Displaying 891 - 900 of 1170 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act for the relief of certain Parishes in Distress. (8th March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 2 1817 An act to apply a sum not exceeding fifteen thousand five hundred pounds for the relief of parishes within the District of Quebec. Provisions for the distribution and use of these funds are outlined, including stipulations for the food rations to be given to men, women, and children. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relief of the Poor, in the Loan of Seed Wheat, and other necessary Grain. (8th March, 1817.) 57 George III Chapter 1 1817 An act establishing that lenders of seed for crops including wheat, corn, peas, oats, or potatoes, will be granted a privileged debt by the courts, to encourage those who can spare seed to loan it to poorer inhabitants. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue, for a limited time, an Act passed in the Forty-eighth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled “An Act to regulate the Trial of Controverted Elections or Returns of Members to serve in the House of Assembly of Lower Canada.” (26th. February, 1816.) 56 George III Chapter 1 1816 An act to further continue the act originally passed in 1808 which specifies standards for petitions complaining of undue elections of Members to the House of Assembly. Restrictions including the contents, allowable dates for petitions, and a fee to bring forward a petition were also outlined in the original act. The act is set to expire in 1821. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to grant a Salary to the Speaker of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada, to enable him to support the dignity of his office, during the present Provincial Parliament. 55 George III Chapter 21 1815 Under this Act, the Speaker of the House of Assembly is granted an annual salary of one thousand pounds. Early Canadiana Online
An act to grant an Aid to His Majesty, to assist in opening a Canal from the neighbourhood of Montreal to La Chine, and further to provide for facilitating the execution of the same. (25th March, 1815.) 55 George III Chapter 20 1815 An Act to grant a sum of twenty-five thousand pounds to construct a Canal from Montreal to La Chine. The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or person administering the Government the authority to appoint as many people as he thinks fit to be Commissioners and a secretary to superintend the project and administer funds allocated to it. These Commissioners and their successors are declared "the Board of Administration of the Royal Canal of Canada." Requirements for the canal's construction are detailed, and measures to be put in place once construction is complete. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to grant a certain sum of money to Joseph Bouchette, Esquire, to assist him in publishing Geographical and Topographical Maps of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. (25th March, 1815.) 55 George III Chapter 19 1815 An act to provide Joseph Bouchette, Esquire, Surveyor General of the Province of Lower Canada, a sum of five hundred pounds to be aid with him carrying out his mapping project which is deemed to be of great public utility. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the holding of the Provincial Court of Appeals during the repairs to be done to the Court House at Quebec. (25th March, 1815.) 55 George III Chapter 18 1815 Under this Act, the Provincial Court of Appeals will be holden and kept where the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or person administering the Government shall appoint within the City of Quebec. The Act stipulates that the Clerk of the Provincial Court of Appeals is responsible for notifying the public where it will be holden. This Act is to expire in 1816. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make good the Deficiency of the Funds by Law provided, for paying the Salaries of the Officers of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, and the contingent expences thereof. (25th March, 1815.) 55 George III Chapter 17 1815 This Act outlines where funds for paying back an amount advanced to pay the salaries of the officers of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly are to be taken from, as the monies allowed for this purpose by two former Acts were insufficient. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time, an Act passed in the Fifty-third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act further to continue for a limited time the powers granted to certain Commissioners by an Act, intituled, ‘An Act for removing the old Walls and Fortifications that surround the City of Montreal and otherwise to provide for the salubrity, convenience and embellishment of the said City,’ and also to continue for a limited time the extension of the said powers in certain cases.” (25th March, 1815.) 55 George III Chapter 16 1815 This act extends the powers of commissioners and the treasurer appointed under an act passed in 1801 and continued in 1805, 1808, and 1813 which had been set to expire. The act sets a new expiry for these positions. The original act set out provisions for removing the walls and fortifications around Montreal, and outlined how the lands then occupied by the walls and fortifications should be sold. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time, two Acts therein mentioned for the better regulation of Lumber Trade. (25th March, 1815.) 55 George III Chapter 15 1815 An act to continue an act originally passed in 1808, and extended in 1811 and 813 by the same name. The original act placed regulations on the export of certain types of lumber and made it lawful for the governor to appoint Master Cullers and Measurers of boards and planks, staves, timber, and masts and spars at the ports of Montreal and Quebec. Expectations and duties for these positions and standards for lumber being exported were outlined. The act is to expire in 1817. Early Canadiana Online