Displaying 551 - 560 of 1170 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to amend an Act passed in the seventh year of His Majesty’s Reign, for the Establishment of a New Market at Montreal, and to extend the provisions of the same. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 38 1829 This Act amends the 1827 Act “An Act for the Establishment of a New Market at Montreal,” concerning how Trustees appointed under this former Act can be replaced, and their duties, including how the Trustees may appoint a Treasurer. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the more speedy remedy of divers abuses, prejudicial to Agricultural Improvement in this Province. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 37 1829 This Act establishes and defines the duties of inspectors of fences and drains. The Act puts introduces penalties for owners of dogs, livestock, chickens, ducks, horses, that they have allowed to go astray or are unruly and makes provisions for the establishment of a pound for animals found trespassing or wandering on highways. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to suspend, for a limited time, certain Acts therein-mentioned, and to regulate in a better manner the Inspection of Pot and Pearl Ashes. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 36 1829 This Act suspends and replaces several former acts relating to the inspection of Pot and Pearl Ashes. Under this Act, all Licences or Commissions heretofore issued to any Inspector or Inspectors of Pot and Pearl Ashes prior to this Act are nullified, and directions for Pot or Pearl ash inspection are outlined. The processes by which the Board of Examiners from the City of Montreal is to be appointed are outlined, including their oaths. This Act is to remain in force until 1832.

Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue further, for a limited time, a certain Act concerning the Beaches and Landing Places in Quebec. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 35 1829 This Act continues the 1827 Act , “An Act to provide Regulations, concerning the Beaches or Strands and Landing Places in Quebec,” until 1832. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend and continue, for a limited time, a certain Act passed in the fifth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to make certain alterations to the Road Laws.” (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 34 1829 This Act amends and continues the 1825 Act “An Act to make certain alterations to the Road Laws.” Under this Act, streets of villages are to be treated as “front roads,” and provisions for the opening of new roads are made. This Act is to remain in force until 1833. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for regulating the Fees of Grand Voyers, and the costs of Proceedings relating to Proces Verbaux. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 33 1829 This Act sets fees that Grand Voyers for the Districts of Quebec, Montreal and Trois-Rivières are entitled to receive, in addition to the fees allowed to the Criers of the Court and Clerks of the Peace for Proces Verbeaux. This Act is to remain in force until 1833. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter and amend an Act passed in the sixth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to authorize the Inhabitants of the Fief Gros Bois, in the county of Saint Maurice, to make Regulations for the Common of the said Fief.” (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 32 1829 This Act outlines the process by which a Chair and Trustees are to be elected to govern the Common as a body politic and corporate by the name “The Chairman and Trustees of the Common of Gros Bois,” and how future elections are to take place. This Act is to remain in force until 1850. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to revive an Act passed in the fourth year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, “An Act to authorize the sale and disposal of certain goods unclaimed and remaining in the possession of the Clerks of the Peace of this Province, and further to continue, for a limited time, the said Act.” (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 31 1829 An Act to revive the 1824 Act “An Act to authorize the sale and disposal of certain Goods unclaimed and remaining in the possession of the Clerks of the Peace in this Province,” that expired in 1827. This Act is to remain in force until 1832. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue, for a limited time, and amend an Act passed in the seventh year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to continue and amend certain Acts therein-mentioned, establishing a Watch and providing for the Lighting of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal.” (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 30 1829 An Act to continue an Act from 1827 that continued the 1818 “An Act to provide more effectually for the security of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, by establishing a Watch and Night Lights in the said Cities, and for other purposes,” as amended by the 1823 Act , “An Act to amend an Act passed in the fifty-eighth year of the Reign of His late Majesty, George the Third, intituled, ‘An Act to provide more effectually for the security of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, by establishing a Watch and Night Lights in the said Cities, and for other purposes’” that was continued by two further acts in 1825 and 1827. This Act clarifies and continues these Acts until 1831. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate certain Sums of Money, for more completely exploring certain parts of the Province. (14th March, 1829.) 9 George IV Chapter 29 1829 An Act to provide a sum not exceeding towards completing explorations of the part of the province north of the River and Gulf of Saint Lawrence called the “King’s Post,” as described in the 1826 Act “An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money therein mentioned for exploring the Tract of Country to the North of the River and Gulf of Saint Lawrence, commonly called the King’s Posts and the Lands adjacent thereto,” and to pay due in excess of the sums granted for the purposes outlined in the 1826 Act. Early Canadiana Online