Displaying 1741 - 1760 of 3407 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to establish the road leading from Connick’s, at Waweig in the County of Charlotte, to the lower bridge over the river Saint Croix, as one of the great roads of communication. Passed 16th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 42 1836 This act establishes a Charlotte County road as one of the province's great roads of communication. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.
An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money for the construction of a Bridge over the River Sainte Anne, in the County of Champlain. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 41 1836 This Act provides for the appointment of commissioners to oversee the construction of a bridge over the Sainte Anne River from Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade, across an island belonging to Louis Baribeau, and then over the south-western channel. Standards for the construction and maintenance are outlined, and the Act sets rates for pontage. Early Canadiana Online
An Act granting a sum of Money, for improving the Hill at the River Rouge, and other purposes therein mentioned. Royal Assent given by Message to the Legislature, 28th November, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 40 (Session 2) 1836 This act grants a sum of money and appoints commissioners for the improvement of a road in River Rouge. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for opening and repairing road and erecting bridges throughout this Province. Passed 16th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 40 1836 This act awards monies for the construction and maintainence of highways and bridges across the province. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.
An Act to cause a Census to be taken of the Counties of Montmorenci and Drummond. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 40 1836 This Act makes provision for a census to be taken in the counties of Montmorency and Drummond, with the provision that only the number of inhabitants are enumerated, no other distinctions are to be recorded. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to improve the Navigation of the Inland Waters of the District of Newcastle. The Royal Assent given by Message to the Legislature, 28th November, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 39 (Session 2) 1836 This act appoints commissioners and an engineer to improve navigation upon the inland waters of the Newcastle district in order to better extract the natural resources available in that area. It specifies the authorities and responsibilities of the commissioners, authorising them to survey the land to best determine where to build dams, locks, or any other construction to improve navigation, and enabling them to use trees, rocks, and other materials from the area in their construction. Procedures surrounding private lands are also specified. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a part of the public Revenue for the services therein mentioned. Passed 16th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 39 1836 This act awards sums of money to various persons for their services to the government and for local infrastructure projects. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.
An Act to establish Depots of Provisions for the relief of Shipwrecked Seamen. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 39 1836 This Act reestablishes several depots of provisions for shipwrecked sailors previously established and makes provisions for several new depots, as outlined. The Act describes how these depots should be maintained and paid for. The processes by which these funds are to be accounted for are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate apart of the public revenue to the payment of the ordinary service of the Province. Posted 16th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 38 1836 This act awards sums of money to various persons for their services to the government and for local infrastructure projects. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.
An Act to appoint a Commissioner on the part of this Province to arbitrate with Commissioners on the part of the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edwards Island, respecting the maintenance of Light Houses on the Islands of Scatterie and Saint Paul. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 38 1836 Under this Act, the 1830 Act, "An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money towards the erection of a Light House on the Island of Saint Paul, and to provide for the maintenance thereof," is repealed. The Act outlines how sites on the Island of Saint Paul are to be proposed as possible sites for the construction of a lighthouse sand how they should be surveyed, and how expenses will be paid. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend to certain persons the Civil and Political Rights of Natural-born Subjects. (The Royal Assent to this Bill promulgated by Proclamation, bearing date the Twenty-seventh day of October, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-five.) 6 William IV - Chapter 36 (Session 2) 1836 This act extends the rights of natural-born citizens to the named immigrants and their heirs. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relief of the Heirs of the late Peter Desjardins. The Royal Assent to this Bill promulgated by Proclamation, bearing date the Twenty-eighth day of November, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-five. 6 William IV – Chapter 35 (Session 1) 1836 This act allows the heirs of Peter (Pierre) Desjardins, being his two brothers and sister, to inherit his property, even though they are not natural born citizens of the empire. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to regulate Pawn Brokers within this Province. Passed 8th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 35 1836 This act creates regulations on pawn shops and allows for local officials to enforce them in their districts. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.
An Act to provide for the Medical Treatment of Sick Mariners. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 35 1836 This Act makes provision for the treatment of sick mariners arriving at the ports of Montreal or Quebec, including outlining how hospitals should be paid for treating them. This Act is to remain in force until 1840. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to regulate the next Election in the County of Leeds. Passed 7th March, 1836. 6 William IV – Chapter 32 (Session 1) 1836 This act sets out specific regulations for the county of Leeds, such as location for polling stations, the manner in which the returning officer shall be appointed, who is eligible for the post of returning officer. The duties of the returning officer are very specifically laid out, as well as the manner in which the vote will be held, including various regulations regarding eligibility to vote and run for office. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate sundry persons by the name of The President, Directors and Company of the Saint Stephens Bank, in the County of Charlotte. Passed 8th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 32 1836 This act allows for the incorporation of the Saint Stephens Bank and stipulates how it will be administered and financed. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.
An Act to continue for a limited time certain Acts therein mentioned. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 32 1836 This Act continues several previously passed Acts, as listed, for an extended time. These Acts are all to remain in force until 1840. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to incorporate The Saint Andrews and Quebec Rail Road Company. Passed 8th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 31 1836 This act allows for the incoporation of the Saint Andrews and Quebec Rail Road Company and stipulates how it will be administered and financed. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.
An Act to provide for the reimbursement of certain sums of money expended for Sanitary and Charitable purposes, and to make provision for similar purposes for the future. (21st March, 1836.) 6 William IV Chapter 31 1836 This Act provides several sums, as listed, towards providing for the several charitable and health institutions described. The processes by which these sums are to be accounted for are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise certain persons to build a bridge across the Kennebeccasis river in the parishes of Hampton and Kingston, in King’s County. Passed 8th March 1836. 6 William IV Chapter 30 1836 This act allows for the erection of a bridge across the Kennebeccasis River in the Parishes of Hampton and Kingston, King's County. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick Passed in the year 1836. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1836.