Displaying 821 - 830 of 1170 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to prevent accidents in the landing of Gunpowder from Ships or ether Vessels in the Harbour of Quebec, and to guard against the careless transporting of the same into the Powder Magazines. (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 9 1819 An act to penalize ship Masters found to bring ships with more than five pounds of gunpowder on board into the Harbour of Quebec. The act goes on to outline where any how larger shipments of gunpowder can be delivered as well as the fines those who fail to follow those guidelines will be subject to. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal in part an Ordinance passed in the Seventeenth Year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “‘An Ordinance for preventing accidents by Fire,’ and for other purposes therein-mentioned.” (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 8 1819 An act repealing part of an ordinance passed in 1777 that limited the use of shingles on houses and outhouses in towns or suburbs in the districts of Quebec, Montreal, and Trois-Rivières. Specific measures from within this former act that are to be repealed are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal certain Acts therein-mentioned and to regulate the Lumber Trade. (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 7 1819 An act to repeal acts pertaining to the lumber trade including "An Act for the better regulation of the Lumber Trade," originally passed in 1808, and the act continuing this original act passed in 1811 and extended in 1813, 1815, and 1817. The act goes on to place new regulations on the export of certain types of lumber from the province. The Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or person administering the Government of the Province is given the authority to appoint Master Cullers and Measurers of boards and planks, staves, timber, and masts and spars at the ports of Montreal and Quebec. Expectations and duties for these positions and standards for lumber being exported are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for making and maintaining a Navigable Canal from the neighbourhood of the City of Montreal to the Parish of Lachine, in the Island and County of Montreal. (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 6 1819 An Act to allow for the construction and to outline the maintenance of a Canal from Lachine to Montreal. The processes by which the land is to be acquired, the canal is to be constructed, and persons can acquire shares to become Proprietors of the company responsible for the project are outlined. The systems by which this Company of Proprietors will function are detailed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue, for a limited time, an Act passed in the fifty-fifth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to grant New Duties to His Majesty to supply the wants of the Province.” (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 5 1819 An act to further continue an act originally passed in 1815 and continued in 1817. The original act imposed new duties on items including varies teas, wines, molasses, and syrups. The rates of these duties were also set. The act also specified the processes by which licenses for auctioning the goods subject to these duties are to be obtained, including the oath or affirmation auctioneers must swear to when rendering their accounts to the Receiver General. The act and all things therein contained are continued in force until 1821. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to impose duties on divers articles therein mentioned, and to regulate, for a limited time, the Trade with the United-States of America, by Land or by Inland Navigation, and to suspend certain Acts and Ordinances therein-mentioned. (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 4 1819 An Act to impose duties on articles including grains, ship timber, fruits, among others. Any articles not prohibited by this or any other acts in force are allowed to be traded from or into the United States exempt from duties except where imposed by this Act. Rates for duties and the articles to which they apply are outlined. The Act also suspends several former ordinances. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to secure the Inhabitants of the Inferior District of Gaspé in the possession and enjoyment of their Lands. (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 3 1819 An act to appoint commissioners to hear applications from people holding or claiming to hold lands in the District of Gaspé in order to rule on the legitimacy of these claims. The manner in which the commissioners will be appointed, and the process by which land claims can be made, are described. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue for a limited time, and to amend, an Act passed in the forty-third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for the better regulation of the Militia of this Province, and for repealing certain Acts or Ordinances therein-mentioned.” (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 2 1819 An act to amend an act originally passed in 1803, amended in 1812, and revived in 1817. The amended act declares that all men between the ages of eighteen and fifty are to be militia men, bound to serve in their division's militia. This act repeals forty-first section of the original act, which had permitted the acceptance of volunteers. The original act outlines who is to be excepted from this law, how order is to be maintained, and how these men are to be enrolled and trained. The act is to expire in 1821. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorized François Verrault, Esquire, to build a Toll-Bridge over the River Etchemins, in the Parish of Saint Henry, near the Church of the said Parish, in the County of Dorchester. (1st April, 1818.) 58 George III Chapter 25 1818 An Act authorising François Verrault, Esquire to build and collect a toll on a bridge crossing the Etchemin River in the parish of Santi-Henri, near the Church of the said Parish, in the County of Dorchester at his own cost. Verrault is granted the authority to take and use of the land required to build the bridge. Standards and stipulations for the bridge's construction and maintenance are outlined. The allowable tolls that can be charged are described, as well as those to be excepted from tolls. Additionally, after a period of fifty years, it is made lawful for the Crown to assume possession of the bridge. Time restraints allowed for the construction and repairs are outlined, as well as penalties for those who neglect the tenets of the bill. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize Walter Davidson, Esquire, to erect a Toll-Bridge over the River Chaudière, below the Great Fall of the said River. (1st April, 1818.) 58 George III Chapter 24 1818 An Act authorising Walter Davidson, Esquire to build and collect a toll on a bridge crossing the River Chaudière, below the Great Fall of the said River between the Parishes of Point-Levi and Saint-Nicholas in the County of Dorchester at his own cost. Davidson is granted the authority to take and use of the land required to build the bridge. Standards and stipulations for the bridge's construction and maintenance are outlined. The allowable tolls that can be charged are described, as well as those to be excepted from tolls. Additionally, after a period of fifty years, it is made lawful for the Crown to assume possession of the bridge. Time restraints allowed for the construction and repairs are outlined, as well as penalties for those who neglect the tenets of the bill. Early Canadiana Online