Displaying 4991 - 5000 of 6042 entries
Title Chapter Date Passed Legislative Summary Source Document
An Act further to continue, for a limited time, an Act passed in the forty third year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “An Act for the better preservation of His Majesty’s Government as by Law happily established in this Province.” (26th February, 1810.) 50 George III Chapter 2 1810 An Act to continue the act passed in 1803 for a limited time. The Act allows individuals suspected of treason or treasonable activities to be detained without bail or a trial while this Act is in effect. This Act and the Act it extends may be altered, amended or repealed at any time during the present Session of the Provincial Parliament, and is set to expire in 1811. Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to continue the Acts therein mentioned for making a temporary provision for the Regulation of Trade between this Province and the United States of America, by land, or inland navigation. (26th February, 1810.) 50 George III Chapter 1 1810 An Act to continue an Act originally passed in 1796 "An Act for making a temporary provision for the Regulation of Trade between this Province and the United States of America, by land or inland navigation,” and an Act from 1808 that continued and amended the former. The Act grants the Governor or Lieutenant Governor the authority to suspend, revive, annul, or make void the Act, or every and any of its clauses by Proclamation. It allows the suspension of any act or ordinance relating to trade, in whole or in part, by the Governor or Lieutenant Governor. It further allows the Governor or Lieutenant Governor to make regulations with respect to imports, exports, duties, or anything else between Lower Canada and the United States. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to provide for the laying out, amending, and keeping in repair the Public Highways and Roads in this Province, and to repeal the Laws now in force for that purpose. (Passed 12th March, 1810.) 50 George III – Chapter 1 1810 This act legislates the responsibilities of property owners and local residents concerning the maintenance of roads and highways, from assuring that trees that fall on roadways are removed in a timely manner, to governing the hours of labour each resident is required to work per year on the maintenance of their local roads. Penalties for failing to meet these requirements are also specified. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to reduce the Salaries attached to certain Judicial Offices, in the cases therein mentioned, and to fix the Salaries of the Speakers of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly. 14 Victoria – Chapter 174 1810 Early Canadiana Online
An Act further to amend the Acts for supplying the City of Quebec and parts adjacent thereto with Water. 30th August, 1851. 14 Victoria – Chapter 131 1810 Early Canadiana Online
An Act in addition to, and amendment of, the Acts for the choice of Town Officers, and regulating of Townships. 50 George III – Chapter 17 (Session 2) 1809 This act enables local grand juries to appoint a larger number of highway surveyors. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to authorise the sale of part of the Lands and Tenements of Samuel Hart, of Halifax, merchant, a lunatick, or insane person, for payment of his Debts, and for his maintenance and support. 50 George III – Chapter 16 (Session 2) 1809 This act places the goods and finances of Samuel Hart under the care of three guardians. Hart, a Halifax merchant, has been declared a lunatic, and his estate is protected from being completely liquidated by creditors in order to leave him enough to support him for his lifetime. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to alter and extend the times of holding the Supreme Court in several of the Counties and Districts in this Province; and for declaring the qualifications of persons hereafter to be appointed Justices of the said Court, their number, and salaries. 50 George III – Chapter 15 (Session 2) 1809 This act extends the court sessions held in Annapolis, King's, and Cumberland counties, and raises the salaries of the court officials of the same counties in order to compensate them for the extra time spent dealing with court business. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue in force the several Acts therein mentioned. 50 George III – Chapter 14 (Session 2) 1809 This act was not published. Early Canadiana Online
An Act to continue, and in addition to, and amendment of, an Act to regulate the expenditure of Monies hereafter to be appropriated for the service of Roads and Bridges. 50 George III – Chapter 13 (Session 2) 1809 This act was not published. Early Canadiana Online