Displaying 571 - 580 of 1170 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to appropriate a, certain Sum of Money to improve the High Roads within the Parish of Montreal and for other purposes therein mentioned. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 18 1829 An Act to appoint commissioners to oversee repairs to certain highways within Montreal, as described. The processes by which they are to be appointed, their duties, and allowable expenses are outlined. Stipulations and standards for these repairs are described. These commissioners are also to adopt a plan to change the course of the Little River of Montreal (Rivière St. Pierre). This Act is to remain in force until 1832. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate certain sums of Money towards the Macadamizing and improving certain Roads near Quebec, and to lay out certain new Roads. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 17 1829 An Act to appoint commissioners to oversee repairs to certain highways within the province, as described. The processes by which they are to be appointed, their duties, and allowable expenses are outlined. Stipulations and standards for these repairs are described. This Act is to remain in force until 1832. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to encrease the number of Assessors for the Cities of Quebec and Montreal. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 16 1829 This Act suspends and replaces the 1796 Act “An Act for making, repairing and altering the Highways and Bridges within this Province, and for other purposes,” as pertains to the number of Assessors appointed for making the assessment in Quebec and Montreal. This Act is to remain in force until 1831. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to regulate the exercise of the rights appertaining to proprietors and lessors against their tenants and lessees, and for other purposes therein-mentioned. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 15 1829 An Act outlining how disputes between tenants and lessors (landlords) can be settled, that describes lessors’ rights. This Act is to remain in force until 1832. Early Canadiana Online
An Act authorize the Collection of certain Duties at Montreal. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 14 1829 This Act stipulates that all duties to be paid on any Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes imported on Vessels coming into the Port of Montreal are to be paid to the Chief Officer of His Majesty’s Customs at Montreal before they are unladed. The Act also explains how the money collected is to be accounted for. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make more effectual provision for the improvement of the Internal Communications. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 13 1829 Under this Act, a sum not exceeding twenty-five thousand and forty pounds towards improving roads between the certain townships in the province, as described. The processes by which commissioners are to be appointed to oversee these projects are explained. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to establish certain Rates, Tolls and Duties on the Lachine Canal, and to provide for the care and management of the said Canal. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 12 1829 This Act establishes and lists tolls to be collected on goods transported through the Lachine Canal that are to be used to repair the canal. The Act also establishes a body corporate under the name of the “Commissioners of the Lachine Canal,” and describes their duties. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the better regulation of the Lumber Trade. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 11 1829 This Act outlines how a Board of Examiners are to be appointed to oversee the lumber trade in the province and outlines their duties, and the duties of Cullers and Measurers, including the rates they may receive for their labour. The Act includes several oaths for examiners and other persons participating in the lumber trade and schedules relating to the suits that may arise. Regulations for granting licenses or commissions to Cullers and Measurers are described, and standards for lumber they will inspect. The Act also outlines the role of the Trinity House and ports in overseeing the shipment of lumber. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend the Benefit of the Trial by Jury. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 10 1829 This Act extends the option of a trial by jury to all cases in which a remedy is sought in compensation of damages sustained to moveable property, as described, whereas the 1785 Act “An Ordinance to regulate the proceedings in the Courts of Civil Judicature, and to establish Trials by Juries in actions of a commercial nature and personal wrongs to be compensated in damages,” was more restrictive. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to regulate and establish the Salaries and other Emoluments of the Officers employed in the Collection of the Revenue at the several Inland Ports in this Province, and for other purposes. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 9 1829 This Act outlines the salaries and expenses permitted for each of the officers employed at inland ports at Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, Lacolle, Coteau-du-Lac, Stanstead, and Sainte Marie. The Act also reestablishes the fees put in place under the 1819 Act, “An Act to impose duties on divers articles therein mentioned, and to regulate for a limited time the Trade with the United States of America by land or by inland navigation, and to suspend certain Acts and Ordinances therein mentioned,” and specifies the fees to be charged. This Act is to remain in force until 1831. Early Canadiana Online