Displaying 2421 - 2440 of 4386 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act for applying certain Monies, therein mentioned, for the service of the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-Five; and for appropriating such part of the Supplies granted in this Session of the General Assembly, as are not already appropriated by the Laws or Acts of the Province. 6 George IV – Chapter 1 1825 This act allots various parcels of money for a number of purposes and to various individuals throughout the province, for infrastructure projects and in reimbursement for services rendered to the government. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to remove certain doubts with respect to the commencement of the Terms of Michaelmas in the last year, and of Hilary in this present year, and to appoint the periods for holding the several Law Terms. (Passed 17th Jan. 1825) 6 George IV Chapter 1 1825 This act clarifies when the Hilary and Michaelmas terms will be held during the present year. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal certain Acts therein-mentioned, and to consolidate the Laws relating to the Election of Members to serve in the Assembly of this Province, and to the duty of Returning Officers, and for other purposes. (22d. March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 33 1825 An Act to repeal and replace several defective Acts including the 1807 Act, "An Act to provide Returning Officers for the Election of Knights, Citizens and Burgesses to serve in the House of Assembly, and to regulate Elections to be held for that purpose," and the several Acts that amended it. This Act sets new restrictions for who may serve as Returning Officers, and outlines how they are to be appointed, their terms for their service, and duties. Several new regulations for elections are set in place and multiple oaths and forms follow the Act's articles. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a further limited time and amend certain Acts therein mentioned, relating to the trial of controverted Elections of Members to serve in the Assembly of this Province. {22d. March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 32 1825 An Act to continue and amend two Acts: an Act from 1808, "An Act to regulate the trial of controverted Elections or returns of Members to serve in the House of Assembly of Lower-Canada, an Act from 1818, “An Act to facilitate the trial of controverted Elections or returns of Members to serve in the House of Assembly,” which are to remain in force except as amended by this Act until 1829. The sum to be submitted in consequence of a Petition to the House of Assembly against the regularity of an Election is amended. This Act includes a form of recognizance that is to be submitted when such petitions are filed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make further provision towards defraying the Civil Expenditure of the Provincial Government. (22d. March 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 27 1825 An Act to provide a further sum not exceeding fifty eight thousand and seventy-four pounds, two shillings and eleven pence, to defray the expenses of the Provincial Government and for the administration of Justice for the year beginning November 1824 and ending 31 October 1825. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue still further, for a limited time, An Act passed in the fifty-seventh year of the Reign of His late Majesty George the Third, intituled, “An Act to facilitate the Administration of Justice in certain Small Matters therein-mentioned in the Country Parishes.” (22d, March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 24 1825 An Act to further continue an Act passed in 1817, "An Act to facilitate the Administration of Justice in certain small matters therein mentioned, in the Country Parishes," that was continued in 1823. This Act is to remain in force until 1827. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue for a limited time an Act passed in the third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act to amend an Act passed in the thirty-fourth year of the Reign of His late Majesty George the Third, intituled, ‘An Act for the Division of the Province of Lower-Canada, to amend the Judicature thereof, and to repeal certain Laws therein-mentioned, in as much as the same relates to the Courts of Criminal Jurisdiction.’” (22d. March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 23 1825 An Act to continue an Act from 1823, “An Act to amend an Act passed in the thirty-fourth year of the Reign of His late Majesty George the Third, intituled, ‘An Act for the Division of the Province of Lower-Canada to amend the Judicature thereof, and to repeal certain Laws therein-mentioned, in as much as the same relates to the Courts of Criminal Jurisdiction.’” This Act is to remain in force until 1827. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue certain Acts therein-mentioned, relating to the Militia of this Province. (22d. March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 21 1825 An Act to further continue an Act from 1803, “An Act for the better regulation of the Militia of this Province, and for repealing certain Acts or Ordinances therein-mentioned,” as amended by the 1817 Act, “An Act for reviving and continuing for a limited time, and amending an Act passed in the forty-third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, ‘An Act for the better regulation of the Militia of this Province, and for repealing certain Acts or Ordinances therein-mentioned,’” and the 1819 Act “An Act further to continue for a limited time, and to amend an Act passed in the forty-third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, ‘An Act for the better regulation of the Militia of this Province, and for repealing certain Acts or Ordinances therein-mentioned.’” These Acts are to remain in force until 1827. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the encouragement of the Trade and Intercourse between the Ports of Quebec and Halifax. (22d. March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 20 1825 An Act to grant fifteen hundred pounds by three equal and annual payments to the first person or company to construct a Steam Vessel no less than five hundred tons burthen, that is to be regularly navigated between the Ports of Quebec and Halifax, for four years. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue for a limited time two Acts therein-mentioned, relating to the Inspection of Fish and Oil intended for exportation. (22d. March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 18 1825 An Act to continue two Acts, including the 1823 Act "An Act to provide for the Inspection of Fish and Oil intended for exportation, from the Ports of Quebec and Montreal," and an Act passed in 1824 "An Act to extend the provisions of a certain Act therein-mentioned, relating to the Inspection of Fish and Oil, intended for exportation." These Acts are to remain in force until 1827. Early Canadiana Online
An Act relating to Inspectors of Flour. (22d March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 17 1825 An Act to augment the fees allowed to Inspectors of Flour from the two-pence permitted under the 1822 Act “An Act to provide for the better Inspection of Flour,” to three-pence currency per barrel.
Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue, for a limited time, two certain Acts therein- mentioned, relating to the Lumber Trade. (22d March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 16 1825 An Act to continue an Act from 1819, "An Act to repeal certain Acts therein-mentioned and to regulate the Lumber Trade," that repealed and replaced several acts pertaining to the lumber trade including "An Act for the better regulation of the Lumber Trade," originally passed in 1808. This Act also continues an Act passed in 1823, “An Act to repeal in part and to amend and continue, for a limited time, an Act passed in the fifty-ninth year of the Reign of His late Majesty, George the Third, intituled, ‘An Act to repeal a certain Act therein-mentioned, and to regulate the Lumber Trade.’” Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the further encouragement of Agriculture in this Province. (22d March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 13 1825 An Act to apply a sum not exceeding one thousand, three hundred and twenty-five pounds towards the encouragement of agriculture in the province for the present year, divided between the Agricultural Societies in existence or to be formed in the Districts of Montreal, Quebec, Trois-Rivières and the Inferior District of Gaspé, and a further sum to the Agricultural Society of Quebec to liquidate a balance owing. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate certain Sums of Money towards the support of Hospitals, and for other charitable purposes therein-mentioned. (22d March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 12 1825 An Act to provide several sums of money to hospitals and charitable organizations in 1825, including the Religious Ladies of the General Hospital near Quebec, the General Hospital near Quebec, Religious Ladies of the General Hospital at Montreal, the Religious Ladies of the Hotel Dieu at Montreal, the Corporation of the General Hospital at Montreal, and several sums to support and repay expenses already dispensed in order to support Indigent Sick and Infirm Persons and Foundlings in the Districts of Quebec, Montreal, and Trois-Rivières. The commissioners responsible for disbursing these funds are made to report on how they have been distributed before the three Branches of the Legislature at the next session. Early Canadiana Online
An Act still further to continue for a limited time certain Acts therein-mentioned, relating to Houses of Correction in the several Districts of this Province. (22d. March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 10 1825 An Act to further continue an Act from 1817 as amended by the 1818 Act, "An Act to amend an Act passed in the fifty-seventh year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, ‘An Act to provide temporary Houses of Correction in the several Districts of this Province and for other purposes," which was continued in 1819, 1821, and 1823, and an Act passed in 1823 “An Act to extend certain provisions contained in an Act passed in the fifty-seventh year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled, ‘An Act to provide temporary Houses of Correction in the several Districts of this Province.’” These Acts are to expire in 1827. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a sum of money therein mentioned for re-printing certain Laws in force in this Province. (22d. March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 8 1825 An Act to grant a sum not exceeding two hundred and fifty pounds towards reprinting Ordinances of the Legislative Council of the late Province of Quebec. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize an Enumeration and Return of the Population of the Province of Lower-Canada. (22d March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 7 1825 An Act outlining the processes by which an enumeration and return of the population of the province is to take place, including how commissioners are to be appointed, their duties, and the questions they are to ask for this purpose. The authority granted to the commissioner, including how many assistants they may hire, is described. Three forms follow at the end of the Act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the more certain and expeditious distribution of the Printed Acts of the Legislature of this Province. (22d. March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 5 1825 An Act to allow for the early circulation of printed acts in the province. Under this Act, Clerks of the Peace are to distribute Acts to Parsonage Houses in the Country Parishes within their districts as soon as possible after the close of each Session. Churchwarden's are made responsible for making the public aware of these printed acts, as outlined. This Act is to expire in 1828. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make certain alterations to the Road Laws. (22d March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 3 1825 An Act to allow Justices of the Peace in the cities and districts of Quebec and Montreal to direct the execution of works necessary pertaining to Streets, Lanes, Market-places and Public Places, Highways, Bridges, Causeways and Water-Courses. Provisions are made for bye-roads and bridges in Country Parishes and Seigneuries and the Act allows for the appointment of additional Surveyors of Highways and Bridges under certain conditions. The processes by which old roads should be demolished and new roads should be opened are described, as well as how they are to be maintained. This Act is to expire in 1829. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter and amend certain parts of an Ordinance made and passed in the twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled, “An Ordinance to regulate the proceedings of the Courts of Civil Judicature, and to establish Trials by Juries, in actions of a Commercial nature, and personal wrongs, to be compensated in damages, in what relates to the issuing of Writs of Capias ad respondendum and to Special Bail.” (23d March, 1825.) 5 George IV – Chapter 2 1825 An Act to alter and amend an Ordinance from 1785 concerning the condition of bails to be given by any Defendant arrested under the terms of Capias ad respondendum, making it so that Cognizers shall not become liable for the bail unless the Defendant leaves the Province without having paid their debt, interest and costs. Additionally, under this Act, no writ of Capias ad respondendum can be issued by the suit of someone residing in Upper Canada against someone living in Lower Canada, except as specified. Early Canadiana Online