Displaying 961 - 980 of 1454 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to authorize the Justices of the Peace in the County of Sunbury, to assess the Inhabitants of the said County, for erecting and building a Gaol in the said County. Passed the 21st March, 1812. 3 George IV Chapter 21 1822 This act authorizes justices of the peace in Sudbury county to assess the county's inhabitants for the building of a gaol. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1822. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1822.
An Act in amendment of the Laws now in force for the support and relief of Confined Debtors, and for the further relief of Debtors with respect to the imprisonment of their persons. Passed the 21st March 1822. 3 George IV Chapter 15 1822 This act amends prior legislation providing relief for confined debtors. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1822. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1822.
An Act to continue an Act for establishing a Bridewell, or House of Correction, for the County of Halifax, and for providing a Police Office in said Town, with proper Officers to attend the same. 3 George IV – Chapter 14 1822 A continuation of an act first passed in 1815, which established a bridewell in Halifax, a type of jail for offenders who commit petty crimes. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act for altering the time of holding the Courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace in the County of Cumberland. 3 George IV – Chapter 13 1822 This act changes the time at which the courts of Cumberland county are held, to the last Tuesday of April. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act for altering the Term of holding the Court of General Sessions of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas in the County of King’s. Passed the 21st March, 1822. 3 George IV Chapter 12 1822 This act alters the terms for courts of general sessions of the peace and inferior courts of common pleas. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1822. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1822.
An Act to alter the Times of Sitting of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace, for the County of Sydney. 3 George IV – Chapter 11 1822 This act changes the days on which the courts for the county of Sydney are held, to the second Tuesday of November. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act further to assess the County of Westmorland, for the completing and finishing the Court House and Gaol in said County. Passed the 21st March, 1822. 3 George IV Chapter 11 1822 This act assesses inhabitants of Westmorland County in order to complete the construction of a courthouse and gaol. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1822. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1822.
An Act to alter the time of holding one of the additional Terms of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, in the County of Westmorland. Passed the 21st March, 1822. 3 George IV Chapter 6 1822 This act alters the times for holding a term of inferior courts of common pleas. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1822. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1822.
An Act to authorise His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the Midland District to obtain by Lots a Sum of Money for the purpose of erecting a Gaol and Court House in the Town of Kingston. Passed 17th January 1822. 2 George IV – Chapter 21 1822 This Act allows the Justices of the Peace in the Midland District to borrow the necessary funds to build a new courthouse and gaol in Kingston, and provides guidelines for the repayment of the loan. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to grant to His Majesty a certain Sum of Money for the purposes therein mentioned. Passed 17th January, 1822. 2 George IV – Chapter 18 1822 This Act stipulates that the Receiver General of Upper Canada issue the sum of 3,390 pounds toward "the Administration of Justice and support of the Civil Government." Early Canadiana Online
An Act to establish a Market in the Town of Perth in the County of Carleton. Passed 17th January 1822. 2 George IV – Chapter 15 1822 This Act allows for the establishment of a market in Perth, and places its administration in the hands of local Commissioners of the Peace. Early Canadiana Online
An Act requiring the publication of the expenditure of monies raised under any Law, establishing a Police in any Town or Towns in this Province. Passed 17 January, 1822. 2 George IV – Chapter 13 1822 This Act stipulates that annual accounts of monies raised and spent to establish police forces in Upper Canada be made public, and that the annual accounts of existing police forces also be kept and made public. Early Canadiana Online
An act to continue an Act passed in the forty-sixth year of His late Majesty’s reign, entitled “An act tomakeprovision for certain Sheriffs in this Province, andcertain other Act of the Parliament of this Province” passed in the fifty seventh yearof His late Majesty’s Reign, entitled ‘An Act further to continue an Act passed in the forty-sixth year of His Majesty’s Reign, entitled, ‘An Act to makeprovision for certain Sheriffs in this Province’ andalso to extend theprovisions of the said Act” and to protect the interest of Suitors in certain cases. Passed 17th January 1822. 2 George IV – Chapter 9 1822 This Act allows for the continuation of an earlier Act regarding Sheriffs in Upper Canada, and adds to it two clauses pertaining to the consequences to be faced by Sheriffs not fulfilling the financial obligations of their office. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for assigning Limits to the respective Gaols within this Province. Passed 17th January, 1822. 2 George IV – Chapter 6 1822 This Act allows for up to six acres of land to be made available to each jail in the province for the purpose of providing fresh air and exercise for confined debtors. It also specifies the security measures to be taken when permitting the debtors outside in the manner described above. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend the provisions of a certain Act therein-mentioned, as far as the same relates to the Judicature in the Inferior District of Gaspé, and more effectually to provide for the due Administration of Justice in the said District. (18th February, 1822.) 2 George IV Chapter 5 1822 An Act to extend the 1773 Act "An Act for the division of the Province of Lower-Canada, for amending the Judicature thereof, and for repealing certain Laws therein-mentioned," as it relates to the Inferior District of Gaspé. The 1773 Act established a court of King's Bench in each of the districts of Montreal, Trois-Rivières, and Quebec. This Act establishes that the Provincial Judge of the said Inferior District of Gaspé shall have Jurisdiction and outlines what cases the Provincial Judge can preside over and the processes they must abide by. Additionally, the Act applies the 1785 “An Ordinance to regulate she proceedings in the Courts of Civil Judicature and to establish Trials by Juries in Actions of a Commercial nature and personal wrongs to be compensated in damages,” to the Inferior District of Gaspé.

Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal part of and amend an Act passed in the thirty-seventh year of His late Majesty’s Reign, entitled “An Act for the better regulating the practice of the Laws,” and to extend the provisions of the same. Passed 17th January, 1822. 2 George IV – Chapter 5 1822 This Act allows for the creation of the Law Society of Upper Canada and specifies certain details regarding this Society. It also repeals and amends two clauses relating to admission to the Bar in Upper Canada, from an earlier law. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend an Act passed in the first year of His present Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for the summary Trial of certain Small Causes, in the Country Parishes in this Province.” (18th February, 1822.) 2 George IV Chapter 3 1822 An Act to amend and continue an Act passed in 1821, “An Act for the summary Trial of certain Small Causes, in the Country Parishes in this Province.” The original Act outlined how trials concerning the recovery of certain debts are to run in the province's counties and parishes, (excepting the Counties of Quebec and Montreal, and the Town and Parish of Trois-Rivières). This Act amends stipulations pertaining to summonses, Clerk's duties, and declares that no more than one Court shall be held in any Parish, Township, or Seigneurie. This Act is to expire in 1823. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to reduce into one Act the several Laws now in force establishing District Courts, and regulating the Practice thereof, and also to extend the powers of the said District Courts. Passed 17th January, 1822. 2 George IV – Chapter 2 1822 This Act repeals a number of existing laws, or parts thereof, relating to District Courts in Upper Canada. It allows for the establishment of a "Court of Record" in each district, and lays out detailed regulations for the operation of these courts. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to repeal part of and amend the Laws now in force respecting the practice of Majesty’s Court of King’s Bench in this Province. Passed 17th January, 1822. 2 George IV – Chapter 1 1822 This Act repeals clauses from a number of previous Acts relating to the justice system, and introduces a large number of new clauses related to the practice of justice in Upper Canada. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for altering the time of holding the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in the Home District. Passed 14th April, 1821. 2 George IV – Chapter 16 1821 This Act stipulates that going forward, "the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the Home District" will convene "on the third Tuesdays in January, April, and July, and on the second Tuesday in October." Early Canadiana Online