Displaying 5341 - 5360 of 9690 entries
    Title Year Province Added
    An Act to provide for the Admission of the Evidence of Quakers, Menonists, Tunkers and Moravians, in Criminal Cases. Passed 20th March, 1829. 1829 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 2 months ago
    An Act to alter and amend an Act for enabling His Majesty to grant to a Company, to be Incorporated by Charter, to be called “ The Canada Company,” certain Lands in the Province of Upper Canada. 15th July, 1828. 1829 Imperial Acts 8 years 2 months ago
    An Act To Secure to and Confer upon certain Inhabitants of this Province, the Civil and Political Rights of Natural Born British Subjects. Assented to by His Majesty in Council, 7th May, 1828. 1828 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 2 months ago
    An Act to enable His Majesty to grant to a Company, to be Incorporated by Charter, to be called “The Canada Company,” certain Lands in the Province of Upper Canada, and to invest the said Company with certain Powers and Privileges, and for other purposes relating thereto. 27th June, 1825. 1825 Imperial Acts 8 years 2 months ago
    An Act for applying a certain sum of Money therein mentioned, to make good certain Monies issued and advanced by his Majesty through the Lieutenant Governor, in pursuance of several Addresses. Passed 3d March, 1806. 1806 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago
    An Act to continue an Act passed in the forty-third year of his Majesty’s reign intituled, “An Act for the better securing to his Majesty, his heirs and successors the due Collection and Receipt of certain Duties therein mentioned.” Passed 3d March, 1806. 1806 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago
    An Act to alter and amend an Act passed in the thirty-third year of his present Majesty's reign, intituled, “An Act to provide for the Nomination and Appointment of Parish and Town Officers," and also to repeal certain parts of an Act passed in the thirty-third year of his present Majesty's reign intituled, “An Act to authorize and direct the laying and collecting, of Assessments and Rates in every District in this Province, and to provide for the Payment of Wages to Members of the House of Assembly.” Passed 3d March, 1806. 1806 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago
    An Act to repeal an Act passed in the Forty-fourth year of his Majesty's Reigns intituled, “An Act for granting to His Majesty a certain Sum of Money out of the Funds applicable to the uses of this Province, to defray the expences of amending and repairing the Public Highways and Roads, laying out and opening new Roads and building Bridges in the several Districts thereof and to make further provision for the opening and amending the said Roads. Passed 3d March, 1806. 1806 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago
    An Act to procure certain Apparatus for the promotion of Science. Passed 3d March, 1806. 1806 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago
    An Act to repeal an Act passed in the thirty-fifth year of his Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to regulate the practice of Physic and Surgery. Passed 3d March, 1806. 1806 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago
    An Act to make Provision for certain Sheriffs in this Province. Passed 3d March, 1806. 1806 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago
    An Act to repeal and amend part of an Act passed in the Fiftieth year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled “An Act to provide for the laying out, amending and keeping in repair the Public Highways and Roads in this Province, and to repeal the Laws now in force for that purpose.” Passed 1st April, 1816. 1816 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago
    An Act to appropriate a Sum of Money to defray the expences of any Commission for ascertaining Titles to Lands in the Niagara District, which shall or may be authorized by any Act of the Parliament of this Province. Passed 1st April, 1816. 1816 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago
    An Act to grant to His Majesty a sum of Money, to amend and repair the Public Highways and Roads in this Province, and to build and repair Bridges in the several Districts thereof. Passed 1st April, 1816. 1816 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago
    An Act granting to His Majesty a sum of Money, to be applied to the use of Common Schools throughout this Province, and to provide for the Regulations of the said Common Schools. Passed 1st April, 1816. 1816 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago
    An Act for granting to His Majesty a sum of Money, and to Provide for the Appointment of a Provincial Agent for this Province. Passed 1st April, 1816. 1816 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago
    An Act for granting to His Majesty, Duties on Licences to Hawkers, Pedlars and Petty Chapmen, and other Trading Persons therein mentioned. Passed 1st April 1816. 1816 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago
    An Act to regulate the Police, within the Town of Kingston. Passed 1st of April, 1816. 1816 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago
    An Act granting to His Majesty a sum of Money to be applied for the Encouragement of the Cultivation of Hemp, within this Province. Passed 1st April, 1816. 1816 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago
    An Act to amend an Act, passed in the forty eighth Year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act to explain, amend and reduce to one Act of Parliament, the several Laws now in being, for the Raising and Training the Militia of this Province.” Passed 1st April, 1816. 1816 Upper Canada (1792-1840) 8 years 3 months ago