Displaying 6081 - 6100 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act for the Relief of Samuel Theal. Passed 6th March, 1860. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act granting One Hundred Pounds in aid of the Funds of the Female Benevolent Society of Kingston. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to grant a sum of Money to His Majesty in aid of the York Hospital. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to grant a sum of Money towards Opening a Road from the River Aux Perches, on Lake Huron, in the Western District, to Townsend, in the London District. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to authorize the Magistrates of the Eastern District to borrow a certain sum of Money for the Building of a Gaol and Court House therein. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to Provide for the Erection of a House for the Light Keeper, and for keeping and maintaining the Light House on Long Point, in Lake Erie, for the present year. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to Reimburse the Honorable John Henry Dunn, for Monies advanced by him to the Commissioners for the Burlington Bay Canal. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to make good certain Monies advanced by His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, to Erect the Don and Humber Bridges. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to Cover the Payments by His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, of certain Contingent Expenses of the Legislature. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to raise by Loan a certain Sum of Money, to be expended on the Public Highways within this Province. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to provide for the Payment of Militia Pensions, by Reviving and Continuing for a limited time the Law for that purpose, which has recently expired. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to Authorize the Receiver General of this Province to raise by Debenture, on the Credit of certain duties therein mentioned, a Sum of Money for the Relief of the Sufferers during the late War with the United States. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act for the Relief of the Sufferers who sustained Loss during the late War with the United States of America. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to authorize the Quarter Sessions of the Home District to provide for the Relief of Insane Destitute Persons in that District. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to Borrow a Sum of Money in England at a reduced rate of Interest, to cancel the Public Debt of this Province. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to Pension Charlotte Pomeroy, Widow of the late Timothy Conklin Pomeroy. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to Repeal an Act passed in the Forty-ninth Year of His late Majesty's Reign, entitled, “An Act to Encourage the Destroying of Wolves in this Province,” and to make further provision for exterminating those destructive Animals. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to Correct the Survey of the Fifth Concession Line of the Township of Yonge. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act to Confirm the Survey of a part of the Concession Line between the Seventh and Eighth Concessions of the Township of Cornwall. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago
    An Act Granting to His Majesty a Sum of Money for the Improvement of the Roads and Bridges in this Province. Passed 6th March, 1830. 1830 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 7 months ago