Displaying 811 - 820 of 1170 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to appropriate a certain Sum of Money towards repairing the Common Gaol of the District of Montreal. (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 19 1819 An act to appoint Commissioners to superintend repairs to be done to the Common Gaol of the District and City of Montreal, to cost up two two thousand pounds of unappropriated monies. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time, an Act passed in the fifty-seventh year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to provide for the maintenance of good Order on Sundays and Holidays” (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 18 1819 An Act to continue an Act passed in 1817 that made the Office of Church Warden responsible for maintaining good order in Churches and Chapels in Lower Canada. The original Act stipulated the duties of "ancient" Church Wardens and Overseers and how they are to be replaced and outlined penalties for causing disturbances on Sundays and holidays. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to discontinue certain Duties therein-mentioned. (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 17 1819 An act to exempt Seeds, Rye, Oats, Barley, Potatoes, Indian Corn, Beans, Peas, Rice and grain of all kinds, Horses, Neat Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Poultry, and other Live Stock, and live provisions of all kinds, Pitch, Tar, Turpentine, Rosin, Hemp and Flax, Butter, Cheese and Honey from the duty imposed by “An Act to grant certain Duties to His Majesty towards supplying the wants of the Province during the present war with the United States of America, and for other purposes,” passed in 1813. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to confirm and make valid certain proceedings of the Commissioners for the building and the repair of Churches, Parsonage Houses, and Church Yards. (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 16 1819 An act to confirm the validity of proceedings done under the authority of the act from 1791 "An Act or Ordinance concerning the building and repairing of Churches, Parsonage Houses, and Church Yards," undertaken before 13 October 1818. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time, two several Acts therein-mentioned, providing Temporary Houses of Correction in the several Districts of this Province, and for other purposes. (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 15 1819 An Act to further continue a former Act from 1817 and amended in 1818 that provided temporary Houses of Correction in several districts, including the District of Quebec, District of Montreal, and District of Trois-Rivières. The 1818 Act revised the budget for each district's temporary gaol and provides an annual allowance to the Committees appointed to superintend the Houses of Correction in the Districts of Quebec, Montreal, and Trois-Rivières for the purposes described. By the 1817 Act committees are required to give an annual report of their expenses and processes by which the committees are to be appointed and proceed were also outlined. The act is to expire in 1821. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the Justices of the Peace for the District of Montreal, to appropriate from the funds therein-mentioned, a certain sum of money for the erection of additional Stalls in the Market-places, and to build two new Weigh-Houses. (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 14 1819 An act to allow Justices of the Peace to appropriate funds not exceeding two hundred pounds to erect ten or more additional stalls in the Old and New Market places in Montreal and up to an additional three hundred pounds to build new Weigh Houses at each market place. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time, an Act passed in the fifty-eighth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to extend the provisions of an Act passed in the thirty-fourth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, ‘An Act for the division of the Province of Lower-Canada for amending the Judicature thereof, and for repealing certain Laws therein-mentioned,’ and to provide more effectually for the administration of Justice in this Province.” (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 13 1819 An Act to extend a former act from 1818 that extended the provisions of an Act passed in 1793 which divided Lower Canada into three districts and established a court of King's Bench in each. By the 1818 Act, any Judge in the province is authorised to preside over the duties of the Chief Justice of Puisne Justices of their district in the event that they are unable to perform these duties due to illness. This Act is to expire in 1820. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the better application of certain monies heretofore appropriated for the Internal Communications of the County of Northumberland. (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 12 1819 An act to amend the sixth clause of a former act from 1817 "An Act to make more effectual provision for the improvement of the Internal Communications of this Province" to allocate funds to build a road between Parish of Saint Pierre de la Baie Saint Paul, to the Parish Church of Saint Joachim, by way of the hill commonly called, the Côte de la Miche that is more favourable to agriculture than the road proposed by the former act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time two several Acts therein-mentioned to regulate persons engaged in the trade of baking and selling Bread in the Cities of Quebec and Montreal and in the Town of Three Rivers. (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 11 1819 An Act to continue an Act passed in 1815 that was amended, altered, and continued in 1817 is continued until 1821. Under the original Act, any person found baking and selling bread without a license is subject to certain penalties. Directions for the distribution of licenses were outlined in the former Acts, as well as stipulations relating to the production and sale of bread. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to facilitate the recovery of Small Debts in certain parts of this Province. (24th April, 1819.) 59 George III Chapter 10 1819 An act to empower Justices of the Peace to command summons within certain Townships and Seigneuries in order to recover debts not exceeding four pounds, three shillings and fourpence and to pass judgement upon the cases brought before them pertaining to debts owed. The act is followed by a Form of Summons, a Form of Warrant of Execution, and a Form of a Subpoena. Early Canadiana Online