Displaying 1821 - 1840 of 3407 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to alter the division line between the Parishes of Douglas and Queensbury in the County or York. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 32 (session 1) 1835 This act changes the boundaries between two York County parishes. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to regulate the driving of Timber and Saw Logs down the River Magaguadavic and its Branches. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 31 (session 1) 1835 This act creates regulations for driving logs down the Magaguadavic River and penalties for their violations Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to amend the Law relating to the public Grammar School in the City or Saint John. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 30 (session 1) 1835 This act amends an 1805 for encouraging literacy to allow the directors of a Saint John grammer school to change the dates of public visitations and examinations. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to authorise the Grand Jurors of the several Counties within this Province to inspect the Public Accounts. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 28 (session 1) 1835 This act stipulates that county courts make annual accounts of their receipts and expenditures of public money. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to revive and continue an Act passed in the Tenth year of His late Majesty's Reign, entitled, “An Act the better to protect the Mississagua Tribes living on the Indian Reserve at the River Credit, in their Exclusive Right of Fishing and Hunting therein. Passed 16th April, 1835. 5 William IV – Chapter 27 1835 This act continues, for four years, an act first passed in 1829 which acknowledges the area currently known as Etobicoke and Mississauga as land belonging to the Mississauga tribe, and is to be their acknowledged fishing and hunting ground. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appoint Commissioners to settle disputes respecting certain Roads and Lines in the Township of Norwich, in the District of London, and to establish the said Lines and Roads. Passed 16th April, 1835. 5 William IV – Chapter 26 1835 This act authorises a new survey of the township of Norwich in order to settle disputes which have been raised by the purchase of lots by two purchasers 20 years prior, who conducted their own surveys for the lots they purchased without being authorized surveyors. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter and amend an Act, intituled “An Act to repeal an Act, intituled ‘An Act for the better security of the Navigation of certain Harbours in the County of Northumberland,’ and to make more effectual provision for the better security of the Harbours in the Counties of Northumberland, Kent and Gloucester,” so far as the same relates to the Bay and Harbour or Restigouche in the said County of Gloucester. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 25 (session 1) 1835 This act alters the terms of 1829 and 1830 act regulating harbours in Northuberland, Kent, and Gloucester Counties changing certain duties and repealing others. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to authorise the Levying an increased Tax on the Inhabitants of the District of Prince Edward, for the term of Three Years. Passed 16th April, 1835. 5 William IV – Chapter 25 1835 This act authorises the collection of a tax of one halfpenny per resident of the district of Prince Edward for three years in order to erase a debt of 1,500 pounds incurred by the said district. Early Canadiana Online
An Act in addition to and in continuation of the Act relating to the Bass Fishery in the County of Northumberland. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 24 (session 1) 1835 This act adds to an 1833 act expands the regulations on the bass fishery in Northumberland County to its Shad and Gaspereaux fisheries. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act for erecting parts of the Towns or Parishes of Brunswick and Canning in Queen's County into a separate Town or Parish. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 23 (session 1) 1835 This act creates a new parish, Chipman, in Sunbury County. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to authorise and empower the Justices of the Peace for the County, of Charlotte to lease a part of the public landing at Salt Water in the Parish of Saint Stephen. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 22 (session 1) 1835 This act allows St. Stephen's Parish officials to build on or lease out a lot of public land and use the proceeds for the benifit of the parish. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to alter the times of holding the Court of Quarter Sessions in the District of Niagara. Passed 16th April, 1835. 5 William IV – Chapter 22 1835 This act repeals a prior act specifying the time and place of the court of general quarter sessions of the peace of the Niagara district. From the passing of this new act, the sessions of the said court will be held on the second tuesdays of January, April, July, and October of every year in the town of Niagara. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the establishing and maintaining a Boom for securing Masts, Logs and Lumber in the County of York. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 21 (session 1) 1835 This act establishes regulations for the building and maintainence a lumber boom on the Nashwaak River. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to establish the Boundary Lines of the Township of Wolford, in the District of Johnstown. Passed 16th April, 1835. 5 William IV – Chapter 21 1835 This act calls for the surveying of the township of Wolford, specifying that any lots or parcels will run parallel to the western boundary line. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the Justices of the Peace for the County of Charlotte to assess the Inhabitants of the Parish of Grand Manan for the erection of a Lock-up House in the said Parish. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 20 (session 1) 1835 This act allows for Grand Manan officials to raise 100 pounds to build a gaol to house those arrested until they can be transfered to the mainland. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to authorise a new Survey in the Township of King. Passed 16th April, 1835. 5 William IV – Chapter 20 1835 This act calls for the surveying of the township of King in order to determine the lots of the eight and ninth concessions in order to avoid further issues and litigation. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to erect the South-Western part of the Parish of Richibucto into a separate and distinct Parish. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 19 (session 1) 1835 This act creates a new parish, Weldford, in Richibucto County. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to continue an Act, intituled “An Act to repeal the Laws now in force for appointing Firewards and the better extinguishing of Fires, so far as the same relate to the Town of Fredericton, and to make regulations more suitable to the said Town,” and an Act, intituled “An Act to extend the power of the Firewards in the Parish of Fredericton, and to make further regulations for the better extinguishing of Fires that may happen in the said Parish.” Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 18 (session 1) 1835 This act continues two existing acts pertaining to fire fighting in Fredericton until 1837. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to alter the boundary line between certain Parishes in the County of Westmorland. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 15 (session 1) 1835 This act alters the boundaries of two Westmorland County parishes. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to continue an Act, intituled “An Act to extend the provisions of an Act, intituled ‘An Act to repeal the Laws now in force for appointing Firewards and the better extinguishing of Fires, so far as the same relate to the Town of Fredericton, and to make regulations more suitable to the said Town,’ to the Towns of Newcastle and Chatham and their vicinities in the County of Northumberland.” Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 13 (Session 1) 1835 This act contines an 1828 act regulating fire fighting in Newcastle and Chatham until 1840. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.