Displaying 3621 - 3630 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to Incorporate the Niagara Harbour and Dock Company. Passed 16th March, 1831. 1 William IV – Chapter 13 1831 This Act allows for the establishment of the Niagara Harbour and Dock Company, and specifies the details for the operation and management of the same. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend and continue for a limited time a certain Act passed in the First year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled, “An Act for the Incorporation of certain persons therein-mentioned, under the name of the ‘Quebec Bank.’” (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 13 1831 This Act amends and continues the 1821 Act, “An Act for the Incorporation of certain persons therein-mentioned, under the name of the ‘Quebec Bank.’” The rate of Capital Stock is amended, including how these changes should be implemented, and some regulations on the Board of Directors are altered. This Act is to remain in force until 1836. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate certain Persons under the Style and Title of the Marmora Foundery Company. Passed 16th March, 1831. 1 William IV – Chapter 12 1831 This Act provides for the establishment of the Marmora Foundery Company out of the previously existing Marmora Iron Works, and specifies the details for the operation and administration of the same. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make further provision for establishing Light Houses on the Island of Anticosti. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 12 1831 This Act advances a sum not exceeding four thousand eight hundred pounds for the purpose of completing a Lighthouse on the Island of Anticosti, in accordance with the 1829 Act, “An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money towards erecting Light Houses on the shores of the River Saint Lawrence, and for other purposes therein mentioned,” as amended by another Act. A further a sum not exceeding six thousand four hundred and twelve pounds ten shillings is to be applied towards building a second lighthouse on the island. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate certain persons therein mentioned under the style and title of the Tay Navigation Company. Passed 16th March, 1831. 1 William IV – Chapter 11 1831 This Act lays out the many rules and regulations pertaining to the use and management of the Tay River in the eastern part of the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the Commissioners appointed under a certain Act passed in the eleventh year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled, “An Act to provide for the improvement and enlargement of the Harbour of Montreal,” to borrow an additional sum of money, and for other purposes therein mentioned. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 11 1831 This Act grants the Commissioners appointed under a former Act for the purpose of improving the Harbour of Montreal a further sum of sum not exceeding ten thousand pounds currency for the purposes outlined. The rates of wharfage that are to refund the amounts advanced for this project are listed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for vesting in Trustees, the Market Square in the Town of York, for the benefit of the Inhabitants of the said Town. Passed 16th March, 1831. 1 William IV – Chapter 10 1831 This Act transfers the trust for lands intended for use as a public market to "the Church and Town Wardens" for the town of York, and constitutes them as a "Corporation for Leasing and managing" the market lands. The Act also identifies the details of how the new trustees are to manage the lands in question. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to vest in the City of Montreal the property of the Common of Montreal, and for other purposes relating to the said Common. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 10 1831 This Act grants allows Common of Montreal to be appropriated by the city, for the several reasons outlined. The Act provides that a new deed or grant should be written to replace the original deed that was lost, and defines the Common’s borders. Provisions for how the Common is to be maintained are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for Settling and Determining by Arbitration certain difficulties that have arisen or may arise between persons owning Land in the Eighth Concession of Saltfleet and persons owning or claiming to own Lands in the First Concession of Binbrook, who through mistake may have made improvements on the rear part of the said Eighth Concession of Saltfleet. Passed 16th March, 1831. 1 William IV – Chapter 9 1831 This Act provides for the settlement of disputes resulting from a surveying error affecting the First Concession of Binbrook and the Eighth Concession of Saltfleet. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend and continue for a limited time, a certain Act passed in the ninth year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled, “An Act further to regulate persons who keep Houses of Public Entertainment, and retail Spirituous Liquors, and for other purposes.” (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 9 1831 This Act continues and amends the 1829 Act, “An Act further to regulate persons who keep Houses of Public Entertainment, and retail Spirituous Liquors, and for other purposes.” This Acts makes several amendments pertaining to how people can receive licences to sell liquor, who is eligible to receive them, and how offences against this Act should be handled. This Act is to remain in force until 1834. Early Canadiana Online