Displaying 1761 - 1780 of 2243 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to continue an Act, intituled “An Act to authorize the Justices of the Peace, in their General Sessions, to establish Ferries in their respective Counties.” Passed the 27th of March, 1823. 4 George IV Chapter 5 1823 This act continues an 1818 act allowing local justices to regulate ferries in their counties for an additional five years. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1823. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1823.
An Act to provide for the Establishment of Courts in the District of Bathurst, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed 29th January, 1823. 4 George IV – Chapter 2 1823 This Act provides funds, management, and conduct for the establishment of a court system in Bathurst. Laws of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada in North America, passed in the year 1823. York: Charles Fothergill, 1823.
An Act for applying certain Monies therein mentioned, for the service of the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-three; and for appropriating such part of the Supplies granted in this Session of the General Assembly, as are not already appropriated by the Laws or Acts of the Province. 4 George IV – Chapter 1 1823 This act allots various parcels of money for a number of purposes and to various individuals throughout the province, for infrastructure projects and in reimbursement for services rendered to the government. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to grant an Aid to His Majesty, for the purpose of making a Navigable Canal, from or near the Town of Saint John to the Basin of Chambly, upon the River Sorel or Richelieu. (22d. March, 1823.) 3 George IV Chapter 41 1823 An Act to allow for the construction and to outline the maintenance of a Canal from Town of Saint John [Saint-Jean] on the River Sorel or Richelieu to the Basin at Chambly in the event that the Company of Proprietors authorised to do so under a 1818 Act, "An Act for making and maintaining a Navigable Canal from, at or near the Town of Saint John, from the River Sorel, or Richelieu, through the Barony of Longueil and the Seigneurie of Chambly, to terminate at the Basin of Chambly" fail to fulfill the terms of that Act. The terms by which the Canal's construction is to be completed, and the funds to be appropriated for that cause are described, as well as how the "Commisions of the Chambly Canal" are to form and their duties. Penalties for those who offend against this Act are described. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the relief of George Waters Allsopp, and others therein mentioned, with respect to the erection of a Bridge over the River Jacques Cartier, pursuant to a certain Act of the Legislature of this Province, therein mentioned. (22d. March, 1823.) 3 George IV Chapter 34 1823 An Act to extend the period of time allowed under an Act from 1819, "An Act to authorise George Waters Allsopp, Esquire, and others therein-mentioned, to build a Toll Bridge over the River Jacques Cartier, in the County of Hampshire" for the proprietors of the bridge to make repairs, the time allowance originally set out being found insufficient. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to extend the dispositions of an Act passed in the fifty-second year of the Reign of His late Majesty, George the Third, Chapter Twenty-second, in favour of Jacques Morin, Junior. (22d. March, 1823.) 3 George IV Chapter 33 1823 An Act to extend the dispositions granted to Jacques Morin, Junior, by an Act passed in 1812, "An Act to authorise Jacques Morin, Junior, to build a Bridge over the arm of Saint Nicolas, in the County of Devon, to fix the rates of Toll for passing thereon and to provide regulations for the said Bridge." Under this Act, no person or persons may erect any Bridge or Bridges, or use any Ferry for hire across the arm of the Rivière Saint-Nicolas, below and between the Bridge and the confluence of the arm Saint-Nicolas with the Rivière-du-Sud. The Act stipulates that the Inhabitants of the Parish of Saint Thomas shall be entitled to purchase the bridge from Jacques Morin, Jr., and details how this sale may take place. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate certain Sums of Money towards the aid of the Montreal General Hospital, and for the Hotel Dieu of Quebec. (22d. March, 1823.) 3 George IV Chapter 26 1823 An Act to grant a sum not exceeding eight hundred and fifty pounds to to the President or Treasurer, or other proper Officer of the Society of Montreal General Hospital and a sum not exceeding two thousand one hundred and thirty-nine pounds, six shillings and nine pence to the Religious Ladies Hospitalières of the Hotel Dieu of Quebec to complete construction. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money therein-mentioned, towards continuing and completing the Lachine Canal. (22d. March, 1823.) 3 George IV Chapter 23 1823 This act allocates funds towards those in charge of building the Lachine canal in order to better expedite its completion. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money therein-mentioned, towards continuing and completing the Lachine Canal. (22d. March, 1823.) 3 George IV Chapter 23 1823 An Act to apply a sum not exceeding twelve thousand pounds towards the completion of the Lachine canal, as outlined in an Act passed in 1821, "An Act for making a Navigable Canal, from the neighbourhood of Montreal to the Parish of Lachine, and to appropriate a certain sum of money for that purpose, and to repeal a certain Act therein-mentioned." Early Canadiana Online
An Act to explain and extend the provisions of an Act, passed in the thirty-sixth year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled, “An Act for making, repairing and altering the Highways and Bridges within this Province, and for other purposes,” in so far as respects the Townships. (22d. March, 1823.) 3 George IV Chapter 19 1823 An Act to clarify and extend the provisions of an Act passed in 1796, "An Act for making, repairing and altering the Highways and Bridges within this Province, and for other purposes." The Act clarifies that the King's Highways are to be opened, made, repaired and kept up, according to law, by the original grantees of the Crown, or by the person or persons owning the lands they run through. This Act repeals the seventh clause of the original Act, and is to expire in 1828. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate a Sum of Money therein-mentioned for the Erection of Stepping Mills in the Houses of Correction for the Districts of Quebec and Montreal. (22d March, 1823.) 3 George IV Chapter 10 1823 An Act to provide a sum not exceeding six hundred pounds to each of the Houses of Correction in the districts of Quebec and Montreal for the erection of stepping mills. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate certain sums of Money therein mentioned towards opening and repairing a Road from Drummondville to Sorel and the Timiscouata Road, and for other purposes. (22d March, 1823.) 3 George IV Chapter 4 1823 An Act to provide a sum not exceeding five hundred pounds to open a road from the Seigneurie of Sorel to Drummondville, and a further not exceeding two hundred pounds for repairs Temiscouata or Portage Road towards New Brunswick, in addition to sixty-one pounds, thirteen shillings to be paid to Charles Taché Esquire to reimburse him for repairs already performed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for applying certain Monies therein mentioned, for the service of the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-two; and for appropriating such part of the Supplies granted in this Session of the General Assembly, as are not already appropriated by the Laws or Acts of the Province. 3 George IV – Chapter 36 1822 This act allots various parcels of money for a number of purposes and to various individuals throughout the province, for infrastructure projects and in reimbursement for services rendered to the government. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for opening and repairing Roads and erecting Bridges throughout the Province. Passed the 23rd March, 1822. 3 George IV Chapter 34 1822 This act provides for the opening and repairing of roads and erection of bridges throughout the province. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1822. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1822.
An Act to extend an Act, passed in the forty-first year of His late Majesty’s Reign, entitled, “An Act for the repairing, keeping in repair, cleaning and paving, the Streets in the Town and Peninsula of Halifax," to the Towns of Liverpool and Lunenburg. 3 George IV – Chapter 34 1822 This act amends an 1801 act which originally only applied to Halifax, extending the reach of the original act to also apply to the towns of Liverpool and Lunenburg (excepting the first and tenth clause. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to provide for and maintain an armed Cutter, for the protection of the Revenue of the Province. Passed the 23d March, 1822. 3 George IV Chapter 32 1822 This act provides for the maintenance of an armed cutter for the enforcement of trade regulations. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1822. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1822.
An Act to authorise the Sale of the Old Court-House and Jail, and the Lot of Land on which the same stand, at Guysborough, in the County of Sydney. 3 George IV – Chapter 31 1822 This act authorizes the named individuals to undertake the sale of the courthouse and jail of Guysborough county, which have been replaced by new buildings. LLMC Digital Law Library
An Act to repeat all the Laws now in force relating to the establishment, regulation, and improvement, of the Great Roads of Communication through the Province, and to make more effectual provision for the same. Passed the 21st March, 1822. 3 George IV Chapter 31 1822 This act repeals all previous legislation concerning the establishment, regulation, and improvement of provincial roads and makes more effectual provisions for the same. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1822. Fredericton: George K. Lugrin, 1822.
An Act for the greater security of the Town of Halifax against Fire, and the preventing the Erection of Wooden Buildings, beyond a certain height, within the same. 3 George IV – Chapter 29 1822 This act limits the building of new construction for housing, storehouses, stables, or any other type of building, within certain districts of Halifax, to prevent fire, unless the buildings being built meet certain requirements specified by the act. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue the several Acts respecting the Liverpool Light-House. 3 George IV – Chapter 26 1822 This is a continuation of an act first passed in 1812 which imposes a duty on ships entering Liverpool Harbour in order to support a lighthouse on Coffin's Island. LLMC Digital Law Library