Displaying 911 - 920 of 1170 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to continue an Act passed in Forty-second Year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to empower the Justices of the Peace, to make for a limited time, Rules and Regulations for the Government of Apprentices and others.” (25th March, 1815.) 55 George III Chapter 4 1815 An act to extend “An Act to empower the Justices of the peace to make for a limited time Rules and Regulations for the Government of Apprentices and others,” originally passed in 1802 and extended in 1811. The original act granted Justices of the Peace the authority to regulate apprentices, domestics, hired servants, journeymen, and their masters and mistresses. It outlined the permissible punishments for apprentices, domestics, hired servants, or journeymen who break the rules and regulations. This act is continued until 1817. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to grant new Duties to His Majesty, to supply the wants of the Province. (25th March, 1815.) 55 George III Chapter 3 1815 An act to impose new duties on items including varies teas, wines, molasses, and syrups. The rates of these duties are set. The act also specifies the processes by which licenses for auctioning the goods subject to these duties are to be obtained, including the oath or affirmation auctioneers must swear to when rendering their accounts to the Receiver General. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal part of and amend an Act passed in the Fifty-third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to grant certain Duties, to His Majesty towards supplying the wants of the Province during the present war with the United States of America and for other purposes.” (25th March, 1815.) 55 George III Chapter 2 1815 An act to repeal parts of an act passed in 1813 that imposed a two pound ten shillings duty on every hundred pounds worth of goods as defined by the act. The act was originally set to expire in 1818. This act redefines what articles are subject to this duty. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for reviving and continuing for a limited time, and amending two several Acts therein mentioned for better regulating the Militia of this Province. (8th March, 1815.) 55 George III Chapter 1 1815 An act to continue a former act originally passed in 1803 “An Act for the better regulation of the Militia of this Province, and for repealing certain Acts or Ordinances therein mentioned,” which was amended in 1812. The original act declares that all men between the ages of eighteen and sixty are to be militia men, bound to serve in their division's militia. The amended act amends the maximum age from sixty to fifty. The act also outlines who is to be excepted from this law, how order is to be maintained, and how these men are to be enrolled and trained. This act makes it lawful for men drawn for service to present a substitute in their stead. These acts are to continue in force until 1816, or should a war be declared, until the end of the war. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to grant to the Ladies of the Order of Charity of the City of Montreal, a Sum of Money, for the purposes therein mentioned. (17th March, 1814.) 54 George III Chapter 11 1814 An act to grant to Ladies of the Order of Charity of the City of Montreal a sum of three hundred and fifty-eight pounds to reimburse the money forwarded by them "for the relief of insane persons and foundlings." Early Canadiana Online
An Act to grant a further Sum of Money, for the more effectual attainment of the purposes of the Act of the Fifty-first year of His Majesty’s Reign, which provides for the Relief of Insane Persons and the support of Foundlings, and others therein mentioned. (17th March, 1814.) 54 George III Chapter 10 1814 An act to attribute further funds for the purposes stated in an act by the same name passed in 1811 and renewed in 1813. The original act was to provide support to people of 'deranged Intellect', incapable of earning their subsistence, foundlings, sick and infirm persons, as well as the support of Religious communities that administer relief. This act granted a sum not exceeding fifteen hundred pounds per annum, and an additional nine hundred pounds per annum, for the benefit of foundlings or the mentally infirm and dictates who will be responsible to administer this money. The act specifies the maximum funds permitted per district, including Fourteen Hundred Pounds for the District of Quebec, Seven Hundred Pounds for the District of Montreal, and Three Hundred Pounds for the District of Trois-Rivières. The 1813 act also made it lawful for Commissioners to bind out foundlings of a proper age as apprentices. The act is to expire in 1815. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for applying a further Sum of Money, towards the erecting a Common Gaol, with a Court Hall, at New-Carlisle in the inferior District of Gaspé. (17th March, 1814) 54 George III Chapter 9 1814 An act to apply a further sum of money towards erecting a gaol and court hall in New-Carlisle and to continue an act from 1808 “An Act for erecting Common Gaols, with Court
Halls, in the Inferior District of Gaspé.”
Early Canadiana Online
An Act to exempt Salt imported for the use of the Fisheries in this Province, from the payment of certain duties imposed thereon, and for other purposes. (17th March, 1814.) 54 George III Chapter 8 1814 An act to exempt the salt intended for use in fisheries from the recent “An Act to grant certain additional duties towards supplying the wants of the Province.” The duties collected under the said act, since exempted, are to be refunded. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to establish Post-Houses in the different parts of this Province. (17th March, 1814.) 54 George III Chapter 7 1814 An Act outlining where and how several Post Houses should be erected within the province. The Superintendent of Provincial Post House is to appoint persons as Maîtres and Aides de Postes for these new Post Houses. Regulations on how mail will be transported are outlined, as well as fines and penalties for those who offend against the Act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue, for a limited time, an Act passed in the Forty-fifth Year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to ratify and confirm the Provisional Articles of Agreement entered into by the respective Commissioners of this Province and of Upper Canada, at Montreal, on the fifth day of July, One thousand eight hundred and four, relative to Duties and for carrying the same into effect,” And also, further to continue an Act passed in the Thirty-seventh Year of His Majesty’s Reign. (17th March, 1814.) 54 George III Chapter 6 1814 An act to continue several acts pertaining to trade between Upper and Lower Canada, including articles negotiated between Upper and Lower Canada concerning trade and tariffs. These are set to expire in 1816. Early Canadiana Online