Displaying 1501 - 1520 of 2243 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act to remunerate James Gordon Strobridge for labour and materials provided and applied by him in constructing the Burlington Bay Canal. Passed 16th March, 1831. 1 William IV – Chapter 21 1831 This Act allows for the payment of a balance due one James Gordon Strobridge for "labour and materials" he supplied toward the building of infrastructure at Burlington Bay. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the laying out several sums of Money granted by an Act of the last Session of the Legislature, entitled “An Act granting to His Majesty a sum of Money for the improvement of the Roads and Bridges in this Province,” and which sums remain unexpended. Passed 16th March, 1831. 1 William IV – Chapter 20 1831 This Act specifies how certain funds still available for work on roads and bridges are to be used in various specific locations throughout the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to erect Two new Parishes in the County of Gloucester. Passed 25th March 1831. 1 William IV Chapter 19 1831 This act creates two new parishes (Caraquet and New Bandon), out of the existing parish of Saumarez, and accords them the power and authority of other parishes. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick passed in the year 1831. Fredericton: John Simpson, 1831.
An Act to establish a Public Market in the Saint Roch Suburb of the City of Quebec. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 19 1831 This Act outlines how Commissioners are to be appointed to oversee the construction of a Public Market in the Saint-Roch suburb of Quebec, and the processes by which the construction can be undertaken. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to afford further aid to the Welland Canal Company, and to repeal part of and amend the Laws now in force relating to the said Company. Passed 16th March, 1831. 1 William IV – Chapter 18 1831 This Act allows for a government loan of up to 50,000 pounds to the Welland Canal Company, to be put toward the Welland Canal's completion. The Act also describes some of the particulars of the loan, repeals certain previous legislation concerning such a loan, and outlines some of the details relating to the continued construction of the Canal. Early Canadiana Online
An Act Granting to His Majesty a sum of money, to be raised by Debenture, for the Improvement of Roads and Bridges in the several Districts of this Province. Passed 16th March, 1831. 1 William IV – Chapter 17 1831 This Act allows the government to borrow up to 20,000 pounds from creditors for road and bridge construction and repair throughout the various districts of the province. The Act names the Commissioners to apply the allotted funds in each district, and specifies on which projects each district's funds are to be spent. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the Erection of a Wing on the North-Western side of the Building in which the Sittings of the Legislature are now held. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 17 1831 Under this Act, three Commissioners are to be appointed to erect a new Wing on the North-Western fide of the building where Legislature is held in order to provide sufficient apartments for sittings to be held. A sum not exceeding in the whole the sum of nine thousand pounds is to be provided for this purpose. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the payment of certain monies due by the Commissioners for the erection of the Gaol at Sherbrooke. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 14 1831 This Act authorizes certain sums to be paid to cover expenses incurred for the construction of a gaol in Sherbrooke, including sums borrowed from a Mistress Painter and the Montreal Bank. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate the Niagara Harbour and Dock Company. Passed 16th March, 1831. 1 William IV – Chapter 13 1831 This Act allows for the establishment of the Niagara Harbour and Dock Company, and specifies the details for the operation and management of the same. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to Incorporate certain Persons under the Style and Title of the Marmora Foundery Company. Passed 16th March, 1831. 1 William IV – Chapter 12 1831 This Act provides for the establishment of the Marmora Foundery Company out of the previously existing Marmora Iron Works, and specifies the details for the operation and administration of the same. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to make further provision for establishing Light Houses on the Island of Anticosti. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 12 1831 This Act advances a sum not exceeding four thousand eight hundred pounds for the purpose of completing a Lighthouse on the Island of Anticosti, in accordance with the 1829 Act, “An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money towards erecting Light Houses on the shores of the River Saint Lawrence, and for other purposes therein mentioned,” as amended by another Act. A further a sum not exceeding six thousand four hundred and twelve pounds ten shillings is to be applied towards building a second lighthouse on the island. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorize the Commissioners appointed under a certain Act passed in the eleventh year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled, “An Act to provide for the improvement and enlargement of the Harbour of Montreal,” to borrow an additional sum of money, and for other purposes therein mentioned. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 11 1831 This Act grants the Commissioners appointed under a former Act for the purpose of improving the Harbour of Montreal a further sum of sum not exceeding ten thousand pounds currency for the purposes outlined. The rates of wharfage that are to refund the amounts advanced for this project are listed. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to appropriate certain sums of Money therein mentioned, for the Improvement of the Internal Communications of the Province. (31st March, 1831.) 1 William IV Chapter 8 1831 This Act authorizes a sum not exceeding forty-seven thousand eight hundred and eighty-three pounds and sixpence, one farthing to be used to improve internal communications in the province as outlined. The Act also repeals a part of the 1829 Act, “An Act to appropriate certain sums of money stewards Macadamizing and improving certain roads near Quebec, and lay out certain new roads.” Further regulations for the commissioners who are to oversee these improvements are outlined. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to indemnify the Magistrates of the Newcastle District, and to authorise them to raise a Loan, on the Credit of the Funds of the said District, to complete a Building Erected at the Village of Amherst as the Gaol and Court House of the said District. Passed 16th March, 1831. 1 William IV – Chapter 6 1831 This Act recognizes the legal validity of the funds thus far put toward the construction of a "Gaol and Court House" in Amherst, and authorizes the local Justices of the Peace to raise and apply the funds necessary to complete construction of the building. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to amend and extend the provisions of an Act passed in the eighth year of His late Majesty's Reign, entitled “An Act to provide for the Erection of a Gaol and Court House in the Eastern District.” Passed 16th March, 1831. 1 William IV – Chapter 5 1831 This Act appoints two additional Commissioners to oversee the construction of a "Gaol and Court House" in eastern Upper Canada, and stipulates that at least three of the now five Commissioners must agree on all decisions pertaining thereto. The Act also provides for the appointment of replacement Commissioners in the event of vacancies. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to establish a Market, and to establish Wharfage Fees, in the Town of Amherstburgh, in the Western District. Passed 16th March, 1831. 1 William IV – Chapter 4 1831 This Act allows for the establishment of a public market and the construction of a wharf in the town of Amherstburgh, in the western part of the province. Early Canadiana Online
An Act for the Relief of John Eastwood and Colin Skinner. Passed 6th March, 1830. 11 George IV – Chapter 35 1830 This Act provides for 125 pounds to reimburse John Eastwood and Colin Skinner, who make paper, for the duties they have paid on machinery related to their trade which they have "imported . . . from the United States." The Act also promises to cover such duties for another four years to come. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to secure to Thomas Hornor, a Patent right in a new invented Threshing Machine. Passed 6th March, 1830. 11 George IV – Chapter 34 1830 This Act states that so long as Thomas Hornor supplies proof of his contribution, he be granted a patent for the new type of threshing machine of which he claims to be a co-inventor. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to grant a sum of Money to His Majesty in aid of the York Hospital. Passed 6th March, 1830. 11 George IV – Chapter 31 1830 This Act provides 100 pounds of government aid in support of the public hospital in York. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to grant a sum of Money towards Opening a Road from the River Aux Perches, on Lake Huron, in the Western District, to Townsend, in the London District. Passed 6th March, 1830. 11 George IV – Chapter 30 1830 This Act allows for 25 pounds toward the construction of a "road from the River aux Perches" to the home of a Mr. Townsend "in the London District." Early Canadiana Online