Displaying 661 - 680 of 1454 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to define the crime of Forgery. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 35 (session 1) 1835 This act provides a legal definition of forgery and makes it liable to the terms of 1831 act "An Act for improving the administration of Justice in Criminal Cases." Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to facilitate the examination of Witnesses before trial in the Supreme Court. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 34 (session 1) 1835 This act establishes rules by witnesses can be brought before and questioned by the Supreme Court. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to regulate the Fees in Actions not summary in the Inferior Courts of Common Pleas, and to restrain the removal of such Actions to the Supreme Court. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 29 (session 1) 1835 This act changes the fees for the services of the various members of the inferior courts of common pleas. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to authorise the Grand Jurors of the several Counties within this Province to inspect the Public Accounts. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 28 (session 1) 1835 This act stipulates that county courts make annual accounts of their receipts and expenditures of public money. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to continue “An Act to regulate the Law with regard to the course of proceeding on Indictments and Informations in the Supreme Court." Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 27 (session 1) 1835 This act continues an 1829-30 act relating to the proceedings of the Supreme Court until 1845. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to make perpetual the Acts of the General Assembly relating to the surrender of the Principal in Discharge of Bail. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 26 (session 1) 1835 This act makes three pieces of legislation pertaining to bail charges permanent. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to alter the times of holding the Court of Quarter Sessions in the District of Niagara. Passed 16th April, 1835. 5 William IV – Chapter 22 1835 This act repeals a prior act specifying the time and place of the court of general quarter sessions of the peace of the Niagara district. From the passing of this new act, the sessions of the said court will be held on the second tuesdays of January, April, July, and October of every year in the town of Niagara. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the Justices of the Peace for the County of Charlotte to assess the Inhabitants of the Parish of Grand Manan for the erection of a Lock-up House in the said Parish. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 20 (session 1) 1835 This act allows for Grand Manan officials to raise 100 pounds to build a gaol to house those arrested until they can be transfered to the mainland. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to combine the Office of Clerk of the Central Circuit Court with the Office of Clerk of the Supreme Court, and to make provision for the Officer discharging the Duties of the said Offices. (8th May, 1835.) 5 William IV Chapter 11 1835 This act combines two court offices into one role, specifying the duties of the new court officer. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the punishment of Persons who shall be guilty of the Trespasses therein mentioned in the City, of Saint John. Passed 24th June 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 9 (session 2) 1835 This act makes prohibitions against damaging Saint John City lamps. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 2). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act further to continue An Act for the more effectual punishment of persons who shall be guilty of the trespasses therein mentioned in the City of Saint John. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 9 (session 1) 1835 This act continues an 1819 act governing the punishment of trespass in the City of Saint John until 1840. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to alter the time of holding the November Term of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas of the County of Gloucester. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 7 (session 1) 1835 This act allows for the Gloucester Inferior Court of Common Pleas to change the times of its sitting. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to revive an Act, intituled An Act for the more speedy and effectual punishment of Permits keeping Disorderly Houses. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 6 (session 1) 1835 This act continues an 1829 governing the penalties for establishing bawdy, gaming, or disorderly houses until 1840. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act for altering the times of holding the Terms of the General Sessions of the Pease and Inferior Courts of Common Pleas of the Count of Carleton. Passed 24th June 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 5 (session 2) 1835 This act allows for several courts to change the times of their sitting to ones more convinient. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 2). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to authorize the enlargement of the Sittings of the Courts of General Sessions of the Peace and Inferior Courts of Common-Pleas in this Province. Passed 17th March 1835. 5 William IV Chapter 4 (session 1) 1835 This act allows for several courts to change the times of their sitting to ones more convinient. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1835 (session 1). Fredericton: John Simpson, 1835.
An Act to enable Suitors in the District Courts to procure the attendance of Witnesses from any District in this Province, and to authorize certain persons therein named to take affidavits in the said District Courts. Passed 16th April, 1835. 5 William IV – Chapter 4 1835 This act compels the attendance of witnesses at trial when subpoenaed, under threat of being charged with contempt of court. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to allow the issuing of Writs of Error from the Court of King’s Bench. Passed 24th February, 1835. 5 William IV – Chapter 2 1835 This act allows the court of the king's bench to correct errors in the Writ of Error of the inferior court rather than requiring the chancery do it under the great seal, as is required under the law of England. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise Counsel to address Jurors in behalf of Prisoners in Capital Cases. 5 William IV Chapter 1 1835 An act allowing individuals accused of capital crimes to employ the services a lawyer for their defence at trial. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Regulate Proceedings before Justices of the Peace in Civil Suits. Passed 22d March 1834. 4 William IV Chapter 45 1834 This act creates new rules governing the jurisdiction and regulations governing Justices of the Peace in civil suits, as well as those for the defendents and officers involved in such cases. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1834. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1834.
An Act to incorporate sundry Persons by the Name of The President, Directors and Company of the Central Bank of New Brunswick. Passed 22d March 1834. 4 William IV Chapter 44 1834 This act allows for the incorporation of the Bank of New Brunswick, lays out its powers, how it will be governed, and the duties of its officers. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1834. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1834.