Displaying 881 - 890 of 1170 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to appropriate a certain Sum of Money for the purchase of Seed Grain, towards the Relief of the Parishes in Distress, by the failure of the late Harvest. (22d March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 12 1817 An Act to apply a sum not exceeding twenty thousand pounds to purchase wheat and other grain, seed, and potatoes for planting to be distributed among "the most indigent husbandmen" in light of the late harvest's failure. Limits on the amounts to be distributed to each person and in several regions are set, in addition to how repayments under this act and the former "An Act for the relief of the Poor, in the Loan of Seed Wheat, and other necessary Grain" from 8 March 1817 will be made. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make good a certain Sum of Money therein mentioned, advanced for the relief of certain Country Parishes in distress, owing to the failure of the late harvest. (8th March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 11 1817 An act to make good on a sum of fourteen thousand two hundred and sixteen pounds applied for the relief of parishes in light of the famine that followed the late failed harvest. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide temporary Houses of Correction in the several Districts of this Province. (8th March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 10 1817 An act to provide temporary Houses of Correction in several districts, including the District of Quebec, District of Montreal, and District of Trois-Rivières. The act sets a budget for each district's temporary gaol. The act provides an annual allowance to the Committees appointed to superintend the Houses of Correction in the Districts of Quebec, Montreal, and Trois-Rivières for the purposes described and requires the committees to give an annual report of their expenses. The processes by which the committees are to be appointed and proceed are outlined. The act replaces the sentences of "punishment by transportation," "burns in the hand," or "death without the benefit of Clergy," with sentences in the House of Correction at the discretion of the Judges or Justices. This act is to expire in 1819. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue an Act passed in the fifty-fifth year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, “An Act to regulate persons engaged in the business or trade of baking and selling Bread within the Cities of Quebec and Montreal and in the Town of Three-Rivers, and to repeal an Ordinance therein mentioned.” (8th March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 9 1817 An Act to continue an Act passed in 1815. Under the original Act, any person found baking and selling bread without a license is subject to certain penalties. Directions for the distribution of licenses were also outlined in the 1815 Act, as well as stipulations relating to the production and sale of bread. Under this Act, the licenses are to be distributed by Justices of the Peace, where the former Act vested this authority in the Courts of Quarter Sessions of the Peace. This Act is to continue in force until 1819. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act passed in the forty-first year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for better regulating the Common belonging to the Town of Three-Rivers.” (8th March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 8 1817 An act to allow the Chairman and Trustees appointed to manage and direct business relating to the Common in Trois-Rivières to have the land measured and surveyed, and to establish metes and bounds of the said Common. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal in part an Act passed in the fifty-second year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled “An Act to facilitate the circulation of Army Bills,” and to grant a sum of Money for the purposes therein mentioned. (8th March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 7 1817 An act to repeal an act originally passed in 1812, that was extended and amended in 1813 and 1814. The original acts outlined the issue, use, and limitations of Army Bills, including their rate of exchange and interest, the denominations Army Bills could be distributed in, and the institution of the Army Bill Office. The act 1813 and 1814 acts imposed further regulations on the Army Bill Office and the issue of Army Bills. Punishments for counterfeiters were also outlined. Under this act, the Army Bill Office is allowed to remain open until 1818 in order to call in, cancel, and pay Army Bills that remained in circulation. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the advance of a certain Sum of Money for the causes therein mentioned, to the Province of Upper-Canada. (8th March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 6 1817 An Act to advance a sum of twenty thousand pounds to the Province of Upper Canada because the Province had not received its share of duties on certain goods, wares, and merchandises since the expiration of an Act pertaining to trade duties in 1816. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for appointing Commissioners to treat with Commissioners appointed, or to be appointed, on the part of Upper-Canada, for the purposes therein mentioned. (8th March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 5 1817 This act appoints commissioners to represent Lower Canada and who are empowered to meet, treat, consult, and agree with commissioners from Upper-Canada. The commissioners are also authorized to establish and regulate trade duties between the provinces. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time an Act passed in the fifty-first year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for the relief of Insane Persons and for the support of Foundlings and others therein mentioned;” and also to grant a further sum of money for the more effectual attainment of the purposes of the said Act. (8th March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 4 1817 An act to continue an act by the same name passed in 1811, continued in 1813, amended in 1814, and continued again in 1815. The original act was to provide support to people of 'deranged Intellect', incapable of earning their subsistence, foundlings, sick and infirm persons, as well as the support of Religious communities that administer relief. This act grants a sum not exceeding three thousand pounds, for the benefit of foundlings or the mentally infirm and dictates who will be responsible to administer this money. This act specifies the maximum funds permitted per district, including fifteen hundred pounds, for the District of Quebec, of one thousand pounds for the District of Montreal and of Five hundred pounds for the District of Trois-Rivières. The 1813 act also made it lawful for Commissioners to bind out foundlings of a proper age as apprentices. The act is to expire in 1819. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the maintenance of good order, on Sundays and Holidays. (8th March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 3 1817 An act to make the Office of Church Warden responsible for maintaining good order in Churches and Chapels in Lower Canada. The act stipulates the duties of "ancient" Church Wardens and Overseers and how they are to be replaced. Penalties for causing disturbances on Sundays and holidays are outlined. Early Canadiana Online