19th March 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 32 1833 This Act prevents nuisances in the city, including prevention against disturbances from animals, unauthorized vehicles, and unwholesome meat. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1833. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1833.
An Act Granting a sum of Money to defray the expense of erecting a Bridge over the Grand River at Brantford, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 13th February, 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 31 1833 This act grants money to officials who will be in charge of estimating the costs of materials and labour required to build a bridge over Grand River in Brantford. The act names the officials in question, specifies what their duties shall be. The money is considered a loan from the province, and so the terms of repayment are also specified. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to protect the White-Fish Fisheries in the Straits or Rivers Niagara, Detroit, and Saint Clair, in this Province. Passed 13th February, 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 30 1833 This Act defines the various punishments for catching whitefish in ways that violate the law, in certain bodies of water. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the Commissioners of the Chambly Canal, to enlarge the dimensions of the Locks of the said Canal. (3d April, 1833) 3 William IV – Chapter 30 1833 This Act outlines additional instructions for the construction of the Chambly Canal's locks, and advances a sum not exceeding three thousand six hundred pounds towards completing the work. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act to provide for maintaining Light Houses within the Bay of Fundy. Passed 19th March 1833. 3 William IV Chapter 30 1833 This Act details the steps for constructing and maintaining lighthouses, including their budgets and timelines. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1833. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1833.
An Act to prevent the felling of Timber in the River Thames. Passed 13th February, 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 29 1833 This Act defines the punishment for allowing felled trees into the Thames River without cutting them up as per the specifications herein described. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to afford relief to a certain Religious Congregation at Montreal, denominated Baptists. (3d April, 1833) 3 William IV Chapter 29 1833 Under this Act, Ministers of the Baptist Church of Montreal are allowed to obtain, have and keep registers of marriages, baptisms and burials. Certain instructions and regulations pertaining to these registers are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal part of, and amend An Act passed in the Fifty- seventh year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, entitled “An Act to establish a Police in the Towns of York, Sandwich, and Amherstburgh.” Passed 13th February, 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 28 1833 This Act authorizes magistrates in the Home District to assess property owners for the purpose of buying and maintaining firefighting supplies, and for improvement projects in York. The Act also repeals a portion of the Act cited in this Act's title. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relief of a religious Congregation in the Township of Hull, denominated, Presbyterians. (3d April, 1833) 3 William IV Chapter 28 1833 Under this Act, Ministers of the Presbyterian Congregation in the Township of Hull are allowed to obtain, have and keep registers of marriages, baptisms and burials. Certain instructions and regulations pertaining to these registers are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to enable the regularly ordained Ministers of the United Associate Synod of the Secession Church of Scotland to keep authenticated Registers according to Law. (3d April, 1833) 3 William IV Chapter 27 1833 Under this Act ordained Ministers of the United Associate Synod of the Secession Church of Scotland are allowed to obtain, have and keep registers of marriages, baptisms and burials. Certain instructions and regulations pertaining to these registers are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for regulating the Salmon Fisheries in the County of Gloucester. Passed 19th March 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 27 1833 This Act details the regulations at fisheries concerning safety. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1833. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1833.
An Act to make further provision for the improvement of the Internal Communications of this Province. (3d April, 1833) 3 William IV Chapter 26 1833 This Act outlines several sums to be dispersed to improve and maintain the internal communications, mainly roads and bridges, in the Province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the Magistrates of the Eastern District to borrow a further sum of Money for the completion of the Gaol and Court House in the said District, and for inclosing the same; and also to empower the said Magistrates to continue the Assessments already imposed for building the said Gaol and Court House, until the Money so borrowed shall be repaid, with the Interest thereon. Passed 13th February, 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 25 1833 This Act details the proposed methods for raising sufficient funds to finish construction of a gaol and courthouse in Cornwall. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to establish a Fire Society in the Borough of Three Rivers, and to suspend two certain Ordinances as far as they relate to the said Borough. (3d April, 1833) 3 William IV Chapter 25 1833 This Act implements several new rules, to be superintended by the "Fire Society of Three Rivers", established under this Act, largely pertaining to regulations on wood stoves, chimneys, and other fire risks. The processes by which members of the Fire Society can be appointed or replaced, and their duties, are outlined. Penalties for those who fail to abide by these rules are also described. This Act is to remain in force until 1838. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the Justices of the Peace for the County of Sunbury to levy an Assessment to enable them to erect a Court House in said County. Passed 19th March 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 25 1833 This Act authorizes the Justices of the Peace to levy a sum of four hundred pounds to erect a court house. Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick passed in the year 1833. Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1833.
An Act to explain and repeal part of an Act passed in the first year of His present Majesty's Reign, entitled “An Act to erect the County of Prince Edward into a Separate District.” Passed 13th February, 1833. 3 William IV – Chapter 24 1833 This Act states that a payment of 600 pounds out of the taxes raised by Prince Edward County will satisfy that County's portion of the debt of the Midland District. This Act also repeals one section of the Act cited in this Act's title. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the Partition of the Common of the Fief Saint Antoine de la Riviere du Loup, among the Co-proprietors thereof. (3d April, 1833) 3 William IV Chapter 24 1833 An Act to partition the tract of land called the Common in the Fief Saint Antoine de la Riviere du Loup, among the proprietors of that land. The processes by which the land will be partitioned out is described, including how a commissioner will be appointed for this purpose and their duties. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the Support of certain Charitable Institutions, and for other purposes herein mentioned. (3d April, 1833) 3 William IV Chapter 23 1833 This Act lists several sums to be distributed to support charitable institutions in the Province. Early Canadiana Online